The Charlotte News

Wednesday, April 28, 1948


Site Ed. Note: The front page reports that King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan had stated that his Arab Legion troops had occupied Jericho, less than 20 miles northeast of Jerusalem. The troops present in Jericho, however, stated that they were there as part of the British protection force and were unaware of any plans by King Abdullah to have them fight the Jews.

Jewish sources claimed that Arab Legion troops had shelled a Jewish settlement near Naharaim on the Trans-Jordan frontier, killing ten Jews. Jewish sources said that Haganah had captured two police fortresses, following British abandonment, near the Trans-Jordan frontier during the night. The Irgun organization said that it had captured the Arab quarter Manshieh of the Arab port of Jaffa. British forces had been dispatched to break up the Haganah-Irgun attack on Jaffa. The attack, according to a Jewish Agency spokesman, was to alleviate Arab offenses against Tel Aviv launched from the city.

The death toll in Palestine since partition had been approved by the U.N. on November 29 had reached 3,427, including 1,313 Jews, 1,909 Arabs, 171 British, four Americans, and 30 others.

British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin reaffirmed the British intention to withdraw from the mandate in Palestine beginning May 15, as previously indicated. There would be no extension as the Arabs and Jews had not made any movement toward resolution of their differences, the previously stated British contingency for a postponement until the Arab and Jewish states could be formed.

A nationwide rail strike, prompted by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, was set to begin May 11 as mediation continued to try to avert it.

Senator Styles Bridges might quit the board of the UMW welfare and pensions fund, to which he had been appointed willingly to end the coal strike two weeks earlier, if he were to become convinced that John L. Lewis would lead a strike on July 1 when the present contract expired.

At its convention, the Textile Workers Union removed the power of subordinate organizations to call strikes and placed the authority in the hands of the union president. A drive to unionize the South had admittedly flopped, according to a union spokesman.

The FDA sought to round up a contaminated glucose shipment, potentially injurious or fatal, from Cutter Laboratories of Berkeley, California. Three deaths had already occurred after administration of the glucose, though direct causation was unclear as the patients had been very ill. The shipments had been directed to Florida and the Southeast.

Gael Sullivan, as expected, resigned as executive director of the DNC to enter the private sector.

Republican presidential candidate Harold Stassen won the uncontested Pennsylvania primary, narrowly defeating by 4,000 votes Governor Dewey. The vote was not binding on the state's delegation to the convention. The primary was conducted by write-in votes only.

HUAC unanimously approved legislation to permit criminal prosecution of Communist Party officials and to expose members and fronts.

The Senate Rules Committee passed the anti-poll tax measure previously passed by the House.

The Supreme Court, based on systematic exclusion of blacks from juries in Forsyth County, N.C., had ordered new trials for nine men charged with misdemeanors in connection with tobacco strikes in 1946, while the decision upheld convictions of a labor organizer and three others on similar charges, leaving the State Supreme Court somewhat baffled by "ambiguity", according to Chief Justice Walter Stacy. He said that the High Court had not invalidated the North Carolina jury selection statute, condemning only the particular practice in the county by which juries were chosen.

That to which Chief Justice Stacy alluded will have to remain an ambiguity as apparently someone ripped the case out of the reporter, the citation, Brunson, et al. v. North Carolina, 333 U.S. 851, coming up empty. The problem may have been a distinction between selection of the jury venire by a process systematically excluding blacks in the nine cases, cured by lack of actual exclusion of blacks by the prosecutor in exercise of peremptory challenges in the four other cases not reversed. But that is only an educated guess.

In Dallas, whether of N.C. or Texas not being clear, two alleged traffic offenders failed to appear in court as both had been killed in separate traffic accidents since issuance of the citations.

A wedding of an Anderson, S.C., woman, 26, dying of leukemia, would take place in an Atlanta hospital on May 16, unless the doctors' prediction that she would not live that long came true. The woman's parents lived in Charlotte.

On the editorial page, "Promise of the Passover" tells of the destruction in 70 A.D. by the Roman Emperor Hadrian of the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem to erect a new Capitolina in honor of Jupiter. The Jews who resisted had been massacred by the thousands and those who submitted were sold together with the horses at the Fair of Hebron. Israel was destroyed.

Now, in 1948, the armies of Jews and Arabs were gathered on the southern borders of the city and ready to engage in battle.

The week since the previous Friday had marked the observance of Passover, celebrating the deliverance from Egypt of the Jewish people under Moses.

While deliverance of the Jewish people once again appeared to be realized the previous November at the approval of partition of Palestine, since that time Arab opposition had intervened to prevent it from realization without violence.

The coming year brought new significance to the meaning and promise of Passover. It would be the supreme test for the young U.N.

"'They'll Fortify the Moon'" remarks on Secretary of Defense James Forrestal's comment before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee in reference to leaving to the military the planning of the nation's defenses.

The Secretary favored a 66-group Air Force instead of the 70-group force favored by Air Secretary Stuart Symington and members of Congress, anxious to show Russia that the country was committed to opposing its expansion with force if necessary, but without implementing yet the unpopular draft or UMT. Meanwhile, the military strategists were content with a 55-group force.

The piece finds the Congressmen to be deluding themselves in this latter regard, as the larger Air Force would require manpower to operate, ultimately necessitating a draft to provide the requisite personnel. The Congress would therefore have to implement the draft and UMT shortly after the election in any event.

"Our Loyal Government Workers" reports that the Federal Government's review of loyalty among its workers had, after completing over 60 percent of the process, found less than a thousand cases in need of further review, many of whom voluntarily had left the Government for the private sector and others having been cleared. No one had proved a dangerous subversive.

The editorial thinks that an apology by the organizers of the hunt was due to the Government and its workers, as well as to the public for creating unnecessary alarm and expense.

—Yeah, Bob. We have to get to work on that, as November is not far away and they are starting to think that everything is very safe and secure in the Government. We must undermine their trust, make sure they know...

—Yeah, absolutely, Bob ... that there are real crooks in there.

—Snakes, that's right. Find us some snakes, and soon.

—Pigs? Yeah, yeah.

A piece from the Raleigh News & Observer, titled "Ridiculous Position", finds it absurd that the country had not yet joined the U.N. World Health Organization, despite the U.S. having sponsored its formation. The reason for the sloth was that the House Rules Committee had pigeonholed the legislation approving membership, for the belief that the WHO would support socialized medicine. It had long ago been passed by the Senate. The AMA supported membership, stood firmly against socialized medicine. It finds the Rules Committee to be the last bastion of isolationism in the country.

Drew Pearson tells of the President having conducted a policy under which war plants had been sold off as surplus and demobilization sustained as he urged the temporary draft, UMT, and expansion of the military. Representative Lyndon Johnson of Texas had finally called the President's attention to the need to halt the sale of the plants. The President had at first ignored him but after persistence, Congressman Johnson obtained the President's attention. The President had thought that, pursuant to the contracts of sale, the plants would revert to the Government in the case of an emergency, but that was not the case and Congressman Johnson made the President aware of his error. The President eventually acceded to the request.

Atomic Energy Commission chairman David Lilienthal had not told the President in his recent conference with him that the AEC had discovered a method to wipe out wheat rust and other such destructive fungi through irradiating it and changing the genetic pattern of the rust's growth, making it attack weeds instead of the wheat.

The campaign of Harold Stassen, while soliciting $1,000 contributions, inadvertently sent a letter to Senator Theodore Green of Rhode Island, a Democrat who was a member of the Senate Rules Committee which oversaw campaign finance. Senator Green sent a letter in response asking for a complete report on how much money had been raised and from whom.

The President had intended to throw the first pitch of the Major League Baseball season with his right hand to keep everyone guessing, but instead decided to switch to his more reliable left, lest the press make something out of a low grounder tossed with his right.

A portion of the Texas Democrats were beginning a revolt to join the rest of the Southern revolters against the President, despite the Texas delegation as a whole recently having pledged its support to the party nominee. Such a revolt had been attempted in Texas in 1944 against FDR.

Marquis Childs finds that Republicans believed that the President had tried to pick a quarrel with the Republican Congress for the sake of election year politics in his reappointments to the Atomic Energy Commission of the five existing members. He did so without consulting the chairman of the Atomic Energy Committee, Senator Bourke Hickenlooper. The President could have made recess appointments in August and left the permanent appointments until after the election. He appointed the controversial chairman David Lilienthal to the only five-year term within the staggered terms, each of the five terms based on decreasing one year increments designed to provide continuity.

Senator Hickenlooper told the President that if he appointed Mr. Lilienthal to the one-year term available, there would be no controversy. The President would not budge.

While the appointments might all be confirmed, there would certainly be a contentious debate which might harm the work of the Commission.

One possible compromise was a pending bill which would change all five of the terms to only one year from the current expiration in August. If the President were to veto it, then all hope of confirmation would end. Mr. Childs thinks the bill a reasonable compromise.

Samuel Grafton tells of the U.N. ignoring the request of the U.S. to set up a trusteeship in Palestine, and the Jewish state, supported by Jewish arms, being set up irrespective of the U.N. or the U.S.

The result was to convey the notion that the U.S. had power to create the Jewish state in November when the partition plan was passed, but not to block its formation.

U.S. power by its nature was ad hoc, created for special purposes and good only as long as those purposes were beneficial to effect independence of a given people. It flagged badly when trying to take away or delay the dream of independence. The loss of U.S. power tended to infect other relations throughout the world.

R. F. Beasley, in a piece reprinted from the Monroe Journal, presents the opposition to world government urged by the Charlotte unit of the United World Federalists in four articles ten days earlier. He finds the rioting in Bogota two weeks earlier to be a modern version of the British Gunpowder Plot of Guy Fawkes against Parliament, occurring November 5, 1605.

He thinks the U.N. would be useful in preventing small wars, but not ones between the major powers, before whom it had proved itself impotent.

He believes that a Pax Americana, formed of military alliances in the Americas and in Western Europe, would be the only hope for peace though the next century while democracy had a chance to spread and eradicate in the process the seeds of Communism.


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