The Charlotte News

Tuesday, September 14, 1948


Site Ed. Note: The front page reports that U.S. military occupation governor in Germany Lucius Clay said that he did not believe war to be just around the corner and expressed doubt that the Russians would make Berlin the final issue on the entire German problem. He said that if the Moscow talks failed to resolve the crisis, the U.S. would bring the matter before the U.N. Security Council. He said that the Germans were very fearful of Soviet domination and of American withdrawal. General Clay predicted that if the crisis continued into the winter months, there would be inadequate coal supplied by the airlift for house heating but that conditions would still be better than the winters of two or three years earlier. He reiterated that there was no intention to evacuate, saying, "I don't know what the hell we came here for in the first place if we are going to get out now."

The three Western ambassadors to Moscow conferred with Soviet Foreign Commissar V. M. Molotov for about 90 minutes this date in furtherance of the effort to resolve the Berlin crisis. It was the shortest of the meetings held since late July when the talks began on the 81-day old blockade. Ambassador Walter Bedell Smith of the U.S., per his usual stance, had no comment on the talks.

During the early morning, two American airlift pilots of a C-47 transport had bailed out over the Soviet zone of Germany after a motor failed, had not been heard from since. Air Force officials said that they believed that the Russians would do everything they could to assist finding the pilots. Nine Americans had died in air accidents since the beginning of the airlift in June.

Prior to appearing before HUAC, meeting in executive session, Dr. Martin Kamen, nuclear physicist who discovered the radioactive carbon tracer presently being used in biological and medical research, told a press conference that he had not given any nuclear secrets to unauthorized persons and would not give secret information to Committee members unless the Atomic Energy Commission assured him that the members were cleared for access to the data. Dr. Kamen had been dismissed by the Army from the Manhattan Project in 1944. He said that the Committee had already released derogatory insinuations about him and that he would not testify in closed session but would publicly answer all questions the Committee had. He said to the press that he was not and never had been a Communist. He was never told why he was asked to resign from the bomb project, that he understood he was suspected of some indiscretion in his scientific research. He had been at Lawrence Laboratories in Berkeley for nine years before joining Washington University in St. Louis where he headed the medical school X-ray clinic and was professor of chemistry.

The President said the previous night in an address to the American Association for the Advancement of Science that some politicians in Congress were endangering national security by engaging in smear tactics against scientists. He did not mention HUAC but that was the assumed target. He called the procedure "totalitarian" and "un-American—the most un-American we have to contend with today", that scientists were expected to alter their theories to match "the police state's propaganda line". He again labeled the hearings a "red herring", orchestrated by those who had a political axe to grind. He assured the scientists that this speech was non-political.

A short time after the address, Dr. Philip Morse announced that he had resigned from the Brookhaven National Laboratory on July 17 to return to MIT. He believed it was necessary to investigate workers on the atomic projects to assure security but found the HUAC manner of investigation inappropriate. Recently, he and seven other nuclear scientists had wired the President that the HUAC investigations threatened national security.

The U.N. announced that the Security Council would meet on Thursday in Paris regarding the Indian invasion of Hyderabad, called at the request of the latter state.

Indian troops continued the invasion of Hyderabad, capturing this date Rajasur and Jalna after penetration of 70 miles into the state. Another force captured Suriapet, and another Daulatabad. Each of the captured towns was in a different direction radiating from Hyderabad City, the capital. One Indian column, in the Naidrug area, had the heaviest casualties, with 100 dead and 15 captured while the Moslem Nizam forces had 50 killed.

In a four-power meeting in Paris anent the disposition of the former Italian colonies in Africa, the U.S. and Britain accepted a French proposal to establish an Italian trusteeship over the Somaliland. Russia, which wanted all the former colonies so set up, opposed the French plan because it set no time limit on the mandate.

In New York, excavation for the new U.N. building began this date at the 8.5 million dollar site in Manhattan donated by John D. Rockefeller, Jr., in 1946.

Republican Representative Margaret Chase Smith of Maine won the Senate seat being vacated by Senator Wallace White, breaking a victory margin record for the GOP set in the 1928 gubernatorial race in the state. She predicted that it was the forerunner of a great national Republican victory. Governor Dewey's campaign manager, Herbert Brownell, echoed the remark and said the victory hearkened a Republican White House in 1949.

The Dixiecrats were trying to get Democratic Congressional nominees to oppose the Truman-Barkley ticket.

In San Francisco, the Army began signing on stevedores to load strike-bound cargo despite an official boycott by the International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union led by Harry Bridges. Mr. Bridges accused the Army of strike-breaking. The Union had offered to load the Army ships at pre-strike rates and working conditions but the shipowners had turned down the offer on the basis that they could not do business with "Communism".

Some 200,000 tons of Army supplies had piled up on the docks, and 300,000 bushels of wheat were on the ground in Washington. Air shipment of supplies to Alaska and the Pacific had started. C & H sugar of Crockett, California, said it would close its doors October 1 for lack of raw sugar.

In Richmond, California, hundreds of CIO strikers at the Standard Oil Refinery fought a battle with police to prevent non-striking maintenance workers from entering the plant. A Highway Patrolman and four strikers were hospitalized. Cameras of three news photographers were seized and the film deliberately exposed. Several photographers were roughed up and an Oakland Tribune reporter was hit by a teargas bomb. Rocks were thrown, some weighing five pounds, after police tossed tear gas bombs toward the strikers. Some of the teargas bombs were thrown back at police. The strike was in its eleventh day.

In Upland, California, a trucking contractor was accused of bigamy, having two families, one in Upland and another in nearby Covina. Each family had three children. He had married one wife in Reno in 1937 and the other in 1941. One family had complained for lack of support, prompting the investigation which revealed the other family. The man also faced support charges and possible Mann Act violations for transporting a female across state lines for lewd or immoral purposes.

He was one of those butt-truckers, always trying to push his load.

In Newton, N.C., a building had been erected for the Boy Scouts and for additional recreation for young people by the Grace Evangelical & Reformed Church. It cost $3,600.

J. A. Daly of The News tells of plans being laid forth at a meeting of business and industrial leaders of Charlotte regarding the proposed 75 million dollar natural gas pipeline to run from Texas and Louisiana through the Piedmont section of the Carolinas, for 990 miles to the Northeast, to supply 200 million cubic feet of gas per day.

In Charlotte, a clinic was to take place at the Moravian Little Church on the Lane this night to educate the public regarding alcoholism. Be sure and attend and try not to stagger too much getting there.

On the editorial page, "Tough Days for Bootleggers" finds there to be still patrons of the bootleggers in Mecklenburg despite legal sale and the fact that the bootleggers charged up to twice the sale price of the liquor. Some preferred the anonymity of the bootlegger so that they would not be seen entering the ABC store. The pint peddlers purchased their stock at the ABC stores and then resold it. The previous Sunday, ABC enforcement agents arrested 29 such persons in raids following undercover buy operations from the bootleggers. Each of the persons had another line of work and ran liquor only on the side. Only two of those arrested had previously suspended sentences on convictions, an improvement over the past when recidivism was high in bootlegging.

It ventures that such busts would eventually snuff out the business.

What's the deal here? They're just providing a service for the depressed shut-ins.

"Charlie Lambeth, Good Citizen" tells of Mr. Lambeth who had died after throat surgery in New York at the age of 54. A City Councilman and former Mayor in 1931-33, he had also served in both world wars in the Navy and was active in civic affairs. He was informal and friendly and had recognized good judgment.

"How Autumn Came to Carolina" tells of the stifling heat of early September along the Eastern Seaboard having let go the previous weekend as autumn came rolling over the Carolinas on black clouds from the west. Hogsheads of tobacco appeared along the highways of Eastern North Carolina. Cotton fields and cornfields also yielded ripened crops. The bobwhite sung over the land.

Them bobwhites, though, they liked to come over here and pecked us.

A piece from the Raleigh News & Observer, titled "For the Ladies", comments on women of England having inaugurated a campaign to take up pipe smoking to substitute for the shortage of cigarettes. They wrote letters to the editor of the London Daily Herald to that end. One claimed to have smoked a pipe for twelve years. Other women were reported taking up pipes.

The piece points out that in America, men and women smoked pipes long before cigarettes were being rolled. Within the scope of recollection, most were grannies, black or white. But they had not always been old and had simply outlived the vogue. In pioneer America, women used tobacco with the men, either smoking it in a pipe or chewing it.

It finds that women smoking cigarettes might disturb some, but it remained an advance from "the pipe, the plug, and the snuffbrush."

Drew Pearson finds the top brass at the Pentagon to be the most civilian-minded he had ever seen around the War Department in many years. General Eisenhower and his successor as Army chief of staff, General Omar Bradley, were responsible for the changes. When the Joint Chiefs gathered, including the Air Force daredevils and drop-the-bomb-now men of the Navy, there was always someone conscientious who recalled the 300,000 G.I.'s buried during the war. General Bradley was quiet, gracious, generous, good-natured and very plain, renowned as a simple soldier. Once, during the Normandy landing, when a three-star general, he took off his jacket and gave it to a shivering G.I., telling him that it would be easier for him than the G.I. to get another jacket.

General Bradley, poor growing up, graduated from West Point in 1915 in the same class as Dwight Eisenhower. The latter ranked 100th and the former, 44th. Mr. Pearson notes that General MacArthur graduated first in his class of 1903.

He had gotten the blame for the Battle of the Bulge but the fact was that he was ordered to leave the Ardennes exposed because of a command decision by General Montgomery's stooge, General Strong, and General Eddie Siebert, an American, both of whom claimed that the Germans could not possibly attack through the Ardennes. He had related his concerns to General Patton before the German attack. General Bradley, as a true soldier, however, accepted the blame nevertheless.

His toughest task had been as head of the Veterans Administration following the war, reorganizing it to make it run more efficiently. He had done so well at the job that he received scant attention, until he took on the commander of the American Legion and publicly whipped him.

General Bradley believed that one of the ways to avoid war was to take the profits out of it. At staff conferences, he outlined strategy for potential warfare over Berlin while maintaining the hope that nothing would happen and that everyone could go fishing.

Joseph & Stewart Alsop relate the fable of King Log, deposed for inactivity by the inhabitants of the pond, enthroning in his stead King Stork, who proceeded to mount the body of King Log and gobble up the frogs who had made him King. They find it meaningful to the Congress complaining of the tyranny of the President, especially those GOP members who were isolationists and reactionaries, the loudest of the complainers.

One such member was Senator Chapman Revercomb of West Virginia, whose discriminatory provision of the displaced persons bill had earned enmity in his state, aided by funding from the outside for his opponent, former Senator Matthew Neely, such that his seat was in grave danger. Governor Dewey had requested that he eliminate the amendment, but he refused. An attempt by state party leaders to enlist Governor Dewey's support for Senator Revercomb and journey to the state was met with a cold shoulder.

Governor Dewey had helped to pry loose ERP aid from the House Appropriations Committee chaired by John Taber of New York, who feared retaliation from the Dewey machine in New York if he had not complied with the request.

They point out that it was relatively new to see a presidential candidate exerting such power and arm-twisting prior to being elected. If the polls were not rigged, then the primary unsettled question was not in the presidential race but how well President Dewey could get along with the incoming Congress and the Old Guard of his own party. His first act would be one of strong leadership, probably in the field of foreign affairs, according to those close to Mr. Dewey. Most of the right wing of the party would go along with such a bold move, but it would be questionable whether Senator Taft would do so as he was one of the few GOP right wingers with "strong principles rather than strong prejudices."

DeWitt MacKenzie tells of ERP administrator Paul Hoffman indicating that the Marshall Plan aid would be cut off from any country which became Fascist or Communist. Mr. MacKenzie views it as an encouraging reaffirmation of a policy which had to be followed for there to be hope to win the struggle with Communism. It was a policy which the Western allies would follow as well.

The reason for the stance was purely defensive, to prevent the Soviet bloc from amassing aid which could help in building its military apparatus. That did not, however, stop trade in goods which could not be used directly to make war. The West needed certain Eastern bloc goods and vice versa. While certain items were within a gray zone as to whether they could be used to wage war, these were of no concern in the long haul. Rather, the concern was to use all of the country's resources to fight Communists both on the front lines in Europe and at home.

Samuel Grafton, no longer carried by The News, tells of the "Grafton Poll" which he conducted at every presidential election. In the poll, one was not allowed to ask questions. Instead, one waited beside the subject on the train or at a cocktail party and waited for the person to select a topic for discussion. The only permissible question was some innocuous conversation starter such as whether the subject thought it might rain.

The poll measured not only opinions but the tenacity with which they were held. He had been running the poll for three weeks, had accumulated 213 subjects, none of whom, however, had mentioned the presidential race.

One group of analysts of the results believed that it meant that the people were doing nothing but thinking of the election and sought to hide their enthusiasm behind a charade of indifference, with ebullience brimming beneath the surface more than for any election in history based on production of the least discussion. Another group, primarily young people, believed that such a counter-intuitive result was nonsense, that in fact the lack of apparent interest was just that.

The conflict had caused strife, one non-interviewer of the first group claiming that a farmer subject was experiencing palpitations at the sight of a Dewey poster, while a non-interviewer of the second group claimed that the farmer was merely stung by a bee at the time.

He concludes: "It is a little difficult, of course, to wait here at headquarters for the first report to come in concerning a subject who displays open (as contrasted with concealed) enthusiasm for a candidate. Makes one edgy to sit around waiting. Won't somebody say something, please?"

Another "Better English" quiz appears on the page, again providing the answers immediately below the questions, so that you can adjust your scrolling to avoid inadvertently seeing them.

We shall try our hand: the first problematic sentence is clearly the result of a boy asking the question. The second answer is that it rhymes with "Laredo". The third is a trick question as all three are misspelled. The fourth means to aid and abet a forcible theft. The last is so obvious that we do not think we are being a spoiler by relating that it is "allegation", as in a referral for prosecution of charges of corroborating the boy's too small dress as he rode side saddle.

A letter to the editor from Winder, Georgia—home of Senator Richard Russell—, tells of the Atlanta Constitution reproducing the News editorial "The Peckerwoods Take Over", anent the coming to power of Herman Talmadge in Georgia and of Earl and Russell Long in Louisiana, and finds the piece "'in the groove'". She informs that the civil rights bill was made to order for Mr. Talmadge to stir up his supporters in opposition. The coalition between Governor M. E. Thompson and former Governors Ellis Arnall and E. D. Rivers, the latter the "termite" in Georgia politics, the former too advanced for most Georgians, did more, she opines, to hinder Mr. Thompson than to help. "History has moved in on us and we are not receptive to it."

She predicts that with the support of Senator Russell, the President, not the Dixiecrats, would likely win Georgia. She predicts that the state would emerge from the political debacle of the gubernatorial election with a clearer vision of its responsibilities in a democracy.

She predicted correctly regarding the 1948 election.

A letter writer thinks that there are many good people of the North and the South, regardless of color, agrees with a former letter writer on the subject.

But as to the egg throwing at Henry Wallace when he visited Charlotte the previous week, he praises the throwers and the hen which laid the eggs. Mr. Wallace, he says, knew what the Southern reaction to his rhetoric would be.

He advocates people North and South, "white and colors", getting together to look around. "For there is the yellow race, you know."

A letter writer thanks the former letter writer for commenting on Northerners and finds her comments salient, that when the author had lived in the North, she also found Northerners never to be disparaging of Southerners. The homes and churches of the black people in the North compared favorably to those of the South. She wonders if the editors were cognizant of the fact that many of their readers were originally from the North and now occupied fine homes in Charlotte.

A Quote of the Day: "Southern States Righters resent the term Dixiecrats. Well, they've got to have something short if they stay in big headlines. Will they settle for 'We-Uns?'" —Greensboro Daily News

The Dallas Morning News finds that neither FDR nor then vice-presidential candidate Henry Wallace had anything negative to say about the people in the 1940 campaign who threw things at Wendell Willkie. It thus appears inferentially to justify the egg and tomato throwing at Mr. Wallace in the South.

Neither had anything to say about the shooting of President Lincoln either...

The Charleston News and Courier wants every seventh grader in South Carolina's schools to know that Woodrow Wilson was the last Democratic President.

Yeah, and Abraham Lincoln was the last Republican President.

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