The Charlotte News

Sunday, March 13, 1938



Site Ed. Note: Try as we may--honest we try--reading that below, we cannot help but think of the events of the 2000 election in the very patriotic and now very nationalistic United States of America… Just a warning of something not yet realized. A nightmare.

And we think it wise here to note that the single most patriotic thing a person can do in any land, the thing our forefathers did, is to protest abuses of his or her rights. It prevents the Old Guard from becoming too Old and too Guarded.

But where are they today? It seems that they are either counting their stock options, cooking their books to make those stock prices rise and rise, or trying to earn enough to buy some. Or driving their SUV's to oblivion--damn the gas pump torpedoes. Ah well…

But remember, they had a flag to wave, too, and lots of corporations and money. But that was all.

Words and the Nazis

Austria, Adolf Hitler informs a waiting world, is at length "liberated," and the people of Austria shall now have a "true plebiscite," wherein they can make their authentic national will perfectly evident to everybody.

Here is how Austria has been "liberated."

1. German artillery, tanks, and infantry yesterday held restless Salzburg by the throat.

2. Twenty-eight huge German bombers hung all day over Vienna.

3. A number of prominent citizens of Salzburg, including two Jewish merchants, the editor of the leading newspaper, the editor of a Catholic paper, the president of the Salzburg Labor Bureau, and a number of police officers were placed in "protective custody"--the same kind of custody the Pastor Niemoeller now enjoys in Germany.

4. Two Jewish newspapers at Vienna were scheduled for suppression.

5. Two former cabinet members fled to Czechoslovakia.

6. All the Jews who were able were in flight toward the borders of Switzerland or Czechoslovakia, but those borders were closed against them.

7. A total of 1,100 members of the Fatherland Front were arrested in Vienna Friday night.

8. All day yesterday and all the night before Nazis armed with rifles stormed into every household in Vienna. In many of them they found a reluctance to display the swastika banner. The burghers complained they had no such banners. They were told to get them up by today--or else.

9. In all the great towns of Austria, the factory workers--hating Nazi-ism almost to a man--were herded from their work and forced to March willy-nilly, wearing the swastika.

10. An International News Service man who attempted to send out news to America was arrested. The Associated Press was forbidden to send photographs of troops.

So much for "liberation"--Nazi fashion. And as for that "true plebiscite," why that, you'll know by the record, is a plebiscite wherein you either vote the Nazi way or get your head busted and have your vote thrown out anyhow.


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