The Charlotte News

Thursday, August 19, 1948


Site Ed. Note: The front page reports that the State Department had ruled formally that Oksana Kosenkina, the Russian school teacher who had jumped from the third floor of the Russian consulate in New York to escape captivity, was beyond the control of the Soviet Government as long as she remained in the country. The Russian Consul-General had claimed that Ms. Kosenkina remained in the technical custody of the consulate while recovering from her injuries in Roosevelt Hospital. The State Department stated that the wishes of the individual were paramount. Ms. Kosenkina had asked to remain in the U.S. The New York judge preparing to rule in the case said that his judgment would be governed by the State Department's legal opinion.

President Truman stated that other Soviet citizens would be provided asylum in the U.S. if they wished to stay.

Ms. Kosenkina was reported to be improving from her injuries after having been reported in a declining state during the previous night.

The President said that the Government's loyalty program, confidentially investigating employees in sensitive positions, had been a complete success and that the hearings on Capitol Hilly-Dilly had produced no information not in the possession of the FBI. Implying that HUAC had used Gestapo-like tactics, he said that the Committee had infringed the Bill of Rights in the conduct of its hearings into the Communist espionage activities by Government personnel. He said that the only two persons whose names had been mentioned as suspected Communists had already been placed on indefinite leave prior to the start of the hearings. He reaffirmed that the confidential results of the loyalty investigations would remain private and not made available to Congress, as sought by the Senate Investigating Committee chaired by Homer Ferguson of Michigan.

HUAC did not hold a hearing this date.

In Berlin, an angry crowd of about 600 Germans stoned two Soviet sector police officers who had pursued alleged black marketeers nearly into the British and American zones. It was reported that one person was killed and another wounded.

Governor Dewey appeared ready to back a program of strong farm subsidies to maintain prices at parity. Senator Alben Barkley, Democratic vice-presidential candidate, speaking in Springfield, Ill., said that farmers could choose between Democratic high prices or Republican low prices.

President Truman said, when asked by a member of the press, that he liked Governor Dewey and had enjoyed friendly meetings with him in the past.

In Shelby, N.C., the Sheriff said that he would charge with murder the man who had been involved in a love triangle with a fifteen-year old and claimed that his jealous wife caught them in bed and shot her to death and wounded him. Another man, who owned the house where the murder took place, was also charged with complicity in the murder.

Also in Shelby, a two-year old boy was run over and killed by his brother, 11, trying to drive the family car while their parents were away.

Nancy Brame Dumbell of The News tells of the possibility looming that retarded children in Charlotte might have a second class established to teach them. One class was already set to open at the Christ Episcopal Church in September, limited to ages 11 to 15. The new class would allow younger children, ages six to ten, to participate.

All children ought receive only a first class education.

On the editorial page, "Democratic Harmony in N.C." tells of the new chairman of the North Carolina Democratic executive committee, Capus Waynick, who had managed the campaign for Kerr Scott, the Democratic nominee for Governor. Mr. Waynick had also backed former Governor Melville Broughton for the Senate, also a successful campaign. A major supporter of losing gubernatorial candidate Charles Johnson was elected to become secretary, indicative of party unity. The Dixiecrats seemed to be forgotten.

"'As the Lesser of Two Evils'" tells of the Lambeth Conference of the Anglican Church having urged all Christians to rise up against Communism. It would embolden those politicians who wanted to settle things with Russia by force. The Conference condemned war while also recognizing that some wars had to be conducted as the lesser of two evils. Other religious groups made no distinction between defensive and aggressive warfare and so would criticize the Anglican position.

It concludes that the Anglican Church was confused politically. The issue was not between Communism and war to defeat it. Rather, the choice was between war and peace. If Christians or anyone else were to delude themselves into believing that war could defeat Communism, they would have chosen the greater evil. Another war would merely spread the totalitarian Communist ideal further, as it thrived on war.

The one hope for Christianity and democracy was in preservation of peace. The task of Christian statesmanship was to show that the Western world could win through moral force and good will, not by waging war.

"'The Voice' and the Echo" finds the fact that the Russians were seeking to jam Voice of America broadcasts to Eastern Europe and Russia to be a sign of the effectiveness of those broadcasts.

James Farley, former FDR kingmaker and DNC chairman, now a public relations man for Coca-Cola, had recently told of the high regard in foreign countries for American-made products.

It ventures that American-made products were the result of the integrity and skill of the country. Those products proved better than VOA that Americans meant business and were not talking through their hats.

A piece from the Asheville Citizen, titled "Southern Research Can Fill Gap", informs that in Birmingham, the trustees of the Southern Research Institute had voted to construct a $200,000 laboratory and improve their present facility. The Institute had small beginnings in 1944, with but three employees. It now employed 88 persons, with 95 expected by the end of the year. The expansion aided the textile and wood waste industries, as well as others.

It posits that industrial research could fill the gap of disparity between the South, having, in 1945, only 298 of the 2,300 industrial research laboratories in the nation while also having a third of the population, 40 percent of its land in farms, and supplying 61 percent of the nation's petroleum and 46 percent of its lumber products, yet with only 17 percent of the national banks and ten percent of national savings on deposit, 24 percent of property values, 21 percent of electric power, 15 percent of manufacturers, and supplying 13 percent of exports.

Robert Allen, substituting for vacationing Drew Pearson, tells of the President having made a moving speech in which he urged employers to hire the handicapped. (Mr. Allen had lost an arm during the war.) Yet, while he made the speech, the Army was ignoring a pool of officer talent among the handicapped who could help fill the Army's expressed need for additional officers to conduct training of draftees. Instead, the Army was considering drafting the officers. The handicapped officers were considered unfit for field duty and so put out to pasture. But the immediate need was for training personnel, not field officers.

General Eisenhower, as chief of staff, had issued an order enabling disabled non-commissioned officers to enlist for limited duty. Mr. Allen urges the President to get the Pentagon to do what he was asking private employers to do, either voluntarily or by executive order.

Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, vacationing in his home state of Oregon, had been asked by the people of Joseph, Ore., to lead the parade of a rodeo and Justice Douglas had agreed. He rode a horse named Cyclone. When Justice Douglas asked whether he had bucked recently, he was informed that it had not since the last parade.

Dwight Griswold was quitting as aid administrator for Greece. The former Nebraska Governor wanted to take part in the election on behalf of the GOP and hoped to be appointed to the Dewey cabinet.

He had made some progress in getting reforms in the Greek Government, toward greater efficiency and honesty. But its budget was not balanced yet and it remained inefficient.

He had been unable to stop a State Department-approved deal whereby 100 Liberty ships were sold to Greek shipowners for a third of their original cost, to improve the dollar position of Greece. But it turned out only to be a boondoggle benefiting the wealthy royalist Greeks who live in New York and paid little taxes in either the U.S. or Greece. Aside from the low price, they were also given special terms of credit with seventeen years to repay the loans. The Greek Government had to guarantee the mortgages. Shipping experts estimated that each of the ships were earning $1,000 per day. Yet, the Greek Government collected only $15,000 per year in taxes from the shipowners. He concludes that it showed how the State Department was aiding the "dollar position" in Greece.

Marquis Childs, still in McCall, Idaho, discusses further election-year politics, telling of riding a horse into the vast wilderness of the Payette National Forest, apart from any sign of civilization, enabling perception of what the early pioneers saw as they crossed the vast stretches to the West. The trek caused him to appreciate the land resource so crucial to the Western states.

Bernard DeVoto had contended that the West would become a desert in another century if farm and grazing land were allowed to be developed unabated. The Forest Service was the guardian of the land. The constant enemy was fire, as well as insect infestation.

The party with whom he had gone riding passed through miles of felled lodgepole pine killed by timber beetles, adding to the fire hazard.

Westerners sometimes despaired that conservation was a losing battle and that the sheep and cattle might as well be allowed to graze freely to get the most from the land. Fully 85 percent of the virgin timber in Idaho was gone.

There was a growing sentiment for conservation among farmers, ranchers, sportsmen and conservationists, as strong as the pioneer spirit in the West for limitless exploitation.

DeWitt MacKenzie tells of nine of the eleven nations comprising the U.N. Arms Commission having reached the conclusion that the world was not ready for arms reduction, that international tensions first had to be ended. Only Russia and the Ukraine objected, favoring disarmament. The West wanted agreement on atomic control, an international police force to enforce control, and finally signing of peace treaties with Germany and Japan.

Britain's Field Marshal Viscount Bernard Montgomery had recently told Britons in a speech that avoiding war was best achieved by being prepared, urging 150,000 volunteers for the British equivalent to the National Guard to supplement regular British forces. He had found the extant situation to be more of a truce than a true peace.

One could not disarm while fighting a war, even if not a shooting war, per the case of the cold war. The Bolshevist revolution was the only major aggression on the scene and it was therefore ironic that Russia was pressing for disarmament. Such, he posits, would play into the hands of the Soviets.

Disarmament under the circumstances would constitute suicidal appeasement of the Russians. Only if the Communists called off the cold war would disarmament become a sound policy.

A letter from the Republican candidate for Congress in the Sixth District of Florida suggests that states' rights and civil rights were not incompatible. He believes that laws against racial discrimination could only work in states where there was enough popular support to secure enactment of such laws. So he favored working within the states for passage of state laws to promote equal rights. He says that he was founding a committee to promote discussion of public affairs in the press and on the radio. Anyone who wished to join could write to him.

A letter from a registered nurse remarks on the polio epidemic in North Carolina, with parents still taking their children to movies and other public places, despite the risk of spread of the crippling disease. Too few people were contributing to the March of Dimes Fund. Some counties had stopped Sunday schools from operating but the parents still took the children to the movies and other public places. She warns against the conduct.

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