The Charlotte News

Friday, April 30, 1948


Site Ed. Note: The front page reports that the U.S. had agreed with the Western European Union, comprised of Britain, France, Belgium, Holland, and Luxembourg, to set up a West German government by September 1, with broad control over domestic affairs. As the five nations planned their mutual defense strategy, there was assumption by the WEU that the U.S. would provide support in the event of war. The three Western occupation allies would retain control over Germany's foreign policy and trade.

The U.S. had stated that the WEU would first need to work out their own defense needs before any U.S. assurance of military backing would be forthcoming. White House press secretary Charles G. Ross said that the President had no immediate plans to urge Congress to authorize limited arms shipments to Western Europe.

The Russians in Berlin hinted that they might impose harsher restrictions on rail traffic between the Eastern and Western sectors.

Jews had seized Arab strongpoints in the southern part of Jerusalem in the Katamon quarter this date, in a bloody battle in which, according to an Arab spokesman, 30 had been killed. Jewish sources estimated 50 Arabs and 15 Jews dead in the fighting. Arab sources said that they were confident that the Jews could be expelled from the Katamon quarter.

Other Jewish forces of Haganah had nearly isolated Jaffa, capturing Salama, the toughest Arab stronghold village in Jaffa's outer defense ring. Only the Ramle Road remained open into Jaffa, an artery protected by the British.

Talks were proceeding regarding a truce in Jaffa, with the Arab forces likely to surrender on condition of mutual non-aggression.

Arab reinforcements were observed arriving from Jericho, Bethlehem, and Hebron into Jerusalem.

In Bogota, Colombia, the Ninth Pan American Conference ended with the signing of a 21-nation pact pledging united efforts toward Western Hemispheric peace and resolutions against international Communism and foreign colonies in the Americas.

Begun March 30, the Conference had been interrupted by the riots of April 9, continuing for three days, during which 1,500 people were killed.

Following a White House conference, Secretary of the Air Force Stuart Symington stated that his recent advocacy for a 70-group Air Force, while the President wanted only a 66-group force, as did Secretary of Defense Forrestal, did not create a difference between his and the President's defense strategy.

Chrysler UAW employees scheduled a strike for May 12 if they did not receive a demanded 30-cent per hour wage increase.

Representative Fred Hartley said that the Taft-Hartley law may need to be invoked by the President in the event of a rail strike on May 11 if the demanded wage terms were not resolved by then. Negotiations between management and the three involved railroad brotherhoods continued with Government mediators.

Senator Wayne Morse of Oregon, addressing the Textile Workers Union convention, stated that Taft-Hartley had been a product of propaganda and pressure from the Government and that the new minimum wage bill, set to raise the wage from 40 cents to 75 cents per hour, had "sleeper clauses" which would harm labor, causing him to oppose it. He said that an increasing number of members of Congress favored amendments to Taft-Hartley.

There were empty cattle lots in the Midwest from the previous summer's short corn crop, indicating an incipient severe meat shortage beginning within a month.

In Mullins, S.C., and in Hickory, N.C., there were explosions shortly after a low-flying plane passed over each site. The Mullins incident resulted in a house being destroyed and three occupants killed. The Hickory incident had occurred the previous Tuesday night, the Mullins incident the previous night.

Near Hatteras, N.C., a man who had purchased an LCM in Norfolk spent four days aboard the craft stranded, before the Marines landed on the water and took him to safety.

Former News Editor Burke Davis, now with the Baltimore Evening Sun, tells of the sometimes humorous story regarding the erection of the new statue to Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson in Baltimore, on page 4-A.

Mr. Davis would subsequently author separate books on each of the two Confederate Generals, as well as other Civil War books, such as To Appomattox: Nine April Days, 1865.

The Gen'rals, though, fact be told, weren't near as big as they've got 'em in the statuary there, when we saw 'em in person back 'ere.

The price of Life Magazine rose from 15 to 20 cents this date. Subscriptions had already risen from $5.50 per year to $6. We hope it's worth the extra nickel. The price would not rise again until the April 5, 1963 issue, when it went to 25 cents. The price would rise yet again, however, with the October 16, 1964 issue, to 35 cents.

On the editorial page, "On Taming a Vicious Dog" tells of a large dog having slipped out of its collar in the baggage car of the Seaboard Air Line train passing from Petersburg, Va., to Henderson, N.C., causing the personnel to flee the car. The railroad detective enjoyed no more persuasive power, also retreated. Finally, a humane officer in Raleigh befriended the dog and got him re-leashed.

It explains that the dog had sensed the railroad men's fear and reacted accordingly, whereas the humane officer was trained not to be afraid and obtained the dog's trust while being prepared in case the dog turned and attacked him.

It suggests that the U.S. take a leaf from the book of the Raleigh humane officer in dealing with Moscow. Demonstrating fear would lead to World War III.

"Firebrand in Textile Union" tells of a union organizer in the CIO Textile Workers Union warning that, given the extreme resistance, there would be bloodshed in the South before the work of organizing was done.

The piece thinks that he was merely venting anger over the failure of the organizing effort, with only 15,000 of the 1.8 million Southern textile workers being unionized in the previous two years. It sees the warning as a sign that goon tactics would be employed by the organizers, a familiar Communist stratagem.

"United Action for Air Mail" tells of word from the Post Office Department in Washington that the air mail service to Charlotte, found to be as slow or slower than ground service, was under study. The Chamber of Commerce and the Railway Clerks Association had continued to lobby for better service to the city.

A piece from the Washington Post, titled "Prohibition Wedge", discusses the effort in Congress to restrict or ban liquor advertising. It views it as a first step to a return to prohibition and its panoply of societal problems experienced during the 1920's. Such campaigns, it ventures, would not serve to end the abuses of alcohol but only would revive the earlier era's clandestine abuses, ended in 1933.

Drew Pearson tells of Secretary of the Army Kenneth Royall having approved the dismissal of three-fourths of the Nazi war crimes cases the previous August. The reason they had not been completely stopped was that General Lucius Clay, military occupation governor in the U.S. zone of Germany, had convinced him that to do so would create a disparity between those who had been de-Nazified and those who had not. House Appropriations Committee chairman John Taber wanted them stopped, as did Committee member Richard Wigglesworth. Mr. Royall assured that only those cases presently being processed would be prosecuted. He told the Committee that it would not be serious if the appropriations for the remaining prosecutions were cut off. He said that too much extension of the de-Nazification program endangered the rebuilding of Germany. He agreed that there was no reason for them to continue and that he now regarded General Clay's reasoning as without ground.

Some of the indictments against the Krupps munitions executives had been dropped and there was an effort afoot to treat of charged I. G. Farben executives, despite their involvement in the operation of Auschwitz, in like manner.

He congratulates Atlanta prosecutor Paul Webb for his crackdown on the Klan.

He congratulates Kiwanians for reminding of Canadian Goodwill Week.

Ernie Gross of the State Department had been responsible for re-adoption of the anti-genocide policy, demanding a strong treaty to prevent it in the future, making future war crimes trials less susceptible to military and partisan political pressures.

Senator Taft was concerned that if Harold Stassen captured several delegates in the upcoming Ohio primary on Tuesday, the Senator would have a hard time being re-elected to the Senate in 1950.

Samuel Grafton discusses the country's defense policy, that of the redundant wall, starting with the occupation forces in Western Germany and the aid program to Turkey and Greece, as well as China, inside of which was the inner wall of the Marshall Plan, patrol between sectors being handled by the Air Force.

Insulation, he posits, had replaced isolation as the country's foreign policy. The Congress was trying to pass 822 million dollars in additional defense spending, already passed by the House, which Secretary of Defense Forrestal had told them would be inflationary.

HUAC was preparing a bill to make it a crime to be an officer of the Communist Party.

This wall mentality had caused increased worry in the country, that the wall was not high enough. Before it, while peace was being pursued, such was not the case. He recommends a return to the earlier policy to produce quiescence.

Marquis Childs tells of President Truman having undergone a change, becoming a man on a mission since the threat of war came on the horizon. The doubts which hung over his earlier years as President had disappeared. It was first noticeable when he called on Congress to pass the temporary draft and UMT. He was now less prone to grumble about Congress.

The new attitude was likely to thwart efforts to displace him on the Democratic ticket. Indeed, many Democrats were beginning to believe, however faintly, that he might be able to be re-elected.

The fact that inflation was again becoming a problem gave them new hope, as the President could blame the Republican Congress for not passing the wage and price controls he had urged. Instead, they had passed the tax cut which he vetoed, this time sustained, making it likely, with increased defense spending, that there would be a deficit.

Mr. Childs predicts that the voters might well place blame this time on the Republicans for higher prices, as they had blamed the Democrats in the 1946 election when they controlled the Congress.

A letter from the U.S. Deputy Game Warden complains of boys using BB guns or .22 rifles to shoot songbirds, in violation of Federal law. He warns that anyone doing so would have their gun confiscated and turned over to the police department and possibly a warrant sworn against them.

He had recently seen two boys carrying their .22 rifles while waiting for a school bus in Charlotte.

A letter writer commends Dorothy Thompson for her part in the "Town Meeting of the Air" broadcast from Charlotte earlier in the week. He compares her to Shirley Temple in charm. Having entered the Auditorium with the idea that she was the enemy for opposing the idea that a third party could achieve peace and prosperity, the subject of the debate, he came away admiring her intellectual honesty.

A letter writer opposes the crosstown boulevard, to be Independence Boulevard, thinks that the statistics being compiled by the new traffic engineer militated against its soundness, explains why.

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