The Charlotte News

Saturday, October 9, 1937


Site Ed. Note: Well, the music goes round and round, press that middle valve down, and it comes out here

Dance the Apple in unison, strut the gavotte, and cadence to the quadrille—and thereby keep the b’ars away.

As we informed you once before, we bought it in Charleston, from the Fox House (not that of Reynard, we fathom) on King Street, August, 1966.

…As we have suggested a couple of times, make of it what thou will.

Meanwhile, we shall just keep on listening to the rounds, remarkably unencumbered by seafoam and coral down in those old grooves; you have to maintain them in the hermetically sealed dust deterrent while at sea, then, when in port, place them, for the remainder of the day, immediately by the platinum air conditioner, such as the one we have here in the Tower, always whirring away. That way, they are always as fresh as the day you bought them there, in your magical youth, right there on King Street in Charleston, at the Fox House.

You might say that, sometimes, it seems, we're just captives on a turntable--one with the decagonal mirror-stand whirling round in the middle--of time.

Hit it, maestro...

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