The Charlotte News

Saturday, May 15, 1948


Site Ed. Note: The front page reports that the new State of Israel was invaded this date by Arab Legion forces, both air and ground, from the north, east, and south. Regular army forces of Lebanon attacked from the north, Arab Legion forces out of Trans-Jordan were shelling from the east, taking a large area of the Judean hills across the Allenby Bridge outside the U.N. territory demarked for the Jewish state, and Egyptian forces came from the south into the Negeb desert region and attacked at least one Jewish settlement therein. Tel Aviv was attacked from the air three times by Egyptian planes. Other foreign planes without identification attacked northern and southern sections of Israel, at Samakh and Rehovot. Leaflets dropped over Urim in the Negeb demanded surrender. Egyptian forces were attacking Kfar Haderom and Nirim in the western Negeb.

A map illustrates the entry points.

The President the night before gave recognition to the provisional Government of Israel as the "de facto authority", a move approved by Senator Arthur Vandenberg. A source indicated that the President was studying the possibility of lifting the arms embargo to the entire Middle East, for both Arabs and Jews. The proposal had been under study for some time.

The President, in his first political speech of the campaign, told a $25 per plate dinner before the Young Democrats that he predicted victory over "Republican obstructionists", scoffing at the "calamity howlers", whom he found to be a common enemy to FDR.

Present at the gathering was E. Hoover Taft of Greenville, N.C.

Governor Dewey and Harold Stassen, campaigning in advance of the May 21 Oregon primary, engaged in that which was labeled the "battle of the blockade", as each candidate's chartered bus crossed paths in Cascade Locks while the candidates passed as ships in the night. The bus with Governor Dewey and his entourage got around a photographers' truck partially blocking the highway and left the scene, while Mr. Stassen addressed the waiting crowd. Some in the crowd perceived the maneuver as a rude slight by Governor Dewey. But his press secretary, James Hagerty—later press secretary for President Eisenhower—, stated, in reference to Mr. Stassen's appearance, that it was considered political discourtesy to interrupt another candidate's meeting.

The two would participate in a radio debate on Monday.

In New York, the greatest buying frenzy took place on the stock market since 1929, but prices responded only modestly after a huge advance on Friday.

In South St. Paul, Minn., 600 National Guardsmen swept through the streets to clear an unruly crowd in front of the strikebound Swift & Co. packing plant. The crowd, for the most part, dispersed quietly.

An SOS that a ship had hit a mine 35 miles off Crescent City, Calif., sent Coast Guard planes out to investigate from San Francisco and Chord Field, Washington.

An earthquake beneath the Bering Sea produced a tidal wave which placed the Aleutians and Hawaii on alert the previous day. No wave materialized, but in Hawaii, memories were fresh regarding the 175 people killed in the 1946 tidal wave.

In Shelby, N.C., yeggs used dynamite to blast open a safe at the Lutz-Yelton Oil Company and made away with $4,000 the previous night. There was also an unsuccessful attempt to expose the yolk at another establishment, a wholesale grocery. Fingerprints were taken from the safes at both scenes, thought by police possibly to be related.

On the editorial page, "Israel Carries World's Hopes" finds President Truman's statement the previous night expressing "de facto" support for the new State of Israel to be consistent with the country's favor extended toward self-determination of nations and following logically the original sponsorship in 1947 of partition of Palestine.

The British Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917 established the movement which had just culminated, with Britain stating its pledge at that time to use its best efforts to facilitate creation of a Jewish homeland. Both President Wilson and Prime Minister David Lloyd George had supported the Declaration.

After Palestine was liberated from Turkish rule in World War I, the British received the mandate from the League of Nations in 1920 to administer the country.

After the Holocaust, the final determination was made to establish the homeland in Palestine. The U.N. General Assembly had approved the partition plan the previous November 29.

The small Jewish army of Haganah was holding off the outnumbering forces of the Arab League, the latter acting in open defiance of the U.N. Haganah had to hold back these forces lest a world war erupt around the conflict.

The effort, it suggests, was in furtherance of banishing war and bringing peace to all peoples. There would be new hope for the U.N. should Israel survive. The prompt recognition of the new state strengthened that hope and the hope for rapprochement generally between the East and West.

"Something More Than Force" finds the aphorism that the Russians only understood force to be an errant notion, as discussed by David Lawrence in the latest issue of U.S. News & World Report, contending it to be a fallacy often repeated in high Government circles. It had as a corollary the notion of a preemptive strike before Russia could obtain nuclear capability.

The piece agrees that the reasoning was fallacious and that evidence abounded in contravention of it, that Russia had been so impressed by the threat of the Marshall Plan that it had resulted in curbing the reins on Soviet expansion. The atomic bomb was thus not so much a deterrent as was the threat of rebuilding Europe.

The U.S. was doing much not to pursue the force-first mentality, but the mentality nevertheless was damaging East-West relations. When such countervailing efforts ceased, it posits, there would be left only respect for war on both sides, leading inexorably to a hot war.

"Another Long Regime Begins" tells of Earl Long becoming Governor of Louisiana during the week amid fanfare reminiscent of his deceased brother Huey, former Governor and Senator. Nearly 50,000 people crammed the LSU stadium to hear and observe his inauguration speech, with hot dogs, pop, buttermilk, and wine flowing freely—we hope not all down the same gullet. Governor Long even provided first-aid to the twenty-odd persons hit by flying bottles.

Huey Long had also relished such events, attended by his "little people", to the point of nearly bankrupting Louisiana.

Earl Long promised absence of graft and favoritism in his Administration. But the start of it justified the objective observer in having misgivings.

A piece from the Washington Post, titled "Old-Age Planning", tells of the National Industrial Conference Board publishing a study, Financing Old Age, in which it recommended tax incentives for saving and deferral of retirement to beyond age 65, with development of more work opportunities for the middle-aged and elderly. Otherwise, Government costs in paying for social security would rise as the population rose and people might become too dependent on the old-age pension system. By 1960, there would be, it predicted, one in six persons retired, compared to one in eight in 1948.

It proposed creation of a bureau of research to study the experiences of the aged in the U.S. and abroad. The editorial thinks it a good suggestion.

Drew Pearson tells of Ambassador to Moscow, Walter Beedle Smith, going fishing in France after finally meeting with Foreign Commissar V. M. Molotov when he delivered the May 4 diplomatic note, theretofore being avoided. He fished in France because he could.

The reportage in Moscow had noticeably calmed during the previous three weeks with respect to Scandinavia and Austria, in consequence of which the West had ratcheted down its rhetoric. But the Soviets might yet be ready to launch a new propaganda offensive in Europe. Time would tell.

Definite information had been obtained that Russia had developed a crude atomic bomb, explaining why American defense analysts were so concerned about American security and preparation. There was concern that Russia might launch a first strike before the Marshall Plan could take effect.

A mystery had formed around the authorship of the Smith diplomatic note to the Russians, whether the military, the politicians, or the genuine peacemakers. Whoever it was, the result of wanting to show both the olive branch and the mailed fist at once had resulted in a note which meant little. It did not convey the longing of the American people for peace.

He opines that the note should have been made public immediately both at home and in Europe. If Stalin were to lift the iron curtain, he would permit Americans and Russians to get to know one another so that differences could be ameliorated through amity rather than in an atmosphere of arm's length enmity.

Joseph Alsop finds little attention being paid to a resolution introduced recently in the Senate by Senator Vandenberg, despite it being freighted with the legal foundation for the political and military organization of the non-Soviet world. It prepared the way for closer and more formal relationship between the U.S. and the Western European Union, in preparation for the formation of the Atlantic community—that which would become, in a year, NATO. The resolution went beyond the WEU to permit a loose aggregation of all non-Soviet countries.

Other amendments had been added to his bill, designed to support amendment of the U.N. Charter.

Regardless, the resolution demonstrated that bipartisan foreign policy still existed, even in the midst of a partisan election year. Undersecretary of State Robert Lovett had participated with Senator Vandenberg in forming the resolution, with input coming from Secretary Marshall and John Foster Dulles.

He sees it thus as an historic document, organizing foreign policy lest it become mired in frustration and defeat. The only drawback was that it had taken so much time for the U.S. to follow on the creation of the WEU, rather than taking a leading role in its formation.

The bipartisan foreign policy, by its nature, was a slow process. Moreover, the House had its own proposal being considered in committee, which might further delay action.

Marquis Childs reports of the campaign for the Republican presidential nomination in advance of the May 21 Oregon primary, with Governor Dewey campaigning actively in a make-or-break effort, visiting towns of less than a 1,000 population in the process. The residents were reportedly impressed by the fact. He had done so on the advice of a political observer in Oregon to counteract the perception of him as a cold fish, a steel-eyed prosecutor. So he took to the hustings by visiting coffee shops and hamburger joints, seeing more of the state, it had been said, than any visitor since Lewis and Clark.

Before he ventured into Oregon, a public opinion poll rated liberal Senator Wayne Morse with a higher favorable rating than Senator Guy Cordon, a conservative. Thus, Governor Dewey was stressing his liberal record as Governor. While viewed as expedient, he was also fighting the advocacy of Harold Stassen for outlawing the Communist Party, notwithstanding that the position was popular. Governor Dewey thought it to curtail freedom of thought.

It was generally perceived that Governor Dewey was gaining ground on former Governor Stassen.

A letter from A. W. Black responds again to a correspondent who had responded to him responding to others anent world government ... ad infinitum.

Just state your opposition once and go about your business.

A letter writer from Harriman, Tenn., believes that dubbing the anti-Truman Democrats "Dixiecrats", as explained in an A.P. dispatch of May 10 regarding the coinage of Bill Weisner of The News, would be more accurate as "Republocrats" or "Renegadecrats". He thinks the Southern leaders dumb and that President Truman would withstand the revolt.

The editors respond that the Dixiecrats would dub the letter writer DUMOCRAT.

Protestations of some latter-day REATARDICANS notwithstanding, most of the Dixiecrabs would become either Republocrats or Republicans in fact by the 1960's and early 1970's.

A letter writer favors introduction of card file indexing of voter registration as a more efficient means than registration books.

A letter from retiring Charlotte Fire Chief W. H. Palmer thanks the newspaper for its supportive editorial of May 7.

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