The Charlotte News

Tuesday, August 24, 1948


Site Ed. Note: The front page reports that following a four hour-plus interview between Prime Minister Stalin and the Western ambassadors to Moscow, there were signs, according to a source, that a general area of agreement had been identified, with considerable negotiation remaining to work out the details. Ambassador Walter Beedle Smith of the U.S. appeared buoyant after the meeting and said that there would be more meetings. He said the previous night's session, the longest by an hour since talks began July 31, had been interrupted only by "tea and cakes".

Before HUAC appeared Louis Budenz, admitted former Communist, a woman claiming to be the former maid of Alger Hiss and family, and three officials of an automobile agency regarding the 1929 Ford automobile which Mr. Hiss said that he gave to Whittaker Chambers and which Mr. Chambers identified as a car donated by Mr. Hiss to the Communist Party on the West Coast, all testifying in executive session, in preparation for the public confrontation between Mr. Hiss and Mr. Chambers the following day. Committee lead investigator Robert Stripling leaked the information to the press gathered outside the chambers.

In executive session on August 16-17, Mr. Hiss had already identified Mr. Chambers as a man he knew as George Crosley for a brief period only as sublessee of his family's apartment in late 1935 through spring or summer 1936. He denied knowing Mr. Chambers as a Communist or having been a Communist. Mr. Chambers said that he never used the name George Crosley but was known only to Mr. Hiss as "Carl", his Communist Party pseudonym.

You had better hurry up. School is about to begin and the beachcombers will no longer have time to consider this case at length each day prior to the election. The sea turtles will hatch their eggs and the young will go to sea. Timing is everything.

In Berlin, the Russian commander announced that Germans in the Russian zone could not participate in community elections in the fall, that voting would be postponed for a year, the first time that one of the four powers had postponed an election in an occupation zone. The two non-communist parties in the Russian zone, the Christian Democrats and rightist Liberal Democrats, protested the action, contending that the Communists wished the postponement because they feared defeat. The Communists claimed that the people were too busy working on recovery to vote.

A formation of six to ten fighter planes, believed by American pilots to be Russian Yaks, flew over the Western sector of Berlin the previous night at a great height. There had been other recent such flights over the Western sector as well.

Two American C-47 transport planes collided near Frankfurt during the Berlin airlift, killing four American fliers.

Associated Press correspondent John Scali, to play a prominent role in the Cuban Missile Crisis fourteen years hence, reports that Russia and the Balkans satellites had increased their denunciations of Marshal Tito in Yugoslavia, spreading to the Communist parties of France and Italy, becoming so pervasive as to eliminate the possibility of future compromise with Tito. The chances were thus increased that Tito might turn to the West for support, but no move had yet been made in that direction. It was also unlikely that Russia would send troops into Yugoslavia, as they were concerned that such a move would definitely drive Tito to the West and allow Yugoslavia to seek U.N. sanctions against Russia. The denunciations appeared limited to Tito personally rather than against his government. One ostensibly authentic letter from the central committee of the Communist Party to Tito had compared him to the "traitor" Leon Trotsky, killed in Mexico in 1940, an implicit warning.

John Foster Dulles, foreign policy adviser to Governor Dewey, said, in an address for the World Council of Churches meeting in Amsterdam, that Communist policies made it impossible to create presently a universal organization for peace through law, but that force also would not resolve the conflict. The Soviet regime, he continued, was not one of peace and did not purport to be. He advised that the solution was for those of "faith to exert themselves more vigorously to translate their faith into works."

Oksana Kosenkina, the Russian school teacher who had effected her escape from the Soviet consulate "cage" in New York by jumping from a third-story window, had received a list of thirteen questions from the press, which she said she would answer while continuing to recover in Roosevelt Hospital.

In Nassau, N.Y., the Rev. Ernest Bromley of North Carolina had urged during a sermon that young men defy the draft registration, following which the U.S. Attorney for the district initiated an investigation to determine whether he had violated the limits of free speech. Reverend Bromley was originally from Boston and most recently had a pastorate in Stonewall, N.C.

Men who married before draft registration could avoid induction, based on an executive ordering classifying married men or fathers as 3-A or deferred service. Veterans were also deferred.

Thus, by simple syllogism, the Reverend Bromley was only encouraging marriage.

In Greece, rebel leader Markos Vafiades urged via radio his fellow guerrillas to maintain the fight against the Greek Army which had routed them from their stronghold in the Grammos Mountains and reportedly forced the rebel leader to flee into Albania.

Five Chicago scientists had revealed research into ways to prevent destruction of bone marrow, resulting in anemia, from exposure to atomic blast radiation and overexposure to X-rays. The method was experimentally to induce in animals anemia before the exposure, enabling them to avoid damage from even normally lethal doses of radiation. It was accomplished by bleeding or administration of the drug phenylhydrazine which caused rupture of the red blood cells. The animals recovered quickly from the anemia after the exposure, whereas radiation-caused anemia resulted in a prolonged recovery period.

The scientists recognized, however, that such inducement of anemia would not be practical before exposure to radiation in nuclear plants or before treatment for cancer or prior to an atomic bomb blast. But other chemicals could be discovered which would cause the increased production of cells, reducing the harm from radiation, the opposite of what previously had been thought the case, that radiation was most harmful during cell production.

The Commerce Department released figures showing that annualized production during the second quarter reached 284 billion dollars, compared to 231 billion for all of 1947 and 204 billion for 1946. But a major reason for the higher figure was inflation. Industrial production was reduced in June because of a shortage of materials, but offset by rising farm prices and increases in the costs of other services. Government spending rose by 2.5 billion over the first quarter resulting from the initiation of ERP.

A photograph appears of Little Miss America, Kathleen Flynn of Spokane, with movie director Harold Schuster, director of "My Friend Flicka", head of the Screen Children's Guild which made the selection. The girl turned down a movie contract and went home to be with her five siblings.

Well, you would, too.

On the editorial page, "Not Important Anyway" tells of a Wake County Superior Court Judge ruling the previous week that the statute of North Carolina requiring for ballot qualification 10,000 signatures of persons who were registered voters who had also not voted in either party primary to be unreasonable, thus allowing the Dixiecrat ticket to be on the ballot should the decision stick. The State would appeal to the State Supreme Court.

The piece ventures that if the Supreme Court ruled the statute valid and upheld the State Board of Elections determination to disqualify the Dixiecrats for not having presented the petitions in each county to the local registrars for validation before the deadline for presentation to the State, no great loss would take place as the Dixiecrats were not headed anywhere in the fall election. They would have no greater impact in the state, in all likelihood, than a rainy election day.

The Dixiecrats were not a new party but a party of disinclination to make a choice between that which it regarded as two evils, the President and Governor Dewey. Thus, its failure to qualify for the ballot was merely a current event, not an incident in history.

Well, it's the principle of the matter. We want Fielding and Strom. That's that.

"Of Hospitals and Rules" explains the visiting rules at Charlotte hospitals, limiting patients to two visitors at a time. Read carefully if you are going to visit or are planning to be visited therein.

"These Things Happen in August" tells of a deer showing up at windows in the Bronx, in busy streets, pursued by police, disappearing into the mists, heading to Westchester County.

In Winston-Salem, a woman had reported a deer recently. It was not likely the same deer.

It conveyed, however, the notion that modern man had lost touch with the world outside the concrete cities, where wood and rocks abounded, needing no artificial stimulus.

A piece from the Atlanta Journal, titled "Sea Turtle Season", tells of the sea turtles coming onshore to nest each summer, notably at Jekyll Island in Georgia. One could see the activity at night by walking along the beaches. Raccoons and sand crabs ate the eggs and sand crabs and fish ate the newly-hatched young, with gulls sometimes picking them off if they tried to head to sea by day.

It advises, therefore, confining one's self in an encounter with a sea turtle on the beach, to observation or riding on its back. "When ashore she needs friends."

A piece from the Congressional Quarterly tells of the Congressional Record for the 80th Congress having cost the taxpayers 2.4 million dollars at $71 per page. Representatives took up the bulk of the record. Some inclusions were tributes to Senators by other members, in one case, a tribute to Senator Wayland Brooks of Illinois from other Senators, included by Senator Brooks. Statements supportive of the President's label of a "do-nothing" Congress were included from vice-presidential nominee Senator Alben Barkley and others. Other members defended the work of the Congress.

Robert Allen, substituting for vacationing Drew Pearson, tells of the United States having a trumping ace up its sleeve in the battle of Berlin. It was now certain that the Western zones of Berlin could be amply supplied through the winter. The airlift was now carrying 4,000 tons daily, whereas the minimum requisite amount was 4,500 tons, expected to be met on a regular basis, regardless of weather, by October 1, with the U.S. carrying 3,300 tons and the British 1,200 tons.

One of the richest men in Congress, Wyoming Senator Edward Robertson, had nevertheless padded his salary by having his wife and personal chauffeur added to the public payroll as "clerks", his wife's actual duties being negligible.

Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter wished to remain silent about the many New Deal proteges for whom he obtained Government jobs, now absent from Government, saying he had "judicial lockjaw".

The President's tendency not to supply action behind his liberal words was again being demonstrated as he had talked prior to the conventions, during his cross-country train tour, of contesting the power interests while having done little to challenge the utilities raising rates, such as in the case of the Washington, D.C., Streetcar Co., raising its rates despite high profits during the war.

When the Congress enacted ERP, it created, by unwitting jest in its initials, the position of U.S. Special Representative, a position held by Averell Harriman.

Despite worries over the commodities price reductions during the spring, total farm income would be only slightly less in this year than in the previous record-breaking year, good news for the economy. For when the farmer could buy freely, industrial production remained high.

John Foster Dulles, Governor Dewey's foreign policy adviser and presumed Secretary of State in waiting, had participated in a meeting at the State Department which determined that the Administration would reverse its opposition to return of Italy's former African colonies, a move Mr. Dulles favored. He then apparently informed the Governor who promptly announced the move, scooping the President, who had planned to make the announcement the following month after the campaign got underway.

Joseph & Stewart Alsop discuss Soviet scientific and technological progress. They provide an authentic vignette in which scientists gathered for the Moscow Congress after the war wanted to tour the laboratories of the Soviet agricultural biologist T. D. Lysenko, ultimately barred by the scientist, himself, who nevertheless agreed to provide a lecture. At the lecture, he proceeded, to the surprise of the attending Western scientists, to rail against "foreign bourgeois genetics" in favor of "Marxist-Leninist genetics". As proof of the latter being conducive to qualitative empirical results, he produced a tomato the size of a cantaloupe.

When one of the visiting scientists, however, managed to pocket one of the tomatoes, it was quickly ascertained that it was made of wax.

Now, the central committee of the Soviet Communist Party had endorsed Mr. Lysenko and his science over that of genuine Soviet scientists, such as A. R. Zhebrak.

The Alsops draw inferences from the move, that such party dictates would retard scientific and technological achievement in science and hence deter the growth of modern industry in Russia. Moreover, it was unlikely, given the anti-empirical attitude, that the Soviet scientists had been able to glean from the captured Germans enough valuable information to produce their own atomic bomb. It was, essentially, therefore, "time's revenge upon the policemen", the police state. The secret policemen must have known that the Lysenko tomatoes were only wax imitations.

DeWitt MacKenzie discusses the formation of a United States of Europe being given a further boost by France as Paul Reynaud, French Finance Minister, former Prime Minister before the fall, expressed the hope that the British would support the idea by the following fall after the dominions conference. Now, French Secretary of State and future Prime Minister Francois Mitterand announced that the Cabinet had given its support to the idea of holding a conference to draft a charter for uniting Western Europe under a Federal constitution.

Mr. MacKenzie thinks M. Reynaud's support to be highly significant as he was the recognized financial expert in France and had virtually dictatorial powers to meet the extant emergency. He had interviewed M. Reynaud ten years earlier when he had been Finance Minister as war loomed. He had said at the time that America's isolationism reminded him of the fact that England, too, had once thought itself an island.

He believed that a United States of Europe would complement the Marshall Plan. Mr. MacKenzie agrees and ventures that it would likewise lighten the financial burden the country was bearing in European rehabilitation.

A letter writer wants the fish and game laws of the state to be more pleasing to sportsmen. All veterans, he urges, should get free licenses. Such laws would encourage farmers to be more friendly to the game warden, cooperation which would prove invaluable.

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