Saturday, September 28, 1946

The Charlotte News

Saturday, September 28, 1946


Site Ed. Note: The front page reports that the U. N. Atomic Energy Commission scientists had delivered a report on which they had been working since the beginning of August, in which they stated that the control technologically of nuclear energy was feasible. They did not indicate, however, how it would be accomplished and expressly did not state anything about the political means by which atomic energy could be controlled. Uranium and thorium reserves were deemed central to control as the elements presented the only means known of developing nuclear energy. The Commission unanimously adopted the report.

The President told cadets of West Point that he believed that there would be permanent peace in the world. The President was on hand to attend the Army-Oklahoma football game and to review the cadets. He revealed that he had sought to enter the Academy but had been rejected because of his eyesight, thought that he would have made a good officer. Mr. Truman had been an infantry captain in World War I, serving in France.

At the Paris Peace Conference, a commission adopted by a vote of 11 to 8 a provision proposed by the United States to eliminate Yugoslavia as a signatory to the Italian treaty were it to persist in its refusal to sign. If so barred, Yugoslavia would lose its right to claim 1.3 billion dollars in demanded reparations from Italy. Russia opposed the measure. The commission adopted the French line as the basis for the boundary between Italy and Yugoslavia, causing Yugoslavia to refuse to sign the treaty. It wanted to turn the matter back to the Foreign Ministers Council of the Big Four.

Russia renewed its demands on Turkey for joint defense of the Dardanelles despite Turkey's previous rejection of the proposal. Turkish Government sources stated that Turkey stood on high alert for an emergency should Russia attack.

In Athens, Greece, hundreds of thousands of Greeks turned out to greet the return of King George II, recently voted back onto the throne after being in exile since Nazi occupation had begun in 1941.

In Pittsburgh, streetcars were halted for a second time in 24 hours by the pickets of the Duquesne Light Co. Limited service had been attempted until the pickets surrounded the eleven cars in operation.

Near the village of Alto Rio Doce in Brazil, a DC-3 crashed, killing all 25 aboard.

Representative Henry Jackson of Washington, future Senator and Democratic presidential candidate, stated that General Mark Clark was being treated for a serious mastoid condition at Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington. The General had been on his way to the state of Washington when the condition began, requiring him to return.

OPA had announced the previous day that it would grant some increases in meat prices to restaurants based on the difference between the prices of unregulated fish and poultry meals and the disadvantage to which steak houses had been placed by the rollback in meat prices to June 30 levels.

An OPA official predicted in a radio address that the meat shortage would begin to ease in two to four weeks as fall runs of cattle would begin, stating that price control increased supply rather than decreasing it as farmers could plan on a stable price and livestock would be adequately fattened, yielding more meat per head.

The Chairman of the Decontrol Board, Roy Thompson, however, predicted that the shortage would continue for some time to come.

Tom Fesperman of The News reports that hundreds of persons, deprived of meat, thus becoming "virtual vegetarians", stampeded, pushed and shoved one another, into a W. Trade Street market at 9:00 a.m. sharp to buy a few pounds of veal per customer, when 83 veal carcasses, 18,000 pounds of it, had become available in one market. Each customer was limited to ten pounds, though most did not purchase that much. By noon, the veal had sold out to at least 1,800 customers, and the butchers, tired and sleepy, went back to selling cheese. Some patrons had stood in line since 7:30.

One veteran walked by and said loudly, "Hurrah for Truman!" and kept going.

By afternoon, beans were selling fast.

Last reminder: Daylight Savings Time ends in six states and portions of 19 others beginning at 2:00 a.m., Sunday. Those affected are responsible for their own time-keeping. If you are late to work on Monday, don't blame us.

In Hollywood, Ring Lardner, Jr., was set to marry the widow of his brother, killed during World War II.

The predictions of the AP's Harold Claassen of Friday, incidentally, proved less than impressive for Wake Forest, Duke, and UNC, each of which he had predicted to win their opening games this date. Wake Forest did beat Boston College 12 to 6, but Duke lost to N.C. State, 13 to 6, and UNC, which would go on to win the Southern Conference title and wind up number nine in the country, losing in the Sugar Bowl to Georgia, finishing with an 8-2-1 record, tied Virginia Tech 14 to 14. The only UNC loss in the regular season would be to number seven Tennessee, 20 to 14, eventual losers to Rice, 8-0, in the Orange Bowl.

A low weather front out of Alaska prompted another postponement of the B-29 Pacusan Dreamboat flight from Honolulu to Cairo, nonstop in 43 hours—after about two decades of waiting. The flight postponement was now indefinite pending clearing of the weather front.

Sorry. No refunds.

On the editorial page, "How to Choose an Ambassador" speculates on who might replace Averell Harriman as Ambassador to Britain, Mr. Harriman having been appointed the previous Monday to replace Henry Wallace as Secretary of Commerce. One possibility was Eleanor Roosevelt. Another was Governor Ellis Arnall of Georgia. Mrs. Roosevelt had the private income to support such a position while Mr. Arnall did not.

The system of ambassadorships which required the holder to have substantial private income had resulted in some solid successes, such as that of Mr. Harriman, as well as some colossal failures. In 1917 at the beginning of the Russian Revolution, the U.S. Ambassador to Russia was David R. Francis, former Governor of Missouri and wealthy. Many of the latter difficulties with Russia could be traced back to that time when Lenin first seized power. Mr. Francis had a blind prejudice against Communism which caused him to make a false evaluation of the revolution, informing President Wilson that the revolution would not last and that Lenin and his followers would soon collapse on their own swords. He placed confidence in weak White Russian leaders who were bent on restoration of the czars.

The present Ambassador to Russia, General Walter Bedell Smith, was, without private resources, doing a creditable job in the post.

Congressman Joe Ervin, at the time of his suicide on Christmas Day, 1945, had been working on legislation to establish a West Point-type academy for diplomats. His replacement, his brother Sam Ervin, had continued this effort with encouragement from Secretary of State Byrnes.

But while that might help in the future, for the nonce, President Truman was still stuck having to select a new Ambassador, with the hope that he might find someone well qualified for the position.

"The Poison of Provincialism" comments on the reprinted story the previous day from The New York Times, providing the views of Col. Robert McCormick, publisher of the Chicago Tribune, especially as it related of his dedicated stance that reposited in the Midwest was the true Americanism, in contrast to the Eastern Seaboard, where "international bankers" and those supportive of Communism held sway in support of Russian Communism and British imperialism.

The piece finds him guilty of provincialism in these beliefs. It was something which cropped up often in the South vis-a-vis the North, leading to such "strange ancestor-worshipping cults as the Ku Klux Klan." Usually, however, such beliefs were limited to being held by a few eccentrics who were not taken seriously in the South.

It believes that the Tribune would not thrive in the South, would be laughed into oblivion. But it had become with its Midwestern audience the largest standard-size newspaper in the United States. The Chicago Daily News had attempted to discredit Colonel "McCosmic" with unflattering cartoons, depicting him as Napoleon, without impact, however, on the Republicans he led. Provincialism was seen as a virtue in the Midwest.

"The One World the Colonel so passionately hates seems terribly remote; he provides ample evidence that we have not yet attained One Nation."

"A Memorial to Smoky Joe Maguire" tells of the coming of colder weather when coal furnaces would start belching black smoke again into the air. Two Southern Railway engines were being replaced by diesels to relieve some of the smog. Yet, ten thousand other smokestacks still remained.

The deceased Charlotte smoke abatement engineer, Smoky Joe Maguire, had for years recommended screens and filters to abate the problem, as well as better firing methods for furnaces. Until he had died during the summer, he continued to write short notes to the newspaper, all with one theme, primarily dealing with one large smokestack above a lumber yard on South Brevard Street, operated by Mayor Baxter. If he could cure that stack of its belching, the rest, he believed, would fall into line.

He had tried valiantly but failed to do something about Charlotte's smog problem.

Drew Pearson tells of Secretary of Agriculture Clinton Anderson understanding, as a cattle man himself, that Western and Midwestern cattle ranchers were predominantly either Republicans or conservative Democrats, and that politics was now playing a role in keeping meat from the market until after the fall elections. Normally, this was the time, with grass beginning to become scarce, when livestock were moved to market.

Secretary Anderson had thus stated in his radio broadcast that meat price controls would remain in place, effectively waiting out the farmers who would have to sell before the winter snows. Hogs could not be fattened for more than six months without the law of diminishing returns kicking in.

The prospect for beef and pork was not too good therefore until winter.

He next tells of Democratic leaders in ten states issuing invitations to Henry Wallace to speak to prop up shaky political chances in the fall elections. Mr. Wallace and his staff had referred them to the DNC. The ten states in question controlled 474 Democratic delegates for 1948 and so President Truman had yielded on his statement that Mr. Wallace would make no political speeches prior to the election. Robert Hannegan, DNC chairman, and Representative John Sparkman of Alabama, Democratic coordinator of the Congressional campaigns, had thus also done an about-face and were now providing their blessings to the invitations to Mr. Wallace to stump in the ten states, which included Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Indiana, and Illinois.

He would not discuss foreign policy in the speeches, but would after the election, planning then to speak in all 48 states to differentiate Roosevelt and Truman foreign policy.

Mr. Pearson thinks it unquestionably the case that Mr. Wallace would be a presidential candidate in 1948. He would not become a columnist or radio commentator as he received $60,000 yearly from the hybrid corn he had developed many years earlier before entering the Government.

Marquis Childs finds that in Sweden, new vistas had been opened by the prospect of nuclear energy. The land had been dependent on its own timber and imported oil and coal for its energy. Sweden had some uranium but no single Scandinavian country could construct an atomic energy plant. In combination with Denmark and Norway, however, it could.

He thinks it would be a wise experiment to allow the three so to combine under U.N. supervision.

Political union was not enough. The stress on it was a weakness in Winston Churchill's recent speech at Zurich, suggesting a United States of Europe. Such a union might form around a worthy project, such as international operation of the coal and iron industry of the Ruhr or cooperative development of nuclear energy.

The scientific knowledge was present. Niels Bohr was from Denmark. Technologically, the machines to develop the energy would likely have to come from the United States.

There would be risk in such an experiment. But without risk, mankind could not hope to gain.

Samuel Grafton tells of candy bars costing now six cents. Building materials had risen precipitously. Livestock feeders were holding on to to their animals in anticipation of later higher prices. Most farm economists, however, saw a period of lower farm prices ahead. Farm income was predicted to be lower in the coming year than in 1946. Montgomery Ward and Sears were setting aside twenty million dollars each to cushion the downturn in value of inventory when prices would begin to fall.

Production was up and so the old saw that higher production would prevent inflation was now outmoded. The railroads were carrying 88 percent more freight than in 1939. An assurance that prices would not go higher would produce orderly movement of goods and food to market, preventing accumulation of goods at a point when prices would head down.

He hopes that Congress might be induced in a special session following the election to enact real price control legislation to effect such confidence in stable prices.

A letter writer was "pretty mad" because he had saved almost enough money for a gas mask and now came Henry Wallace to lead the previously disaffected left-wing Democrats. He hopes that there would be enough people after a nuclear war to say what they thought of it, leading to the election of Mr. Wallace as President.

A letter decries the letter of September 20 which had been written in criticism of another letter writer who had asserted that the U.S. was not seeking to export democracy to Russia and that Russia was seeking to expand its grip on Eastern Europe. The original writer had taken umbrage to the letter the previous Tuesday.

The author feels the attack on the latter was rude and unduly supportive of Russia, that in Russia, were he to write a similar letter supportive of U.S. policy, he would be sent to prison.

The writer relates of a person who had defected to Russia to avoid a one-year jail sentence in North Carolina and stayed two years before giving himself up because he would rather be in an American prison than free in Russia.

The letter recommends two articles from the October Reader's Digest, titled "The Scared Men in the Kremlin" and "Yugoslavia's Tragic Lesson to the World".

The U.S. Government had a publication entitled "The Truth about Communism", which the author also recommends.

A letter from the legislative chairman of the Mecklenburg County PTA thanks the newspaper for its support of the school building program.

There is no edition on the microfilm for September 30 and so we shall see you Tuesday.

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