The Charlotte News

Tuesday, October 12, 1948


Site Ed. Note: The front page reports that Andrei Vishinsky proposed in a two-hour speech to the U.N. political committee that Russia would put its "cards on the table", revealing its full inventory of arms and armed forces, provided the U.N. would adopt the Soviet proposal for arms reduction of the major powers by one-third and that the other four major powers would also reveal their armaments and armed forces. While the speech was largely conciliatory, U.S. chief delegate Warren Austin accused Russia of thwarting efforts to solve the Berlin crisis.

Britain and France joined the U.S. in seeking to accelerate Security Council action on the Berlin crisis. The three powers found the six Security Council "neutral" nations' proposal to have a temporary end to the blockade while direct negotiations transpired between the West and Russia to be useless and a diversion from the central purpose of the debate, to end the blockade and the crisis. Russia had not yet replied to the proposal of the six "neutral" nations.

Also before the U.N., Russia, through Alexei Pavlov, accused the U.S., Britain and South Africa of practicing racial discrimination and accused Cuba, by its proposed amendment to the U.N. Charter, of attempting to "water down" the article against discrimination. He said that in the American South, blacks were terrorized, and that Indian minorities were discriminated against by the British in South Africa and other colonial territories. He also stated that women, especially in Georgia, endured discrimination in both the U.S. and Britain, whereas in Russia, there were more female members of parliament than in all the other nations combined.

In Berlin, the official Soviet-published newspaper declared that the blockade would remain until the Western powers removed their currency from the city. It echoed Andrei Vishinsky in say that actually there was no blockade.

An effort was being made by the Western powers to evacuate children from the Western sectors of the city to alleviate some of the burden on the airlift. Since September, 1,200 children had been evacuated to the British sector of Germany.

In Paris, electricity was cut off by the Communist-led strike of the coal mines, in its ninth day. It would be the ninth straight winter in which power was reduced in the country.

In Cincinnati, John L. Lewis and UMW extended a peace offer to the rest of American labor, asking for unity. He said that Taft-Hartley was an example of a result unfavorable to labor occurring through disunity.

In Tacoma, Wash., AFL longshoremen drove off CIO longshoremen who were picketing two docks this date, and resumed unloading two ships.

In Stockholm, King Gustaf V, 90, was ill with the flu, was being treated with penicillin.

The I.N.S. disclosed that it had taken into custody 33 persons in New York and Florida in a drive against smuggling of Jamaicans into the country with false birth certificates. Included among those arrested was the reputed ringleader of the operation. The I.N.S. said that he had admitted obtaining 50 false birth certificates from various sources in South Carolina.

A few months earlier, the Service had broken up a similar operation regarding Orientals coming into the country via Cuba for a price of $1,200 per person.

In Philadelphia, the United Lutheran Churches of America was asked to vote on a resolution to join with the other eight branches of the Lutheran Church.

In Richmond, Ind., the President said that Governor Dewey had provided his imprimatur to the 80th Congress in its passage of Taft-Hartley. He accused the Congress also of endangering the farmer, by failing to approve permanent price support legislation. He would also speak in Illinois, with an address at the Armory in Springfield.

In Louisville, Ky., Governor Dewey accused the Truman Administration of "clumsiness, weakness and wobbling" in foreign affairs, making the country appear repeatedly as a "fumbling giant". He said that the Democrats had failed to consult with the Republicans on foreign affairs despite the GOP having taken the leading role in insuring bipartisanship in foreign relations. He said that the bipartisan policy had made great gains despite Democrats acting unilaterally, getting the country in trouble. He would also speak in Illinois.

Representative Ed Cox of Georgia said that the Dixiecrats would have no impact on the way the House would be organized by the Democrats when they won a majority in the election. He predicted that Southerners would unite with Northern Democrats to bring unity to the party and the nation, to effect an end to the "kneeling" to Stalin.

Weather in Charlotte looked good for Thursday's Miracle Day, during which a 120-acre rundown farm owned by two veterans would be turned into fertile land in the course of a few hours through the volunteer effort of farmers of the region as a demonstration of soil conservation techniques. Provision was being made for 15,000 cars of spectators of the event.

WBT's Grady Cole would be on the scene to provide radio listeners with the plow-by-plow description of the day's festivities.

On the editorial page, "Get Your Red Feather" tells of the beginning on Thursday of the Community Chest annual drive, with its symbol, the red feather. It urges contributing to this worthy cause and lists the several organizations benefited by the fund.

"A Grim Jest" remarks that with all the tension in the world regarding the Paris U.N. meeting and the Berlin blockade crisis, financial writer in New York Louis Schneider had simply concluded his column by saying, "Pray for war," for the fact that scrap steel prices were approaching $50 per ton and consumer inventories were at the highest peak in months, with a lot of receipts due from foreign investors.

The piece regards it as a grim jest given the preordained outcome of an atomic war. It regards the statement also as foolhardy as the Russian propaganda machine would feed on such a jest.

It advises fervently praying instead for peace and resolution of the conflict through "patience, calmness, and spiritual fortitude", as counseled by Assistant Secretary of State Charles Saltzman, speaking at the University of New Hampshire.

"North Carolina's Titanium" tells of the development of the mining of titanium, once thought to be little more than an impurity. Demand for the hard metal had steadily increased for use in manufacturing and North Carolina's mines would prove a valuable resource for its development. Northern capital from Du Pont should be welcomed in that process. People in the western and the extreme eastern parts of the state, where average income was lowest, would benefit as there were in those areas deposits of limenite and rutile, from which titanium was derived.

Drew Pearson discusses Senator Homer Ferguson of Michigan, whose original reputation as a great prosecutor had become tarnished now that he headed since 1947 the Senate Investigating Committee. He started in the spring of that year by going after automaker Preston Tucker, claiming, after extensive investigation, that major revelations would be forthcoming. None were. He then dropped the whole matter without explanation.

At the time, Mr. Tucker paid nearly $18,000 to Mrs. Dudley Hay, former GOP National Committee member and National Committee secretary, and her husband. She was a friend to Senator Ferguson. There was nothing per se illegal about the payment, but it appeared as payoff to get the investigation dropped. Mrs. Hay went to Washington several times in the spring of 1947 and called Senator Ferguson on the telephone several times while there.

The Justice Department would shortly call a grand jury to investigate the Tucker matter.

Unless banks would loosen home loan credit for veterans, the Congress would pass legislation to put the Government in the loan business, as warned by Senator Joseph McCarthy. Federal banks nevertheless were continuing to cut down on home loans, forcing up interest rates on G.I. loans from 4 to 4.5 percent.

The labor committee for President Truman had offered $2,000 in prizes to unions which turned out the most members at the ballot box on November 2.

Marquis Childs relates that notwithstanding the fact that the Progressive Party of Henry Wallace was losing strength daily, a solid core would vote for him anyway. The great majority of the supporters were neither Communists nor fellow-travelers. Many were church people sincerely seeking peace in the world and believed that Mr. Wallace was the candidate who could achieve it. Others saw him as the true heir to FDR's New Deal.

Mr. Childs says that he had received numerous letters from Wallace supporters in recent weeks, some expressing hurt that the party was deemed by many to be dominated by Communists. He seeks to answer those letters, first by defining what was meant by "Communist", declaring it to be someone who placed the interests of the Soviet Union ahead of the United States and regarded everything the former did as right and everything the latter did as wrong. With that as his definition, he proceeds to provide the factual basis for his conclusion that the Progressives were dominated by Communists.

Most of the people around Mr. Wallace echoed the Soviet line. Mr Wallace, himself, in his speeches, had consistently attacked the U.S. while defending Russia. The American Communist Party and its front organizations had actively supported the Wallace candidacy, appearing to be directed from Moscow. The platforms of both the Communists and the Progressives were similar, both opposing the Marshall Plan and other foreign aid measures. That part of the labor movement active in eliminating Communism from the unions, as CIO head Philip Murray, opposed Mr. Wallace.

While the U.S. was not always right, it was neither always wrong and he views these foregoing indisputable facts as showing that the party was controlled by the Communists. He concludes that the tragedy of Mr. Wallace was that he had tied himself to the Communist line, one which led to loss of freedom and integrity.

Joseph Alsop finds the new Republicans, such as Thomas Dewey, Harold Stassen, and Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., having overcome the "deadwood" of the Harding-Coolidge-Hoover era, to be the reason why Mr. Dewey was going to become the next President.

On the Democratic side, Justice William O. Douglas had proposed the candidacy of Adlai Stevenson for Governor of Illinois, a departure from the strictly localized practices of the big city machines of the past. Ed Kelly of Chicago, in 1944, had blocked his friend, Justice Douglas, from obtaining the vice-presidential nomination and forced the choice of Harry Truman.

As Jacob Arvey, the new political boss in Illinois, realized, the machines now had to offer a better educated electorate government service, not just the personal favors of the old machines. The machine had gone along with Martin Kennelly, a clean government man, becoming Mayor of Chicago. But he had stressed clean government at the expense of some of the public welfare programs. Yet his campaign had saved Chicago for the Democrats.

Samuel Grafton, no longer carried by The News, finds Governor Earl Warren, GOP vice-presidential candidate, receiving a lot of praise for his enunciated stance that the country needed both parties, defending the parties for the lack of differences between them on many of the issues, especially foreign policy. Mr. Grafton finds the position commendable but also a bland vision for the country, a kind of mechanical politics in a time steered by technology and mechanical devices.

"It is not surprising, perhaps, that in a country as our own, and as skillful in developing mechanical devices, we should long for some automatic, self-lubricating, double-compensating, positive action political system which will function without attention, and give us wonderful presidents and splendid policies while we sleep or go shopping, and in spite of all human tendencies toward error."

Sumner Welles, former Undersecretary of State until August, 1943, discusses the attempt by Britain and the U.S. to stampede the U.N. into adoption of the posthumously proposed plan of Count Folke Bernadotte re Palestine. He regards the failure of its adoption to be fortunate. The plan was to recognize Israel and provide Arab control over Arab portions of Palestine.

The situation in Palestine, with U.N. uncertainty, only incited Arab imperialists and Jewish terrorists to further aggression, tempting both Russia and the Western powers to intervene for strategic self-interest.

Israel was warranted in rejecting the Bernadotte plan. It would have removed the Negreb from Israel and reduced territory of the new state by more than half of that provided in the partition plan of the previous November 26. Such reduction would have prevented Israel from providing sanctuary to more than a handful of refugees and ceded to Trans-Jordan a resource, the Negreb, vital to its future development. Such cession, however, would have benefited Britain and so the latter had given its hearty approbation to the proposal.

Secretary of State Marshall's approval of the plan gave cause for additional dissension between Russia and the U.S., encouraged more anti-American sentiment in Israel, especially as the U.S. had been the primary sponsor of the original partition plan.

The U.S. was underwriting the effort by Britain to rewrite the plan to Britain's strategic and economic benefit. It was a repetition of the mistake in the early Thirties by the League of Nations, placing momentary expediency ahead of collective security by refusing to take a stand against aggression.

There was an opportunity for the smaller nations to lead an effort toward peace by supporting the original partition plan.

Another Pome appears from the Atlanta Journal, this one "Outlining What To Do When You See a Woman of Such Enchanting Beauty That You Are Struck Dumb:
"Just gawk,
Don't tawk."

And if you have a pitch,
Try not to throw a bawk.

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