The Charlotte News

Wednesday, September 22, 1948


Site Ed. Note: The front page reports that in Paris, the three Western powers drafted a joint note to Russia seeking a clear decision on the Berlin currency issue, to be delivered this night or the following day to the Soviet Ambassador for transmission to the Kremlin. They determined to allow the Soviets another week before bringing the Berlin crisis before the U.N. General Assembly meeting in Paris.

Russian delegate Andrei Vishinsky said that the U.N. had become the "disunited nations" and criticized a proposal by Argentina that seven votes of the eleven-member Security Council be allowed, regardless of veto, to determine U.N. membership. Russia had vetoed five such applications for membership.

Israel said that it would be premature to accept the posthumous report of Count Folke Bernadotte in determining policy regarding Palestine. Two Arab delegates also rejected the proposal, which would recognize Israel and provide Arab control of Arab areas of Palestine. Britain accepted the proposal. The U.S. had accepted the proposal the previous day. Tel Aviv newspapers uniformly editorialized against the proposal.

In Jerusalem, the Irgun organization turned in its guns and closed down after the Israeli Government ordered its dissolution, while continuing to crack down on the Stern Gang, two of whose members allegedly had assassinated Count Bernadotte the previous Friday in Jerusalem. Moshe Dayan, the commander of Jerusalem for the Israelis and future chief of staff of the Army and Foreign Minister, said that the Irgun members who refused to join the Israeli Army would be treated as draft dodgers.

Reports from Haifa said that Stern Gang members had made at least indirect threats on the life of acting U.N. mediator Dr. Ralph Bunche, prompting the Israeli Government to provide him with a heavy guard.

The Israeli Government reported that Arabs had ambushed an Israeli convoy near the Latrun pumping station, headed to Jerusalem, including a white U.N. jeep, killing an American technician and three Israelis, one of whom was a woman.

The hurricane which had hit Florida was pushing northward through the Citrus Belt along the Indian River, having lost none of its punch, ranging to gusts of 160 mph and hitting Miami the previous night with 75 mph winds. Miami and the Keys were still being hit with gale force winds and torrential rains, recording 8.34 inches in Miami during the previous 24 hours. Miami suffered little damage but had power outages and flooded streets. The storm hit Everglades City head-on, 70 miles west of Miami, a village made famous by visits of General Eisenhower and baseball player Ted Williams. Two persons had been killed during the storm, one electrocuted and one blown from a fifth story roof, with many having suffered minor injuries. The track of the storm was projected to head toward Melbourne and then enter the Atlantic at Merritt Island. Its center was about 25 miles west of Vero Beach and moving north northeastward at eleven mph. Hurricane warnings were posted from Daytona Beach to Charleston.

The President arrived in Reno, Nev., with a crowd estimated at 25,000 greeting him, as he warned of another Republican Congress, led "by a bunch of old mossbacks" living as though it was 1890, and a Republican Administration to go with them. At Sparks, Nev., where the crowds were estimated at 2,000 to 2,500, he had said that the Republicans were exponents of "double talk" and that the audience knew where he stood, that he would not engage in double talk. He promised further development of Western reclamation and power projects.

His next stops were in Oakland and San Francisco.

In Nashua, N.H., Royal Little, president of Textron, Inc., offered a deal to the city whereby the company would maintain the two Nashua mills, which it had previously announced would be shut down, in exchange for a ten-year guarantee from the city that taxes would not exceed $20,000 per annum, urging also that the TWUA agree to supply working conditions comparable to those of Southern textile workers. The sincerity of the statement was immediately called into question. A TWUA leader called the proposal an insult, not a challenge. Mr. Little had said to a Congressional committee investigating the plant closures that Southern workers were better than New England workers, in some cases 100 percent more productive, leading to his decision to shut down the plants.

In Charlotte, the Chamber of Commerce declared its support for the natural gas pipeline project proposed to run from Texas and Louisiana into the Piedmont Carolinas. Duke Power Company issued a statement saying that the pipeline would benefit the community.

In Angola, N.Y., a Lutheran minister declared that the "Hollywood embrace", popular at the end of wedding ceremonies, was in "bad taste", as was the practice of ministers kissing the bride. He preferred a kiss on the cheek, representative of "brotherly love".

In New York, butter dropped 3.5 cents per pound and chain stores responded by lowering prices as much as four cents.

On the editorial page, "Mr. Dewey Opens His Campaign" tells of Governor Dewey starting his campaign in Des Moines, setting forth the principles on which he would run the country if elected. He mainly dealt in generalities, which might attract some votes while not endangering any. He spoke of high prices and the housing shortage, the need for improved civil rights, and faith in the country in the face of the threat in the world. He generally took a higher plane, finds the piece, than the ill-tempered remarks of the President.

Mr. Dewey was far ahead in the polls but not so far that he could coast to victory. During the ensuing six weeks, he would need to explain how he would accomplish the lofty goals he had set forth for his administration.

"A Border State?" tells of the strength of the Democratic Party in North Carolina having diminished since the New Deal years when the state was easily carried by FDR four times. The state had always had a mind of its own and in 1948, it was being touted by the GOP as a "border state", possibly to come into the Republican column for the first time since 1928.

Less than a third of the state's population were black, a smaller proportion than most other Southern states. It also had less adherence within the population to the concept of white supremacy. Kentucky, Maryland, and Tennessee, traditional border states, had an even lower percentage of black population.

Other reasons had been advanced for the state's stubbornness, such as less of a tradition of "moonlight and magnolias" to sweep aside after the plantation era had ended in the Nineteenth Century. There were more small, independent farmers in North Carolina.

Henry Wallace also had courted North Carolina voters on the premise of their independence.

It concludes, however, that nothing was assured to anyone. But if the South turned again to the two-party system, it ventures, North Carolina would serve as the seed-bed for that revival.

North Carolina would vote for President Truman by a margin of 58 to 32 percent, with Strom Thurmond and the Dixiecrats polling 8.8 percent.

Strom and Fielding would have won except for the obvious fraud at the polls.

"All That Glitters Is Not Coal" tells of the marriage of Barbara Sears, a coal miner's daughter, to Winthrop Rockefeller, Jr., and the marriage of Stephana Saja, also a coal miner's daughter, to Francis Hitchcock, wealthy sportsman. The phenomenon had competing explanations, that the mothers of debutantes were allowing the cream of the crop to slip through their daughters' fingers, that the coal miners' daughters were becoming more aggressive, that the trend was a fad, that someone had been reading Cinderella, or that John L. Lewis had done more for the miners than everyone realized, making their daughters suddenly appealing to high society.

None of the explanations were satisfactory. Rather, it concludes, the couples were the only ones who knew of their precise motivations. It predicts that marriage to a coal miner's daughter would replace yachts as a status symbol among the playboy set, and that numerous young women would adopt a coal mining father of West Virginia or Pennsylvania to assure a good vein.

Drew Pearson tells of President Truman while in Iowa calling Governor James Cox, 1920 Democratic presidential nominee with FDR as his running mate. Governor Cox told him that he could carry Iowa by giving them rain, as the Republicans would likely promise rain and then the President could take credit for it at the time of the equinox.

The U.S. had hesitated in July when the Russians clamped down on the Berlin blockade, begun in June. General Lucius Clay, military governor of the U.S. occupation zone in Germany, had urged at the time sending a train loaded with supplies through the blockade, believing that the Russians would back down. The Joint Chiefs and the National Security Council approved the proposal, but the State Department and subsequently the President refused to go along. Berliners had supported General Clay's idea, believed that the Russians had been bluffing. At present, however, Russia had moved up more divisions of the Red Army into Germany and appeared ready to fight. It might have been otherwise in July.

He equates the decision to that of the French in 1936 to stand pat when Hitler annexed the Rhineland.

The big airlines wanted Congressman Carl Hinshaw of California to be Secretary of the Air Force in a Dewey administration. He had gotten Congress to pass large subsidy increases for the "big five" airlines.

Brig. General "Buck" Lanham invited in a sergeant to see him while he was having a conference with a colonel, asked the sergeant if the matter was personal or whether the colonel could stay.

The President, speaking before the American Hospital Association, urged compulsory health insurance despite it being unpopular with doctors. The president of the Association told the President that the plan would inhibit voluntary hospitals from providing services. Half of the money spent annually on American hospitals, he informed, came from private philanthropists. But the President had responded that a third of the men who had reported for the wartime draft had been turned down for physical and mental reasons. Hospitals were overcrowded and could not care for the populace. When told that the program would cause voluntary hospitals to fall under Government control, the President responded that the banks had not fallen under Government control with the advent of the Federal Reserve System.

Mr. Pearson notes that most doctors who had tried compulsory insurance claimed it provided them a steadier income and their patients better health.

The Democrats needed only four seats to capture control of the Senate, but Senator Scott Lucas, chairman of the Senatorial campaign, had called only one meeting because of being busy touring Europe

Marquis Childs discusses the Senate races, a focal point for drumming up interest in an election deemed a foregone conclusion at the top. The Republicans might hold on to a scant majority, permitting them to name chairmanships and thus control the progress of legislation. But that would be the extent of control. Neither party could exert true control for the fact of several independent Senators in each party routinely voting their consciences.

For the GOP, the group included four, Senators Wayne Morse of Oregon, William Langer of North Dakota, George Aiken of Vermont, and Charles Tobey of New Hampshire. None of the four was standing for re-election. Senator John Sherman Cooper of Kentucky was a fifth such member, but his re-election bid was being hotly contested. With but a narrow majority on either side of the aisle after the election, this group could join with independent Democrats to form a third body which could effectively control the outcome of votes. Thus, the lobbyists who were investing great sums of money, especially for the GOP, to exert control over legislation in the new administration, were apt to be disappointed in the outcome.

At least two newcomers for the Democrats, he points out, would be present, Congressman Lyndon Johnson, who had defeated in a landslide former Governor Coke Stevenson in the Texas primary runoff after the results of Box 13 had been revealed, and Congressman Estes Kefauver of Tennessee, defeating incumbent Senator Tom Stewart in the primary. Both men had been effective in the House.

A third future vice-presidential candidate, successful in 1964 running with President Johnson, would be Mayor Hubert Humphrey, to win the general election in Minnesota over the incumbent, Joseph Ball.

James Marlow discusses the convening of the U.N. General Assembly in Paris, with questions before the body regarding control of atomic energy, Palestine, and Berlin. The Assembly could only recommend action and exert a moral force by voting for a particular resolution, thus expressing world opinion.

The Security Council, with its five permanent members, having the power of unilateral veto, and the six rotating smaller nation members, was the real force in the organization. But with Russia usually exercising its veto on matters which conflicted with its own policy, the likelihood of obtaining action on an issue such as atomic control or Berlin was practically hopeless.

Whether the crisis in Berlin would be placed before the Assembly remained to be seen.

David McConnell reviews Free Speech and Its Relation to Self-Government by Alexander Meiklejohn, former president of Amherst College. The author examined anew free speech in the country in light of HUAC investigations and loyalty tests, found that American citizens did not need protection from thoughts which Congress believed were too dangerous for them to hear. Citizens should be able to hear criticism of their Government and listen to debate from all quarters so that democracy would remain strong.

He devoted considerable space in his book to Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes's opinion that free speech existed only to the point of yelling fire in a crowded theater, when the words constituted a clear and present danger that they would precipitate violence or evil reaction.

The author was more liberal than Justice Holmes and believed that his prescription had placed too much suppressive power in the hands of Congress.

A letter writer thinks that the type of football which Central High School was playing did not justify the hike in ticket prices to $1.25 and $1.75 from $1, as charged by the other schools. The other schools also had increased expenses and Central, he recommends, ought play opponents of its own caliber in the Western Conference. Fayetteville was in the Eastern Conference, considered the "big league", and so it was not surprising that Fayetteville had shellacked Central—clocked their chimes, rung their cash register, made the jewels sparkle in the sunlight as a rotten mackerel.

A letter writer commends the white citizens of Charlotte for aiding the mutual betterment of race relations. He had recently visited New York where he talked with one of the YMCA directors of the Harlem branch and informed him that blacks in Charlotte were among the more progressive in the country, making great strides economically, educationally and in religion. White citizens of the community had donated $200,000 to aid in the $250,000 project to construct a black YMCA building, and had been cooperative in developing playgrounds for the black community. As a black citizen of the community, he believes that these projects showed that racial friction was absent from the city.

A few citizens apparently did not like the uppity campaign, however, of Henry Wallace, as he spent the night in black homes and hotels across North Carolina and the South during his recent tour, preaching social equality and the need for complete integration of society. To some, the egg and tomato throwers, that was the equivalent of Communism. But, while they were loud and able to drown out Mr. Wallace on occasion, they were also few in number, and, in Charlotte, those responsible were arrested and prosecuted on misdemeanor charges.

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