The Charlotte News

Thursday, February 10, 1955


Site Ed. Note: The front page reports that in London, Prime Minister Winston Churchill had said this date to Commons that he would eventually seek discussion with the new Soviet Premier, Nikolai Bulganin, and that he would seek a favorable time for him, President Eisenhower and the new French Premier, when determined, to hold discussions, unlikely to occur before the final ratification of the London-Paris agreements for rearming West Germany for collective Western defense under NATO and the modified Brussels Pact, adding Italy and West Germany. In answer to questions posed by Labour members, Mr. Churchill said that the shakeup in Moscow two days earlier had not lessened his desire for talks at top levels, aimed at easing East-West tensions, that he still intended to seek a four-power conference at a time when it would yield genuine results. He had first suggested talks directly with the Russians in May, 1953.

In Taipeh, Fred Hampson of the Associated Press reports that, according to the Defense Ministry, Nationalist China had evacuated three small islands, two Yushan islands and Pishan, near the Chinese mainland, of their entire civilian and military populations and had also begun redeployment of the military forces on the burned and blasted Tachen Islands, about 30 miles away, the civilians having been evacuated to Formosa and the military forces possibly being taken to Quemoy, Matsu or Nanchishan, also close to the mainland. Reports from the Tachens indicated that the Nationalist troops were boarding U.S. transports in biting cold and rain squalls, after all civilians had already been evacuated, with no signs of Chinese Communist interference. As they evacuated the Tachens, the Nationalist forces were blasting and burning a maze of underground defense works, while other troops transported tons of ammunition and other supplies to the beaches for transport. The U.S. Seventh Fleet warships patrolled around the islands while jets flew overhead to protect the military withdrawal. Communist Chinese troops were also observed to be blasting on the formerly Nationalist-held Yikiangshan Island, eight miles from the Tachens. Associated Press correspondent Jim Becker had reported that the evacuation appeared to be "a symbol of defeat and retreat", quoting Rear Admiral Lorenzo Sabin, commander of the amphibious operation, as saying, "I hope this is the last piece of real estate we give away to the Communists."

Eddie Gilmore of the Associated Press, who had been assigned to Moscow for 11 years during World War II through the death of Joseph Stalin in March, 1953, now with the A.P. London Bureau and presently on a brief leave in the U.S., recounts of having met with General Eisenhower in Moscow right after the war, asking him what he thought of Marshal Georgi Zhukov, who had been appointed the previous day in 1955 by the Supreme Soviet as the new Defense Minister, the General responding that he was "a very decent fellow", imparts that American and British correspondents who had covered the war from the Russian side had held the same opinion of him. He was tough but could smile, and, unlike many other Communist commanders, provided straight answers to questions. General Eisenhower had said that he believed he could do business with Marshal Zhukov if the latter were left on his own. Mr. Gilmore indicates, however, that while it fit with his opinion that he was a good soldier, he did not believe the Marshal was a very good politician. He recounts that shortly after the war, Marshal Zhukov, along with General Eisenhower, Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery of Britain, and the late Andrei Vishinsky, had been sitting around a table with Mr. Gilmore sitting close by, and that General Eisenhower had made a proposal, at the finish of which, Mr. Vishinsky had poked Marshal Zhukov in the ribs with his thumb, at which point the latter obediently rose to his feet and recited a routine Soviet reaction to what the General had said, concerning some minor details of setting up a four-power command in Berlin. During the brief presentation, Mr. Vishinsky suddenly had grabbed Marshal Zhukov by the tail of his military jacket and pulled him back into his seat, saying that he had said enough, with perspiration breaking out on the Marshal's neck. Then Field Marshal Montgomery had made a suggestion, and again the poking by Mr. Vishinsky and the obedient recitation by Marshal Zhukov had transpired. A British general had commented that the Marshal was "all very normal" except when he had the "devilish Soviet politicians around him", whom he seemed to hate. Mr. Gilmore goes on to recount other anecdotes regarding the new Defense Minister.

The President flew this date to Thomasville, Ga., for a weekend of quail hunting at the estate of Secretary of the Treasury George Humphrey, accompanied by their wives and the mother of First Lady Mamie Eisenhower. White House press secretary James Hagerty said that the President intended to work on a couple of matters in between rounds of quail shooting, but did not specify the nature of the work. A year earlier, the President had spent a similar weekend at the Humphrey estate.

In New York, stock shares moved quickly to gains of more than a dollar per share in early trading this date, with Bethlehem Steel rising $1.50, Republic Steel, a dollar, G.M., a dollar, etc. Trading was so heavy that the tickertape fell behind several times during the morning session. The trading followed the previous day's broad rally, which had lifted the Associated Press average of 60 principal stocks to an all-time high, closing the previous night at $158.10, topping the previous high of $157.70 which had occurred in 1929 prior to the October Crash. Investors preferred stocks which would benefit from acceleration and defense activities, steel, aircraft and metals, among others. Increased public participation in the stock market had been observed during the previous two months.

In West Chester, Pa., most of the multi-million dollar estate of the late Pierre du Pont would go to a foundation to maintain his famed Longwood Gardens, near Kennet Square, Pa., pursuant to terms of his will filed in the Chester County courts this date. He had died the previous April 5 in Longwood at the age of 84, the oldest member of the family which had built and operated one of the world's largest industrial firms. His estate was estimated for probate purposes at 40 million dollars at the time the will had first been filed in Delaware.

In New York, police continued interrogation of a clothing salesman who had provided what they regarded as a "fantastic" alibi for the prior Saturday night when an NYU graduate student had been brutally raped, stabbed 37 times and strangled. She had described the individual they were interrogating in a note to her father, postmarked just after midnight, about one to two hours before she was slain, saying that she was going out with someone new that night, a friend of a female friend who had loaned the victim her apartment while the friend visited South Carolina. The man, estranged from his wife, told police that he had gone to a movie, then visited a number of bars and finally picked up an unidentified woman who had scratched his arms and shoulders during an argument over money. His mother, with whom he lived, said that she was asleep when her son arrived home on Sunday morning. The police laboratory was analyzing two suits and a topcoat of the man which he had delivered to the dry cleaners on the prior Monday as a "rush" job. A deputy police inspector said that the man appeared to be "a more important suspect than anyone else"—apparently, including the "Negro", a former boyfriend of the victim, who had been initially sought by the police for investigation. He was probably off doing some Negro stuff and thus had a plausible alibi, as police had questioned and released him. The victim was a 1953 graduate of Guilford College in Greensboro, N.C., before entering graduate school at NYU. The police inspector said that the man they were now questioning had a police record of arrests in 1951 and 1953 for indecent exposure, serving 90 days on the latter charge, and an assault complaint in 1953 made by his wife, who had said he had attacked her with a knife, that complaint and case having been dismissed. Dang, we was sure it was gonna be the Negro. Ya'll sure you got that right? You ought question him again and more thoroughly this time. He 'as pro'bly hanging out down the block, lurkin' in the shadows after midnight, ready to make his move on her again, and saw her goin' with the nice white boy and just blew his stack, like 'ey all do. The white boy looks all right to us. In fact, he looks like one of them detectives on the cop shows.

In Jersey City, N.J., a wild auto chase ended this date in the death of a man being pursued by police, as well as the death of a teenage girl whom he had forced at gunpoint to drive him in a getaway attempt, the car colliding with a patrol car which had been set up as a roadblock, the car skidding, flipping over and bursting into flames, with both the driver and her fugitive passenger trapped inside. The man had been stopped the previous night by a patrolman because he appeared suspicious, with his trousers soaked to the knees, and while he was being transferred to headquarters, he drew a gun, disarmed the police officer and then fled, coming upon a parked car in a deserted location, in which were located two young couples, including the teenage driver who eventually was forced to drive him away. Police indicated that the man had a previous record and was out on parole. That's the whole story, right dere. Lenience, lenience, lenience of these lib'ral courts. Two people dead, with the police just tryin' to do their duty they 'as sworn to do.

In Raleigh, a bill, which would make it more difficult for insurance companies to cancel health and accident policies, was bitterly attacked by representatives of the insurance industry at a public hearing this date before the State House Insurance Committee, after which the Committee took no action. The sponsor of the bill, Representative Clifton Blue of Moore, said that the bill provided that reasonable notice of 30 days be given before a policy, in effect for at least a year, could be canceled, with the notice increasing to two years when the policy had been in effect for at least nine years. He said that the bill would not apply to Blue Cross or other non-profit health and accident insurers. In addition, the bill provided that after a policy had been in effect for three years, it could not be canceled unless the insured had received benefits equivalent to the premiums paid. An attorney for 94 insurance firms opposing the measure said that it would result in removal from the market of cheap insurance, causing rates to go so high that the person with a small income could not afford a policy.

In Charlotte, it was announced that a new industry employing approximately 150 persons might be established, with the company, Pelton & Crane, manufacturer of dental and surgical instruments, such as sterilizers and dental lamps, contemplating transferring its plant from Detroit to Charlotte. The new plant would contain more than 40,000 square feet of space and would be located on land at the Pineville and York roads.

Also in Charlotte, two outstanding local businessmen, Arthur Jones, public relations vice-president of the American Trust Co., and Joe Robinson, vice-President of Wachovia Bank & Trust Co., recognized for their managerial and sales promotion abilities, were slated for nomination late this date to the top offices of the city's United Community Services, the administrator of the combined charity drive for the community, at its annual meeting at the Hotel Charlotte, scheduled for the afternoon.

On the editorial page, "Keep Uncle Sam out of Our Schools" comments on the President's special message to Congress regarding his program for aiding the states and local communities in school maintenance and construction, finding that there was no disagreement with the President when he emphasized the importance of "free education to a free way of life" and that the best possible education for young people had to be an established objective of the nation.

But it indicates that, no matter how tempting the offer of aid, it would be a mistake for the states and local communities to turn over the problem of providing adequate classrooms to the Federal Government, for, it finds, whatever the Federal Government helped, it would eventually control. It cites the example of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, which was formed in 1933 to relieve distressed farmers, 20 years later telling farmers what they could plant and how to plant it.

It finds a "costly fallacy" in the President's assumption that the whole nation was greater than the sum of its parts, such that each individual community and state would be better served were the Federal Government to aid in the construction costs, stating that the average state government was better off in a fiscal sense than the Federal Treasury. It notes that in the last bond sale in Charlotte, the interest rate had only been 2.22 percent, whereas the Federal Government would be buying school bonds at a "reasonable" fixed rate of 3.8 percent, indicating that Charlotte would be better off in the open market than in selling its bonds to the Federal Government.

In conclusion, it finds that the President's interest in free education did him credit, but that it would be a mistake if the states and local governments turned over the responsibility of public education to the Federal Government.

"Untangling a Knotty Tax Problem" indicates that City Attorney John Shaw had asked incredulously, at the City Council meeting the previous day, whether it was being proposed that a discount be given to a person who paid their taxes in the last month they were due, as had been proposed, providing a 2 percent discount when the person paid taxes in September, a 1.5 percent discount in October, a 1 percent discount in November and a half percent discount in December.

The piece indicates that the intentions of the Council had been good, attempting to eliminate tax collection headaches, as the present schedule allowed the same percentage discounts, beginning a month earlier in August. It suggests that if the County Board of Commissioners followed the lead of the Council and adopted the new schedule, there would be an additional advantage of uniformity between the two systems, which it finds desirable. It concludes that the newly proposed system, while providing unduly generous discounts for payment toward the end of the year, was better than the old system.

"Big Vote: A Triumphant Affirmation" tells of the City Council having acted wisely in selecting May 3, the municipal election day, as the date for the proposed new bond elections to meet pressing civic needs, thereby saving taxpayers money for a special election and ensuring a good turnout. It indicates that it believed the vote would become a triumphant affirmation of the citizenry's ability and willingness to meet their responsibilities.

"Is This an Idea for Your Civic Club?" indicates that the Charlotte Rotary Club was sponsoring blood collection in their neighborhood and doing a good job of it, finding that if more civic organizations would sponsor such blood drives in different parts of the city, collection of blood would be boosted, especially if one did not live near the Blood Center of the American Red Cross downtown or could not get out when a Bloodmobile was stopping nearby. It also suggests that the Bloodmobile might stop at the various shopping centers around town, to make it more accessible.

It urges giving blood because the demand locally was more than that being collected.

A piece from the Philadelphia Inquirer, titled "Sherlock Holmes and Smog", indicates that as far as anyone knew, Sherlock Holmes was still alive, that most of his tales began by the light and warmth of a cozy fire at 221-B Baker Street, which it mentions because Holmes would be most seriously impacted if new reforms were passed to abolish all London fireplaces, to eliminate air pollution and the creation of smog.

It finds that in such event, no longer would occur scenes as that depicted in Five Orange Pips, in which "the winds sobbed and cried like a child in the chimney … while Sherlock Holmes sat moodily at one side of the fireplace," or that in The Blue Carbuncle, wherein Dr. Watson was said to have seated himself in his armchair, warming his hands before a crackling fire, "for a sharp frost had set in, and the windows were thick with the ice crystals." Moreover, Holmes could not have burned up all of the compromising letters hoarded by the villain Charles Augustus Milverton.

Drew Pearson tells of the Senate Juvenile Delinquency subcommittee having been quietly pressured by the television networks to tone down its report on the connection between television programs and juvenile crime, but that the members were not budging. The subcommittee had done such an outstanding job regarding violence depicted in comic books and its connection with juvenile crime that the comic-book industry had appointed a czar to conduct a clean-up. Equally forthright hearings had been held on television programs which the major networks offered to children during the hours between 4 and 6 p.m., with a draft report having been written by the staff and distributed to members of the subcommittee, with a copy of it having been sent to interested networks for their comment. The result had been a great uproar from the networks. But the members of the subcommittee, Senators William Langer of North Dakota, Estes Kefauver of Tennessee and Thomas Hennings of Missouri, were holding their position. Mr. Pearson quotes extensively from the draft report, which indicated that sociologists had pointed out that television had produce the most marked influence upon the habits of the family of any technical developments since the automobile had gone into mass production, that even the less dogmatic parents and educators were beginning to become concerned about repeated exposure of children to programs showing crime and violence.

It said that the subcommittee was not trying to equate crime and violence with badness, but had found that it appeared to be a problem resulting from repeated exposure of children to sordid and brutal fare. It cited a survey in Washington by Charles Alldredge, which showed that in interviews with 400 families owning television sets in the metropolitan area, motion picture attendance had fallen off by 49 percent among children of such families who had owned their sets for more than two years, that the children in those households read 11 percent fewer magazines, 15.7 percent fewer comic books and 9.2 percent fewer books. The three Senators, in their draft report, had said that young children might be regarded as a unique group because television was not intruding upon an already established pattern, as they watched television before they were able to read and were apt to undergo a heavy exposure to the medium during their pre-school days, television often becoming their first teacher.

Violence being dispensed by network programming had, however, increased rather than decreasing, with the subcommittee citing a study of seven New York television stations, showing that the number of acts and threats of violence had increased between 1952 and 1953 to 6.2 such acts and threats per hour of programming, that during the week of January 4-10, 1953, children's television programming in New York was twice as violent as during other hours of programming. Another survey cited in the report indicated that "the domination of crime and violence is increasing rather than diminishing." The subcommittee found that in the programming, "life is cheap; death, suffering, sadism, and brutality are subjects of callous indifference", and that judges, lawyers and enforcement officers are presented as "dishonest, incompetent and stupid." They found that there was a complete disregard for psychological and social consequences of that programming.

The subcommittee also found that television crime programs were potentially far more injurious to children and young people than were movies, radio or comic books, as one had to have the admission price for a film or the money to purchase a comic book, which also required imaginary projections, as did radio, whereas television was available "at the flick of a knob" and combined the visual and audible aspects into a live story, having a greater impact upon the younger audience. It questioned what the effects would be of a child seeing 5 to 7 people killed each afternoon, in terms of making that person callous toward normal sensitivity to that type of human destruction.

The report cited various child experts who had studied television and stated that they had found that hundreds of exposures to the suffering of others for the purpose of entertainment had caused in many children "an atrophy of such desirable emotions as sympathy and compassion toward those in distress, and also of the desire to help alleviate the pain or misery of those being maltreated, even to the point of torture. This atrophy leaves scar tissues in the form of a hardness, and intense selfishness, even mercilessness, proportionate to the amount of exposure and its play on the native temperament of each child."

Mr. Pearson indicates that other highlights of the draft report were findings that the National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters had only three members on their staff reviewing television shows, had monitored only 42 television stations in 20 cities and had never withdrawn their official seal of approval from any such station. The FCC had steered away from guidance of children's programming, the FCC chairman, Rosel Hyde, having stated that the Commission had only rarely been able to determine that a station's programming standards had deteriorated to the point that a finding was warranted that its continued operation would not serve the public interest. It had also found that the BBC, by contrast, was doing an excellent job of monitoring children's programming, with the Senators commending it for its "constructive approach", having "fairly rigid control of the airwaves" in Britain.

Hell, them Senators don't know nothin', tryin' to make us believe that the tv makes us into some kind o' ogres without no compassion for people. Anyone knows that all the kids feel sorry for any little puppy dog that gets runned over out on de road. Just last week, a bunch of us kids got down 'ere, seen a guy hit a dog with a car, and Loon, he's a little feisty, why Loon, he done took up his daddy's huntin' rifle and we thought for sure he was goin' to blow that man's head right off, but he showed compassion and didn't do it. Boy, that man though, you never seed nobody that sceered of a little boy so bad. He got out of dere quick. Compassion? We learn it every afternoon. As for them Senators in Washington, we heard Loon's daddy t'other day say they all ought be shot. And Loon and his daddy, they don't do nothing much more than watch the tv at night, to stay informed on the things 'at important. Loon gets to drink beer with his daddy during the fights, just like he's a grown man, just like the men on the tv do. Loon's gonna grow up to be a leader, a real leader, pro'bly be a Senator hisse'f one day, as long as he don't shoot somebody first. But they 'as down 'ere just last night treatin' the horse that got runned over up at the river, about the most compassionate people you'd ever see.

Professor Alexander Heard, political science professor at UNC and author of A Two-Party South? in a piece published in the Daily Tar Heel, UNC student newspaper, remarks on the effort of the South and North Carolina in particular to adjust to the prior May 17 desegregation decision in Brown v. Board of Education, finds that it had marked an important and unique step toward fulfillment of the American dream, promising that there would be equal opportunity for all. Since it was difficult to make that dream come true, an enormous responsibility had fallen upon all Americans to respect the Court's purposes and to act with speed and good will.

He indicates that by the nature of the times and of the country, whether improved and equal education would be achieved for black Americans, and how it would be achieved, would affect the life of every citizen of the country, and that no individual had a private destiny in the task. He finds that the future of black Americans was a large part of the future of the United States, not only because of their large number and because the country had once been the "unrivaled emblem of the hopes of the world", but now because the country was engaged in a great struggle for the faith of people all around the world, many of whom had dark skin. The U.S. and the Soviet Union were engaged in a rivalry of nations and a rivalry of systems, communism on the one hand and political democracy on the other, the strength of the latter being centered in the U.S.

Whether in Nyasaland or Laos, India or Indonesia, China or Ecuador, on the islands of the Pacific or on the Gold Coast of Africa, "the soldiers of victory will have dark skin." He suggests that President Lincoln would have said that God must have loved those peoples for he had made so many of them, and questions how the dark man fared under each system. That would be the challenge to Americans of the ensuing 50 years. Religion and education, he posits, were the ultimate source of power, and with freedom and equal opportunity for both being the potential source of U.S. strength, instead of weakness. He posits, therefore, that the ultimate test of the country would not be its armed might, but rather its purpose and its record, and if the country fulfilled the purpose of the American dream and ennobled the record, it would increase its might. All of those things were necessary to survive the rivalry of nations and the rivalry of systems.

"The prompt and well mannered execution of the Supreme Court's directions will bring together better schooling in the years ahead to millions of Americans. Better schooling means greater mental and manual contribution to the commonwealth that makes a nation strong. It is not alone, however, in the making of more guns and of more men able to fire them that the greatest new power is to be found. It is what can happen in the hearts of men that can most strengthen America."

He concludes that an English jurist had once said that it was not enough for a judge to be just, that he also had to give the appearance of being just and convince the parties to the contest, and all who observed, that justice was being done. He indicates that when Americans felt that they received an equal chance to learn, they could feel that justice was being done, at which point their strength and their resolve would be multiplied. In addition, the U.S. could face the world with clean hands and united in spirit. "Strength from within engenders strength from without, and there need be no fear."

Joseph Alsop, writing from aboard the amphibious flagship U.S.S. Estes, tells of the developing evacuation, under the protection of the Seventh Fleet, of the Nationalist-held Tachen Islands off mainland China—which, since his writing, had nearly been completed according to the President at his press conference the previous day—indicating that if the enemy were to resist the evacuation, it would require a fight, but if they were to accept the evacuation and hence the present of the Tachens, the Fleet had orders "to make the offering in the same amiable spirit."

The amphibious task force commander was Rear Admiral Lorenzo Sabin, who had been involved in the first flotilla of landing craft at Sicily and Salerno in 1943, and on Normandy, in 1944. More recently, the previous August, he had been involved in evacuating from Northern Indo-China nearly 200,000 refugees to South Vietnam, at the point immediately after the French armistice with the Vietminh. Mr. Alsop notes parenthetically that there was nothing to suggest where the refugees from the Vietminh would be taken when and if the southern half of Indo-China would fall to the Communists.

Now, the Admiral had been called to perform another evacuation mission, and Mr. Alsop questions whether it would be his last.

The Estes had a citation from the Korean Government for its performance in the evacuation of Hung Nam, a kind of signal that the U.N. allies did not intend to win the Korean War. Reflecting on the point, one of the ship's company had remarked: "The old Estes has been through three of them, and the old man's leading his second one. We used to have great emancipators but now I guess we've got great evacuators."

A letter writer expresses appreciation to the Charlotte detective who had testified before a judiciary committee of the Legislature, favoring legislation proposed by the Charlotte delegation to make punishment more severe for "sex deviates" in crimes involving juveniles under the age of 16. She thinks such persons should be "strung up by the neck" and also hopes that something would be done about the widespread adultery.

A letter writer indicates that Providence Road in Charlotte was becoming one of the most traveled residential thoroughfares in the county and also the one most in need of resurfacing and widening.

A letter writer from Kings Mountain suggest that he might have been seeing too much of "Badge 714", aka "Dragnet", but it appeared to him that the robbery which had been reported and then reenacted at a finance company recently had been treated very lightly, and wonders if the people who had reenacted the crime realized that one of them could have been hurt or killed, with the victims grinning, the officers grinning, and even the robber grinning. She fails to see the humor in the situation and suggests that the next time, someone might get shot, "and instead of grinning, they can laugh their silly heads off." She would not be a bit surprised.

You may be right. You may be listening too much to Sgt. Friday every Monday or Thursday, depending on the station. Those who go looking for crime and criminals often find them.

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