Thursday, May 2, 1946

The Charlotte News

Thursday, May 2, 1946


Site Ed. Note: The front page reports that the coal strike had caused a brownout of two-thirds of Illinois, including Chicago, and threatened to impact New York City likewise. John L. Lewis meanwhile gave indications that the strike would not be resolved for at least another five days, as coal supplies dwindled.

Chicago limited use of electricity by businesses to the hours of 2:00 to 6:00 p.m., meaning no night movies.

The railroad unions walked out of negotiations which were seeking to avert a May 18 strike deadline. The unions indicated that no greater concession had been offered than the already rejected raise of 16 cents an hour proposed by the Government fact-finding committee. The unions sought $2.50 per day in increases and additional working rules.

The Arab Higher Committee issued an ultimatum to the British high commissioner in Jerusalem protesting the recommendation by the Anglo-American Palestine Committee that 100,000 Jewish immigrants be permitted to enter Palestine and, forecasting a long conflict ahead, vowed that the resulting Arab uprising would be as in 1936-39, resulting in the British white paper of 1939 limiting Jewish immigration.

The United States stated its unwillingness to undertake enforcement responsibility of such an immigration policy as recommended by the Anglo-American committee, impliedly leaving the job to the U.N. United States forces were already taxed by occupation duties in Europe and the Far East, and the U.S. did not want to intervene in the Near East as it might be interpreted as hypocritical given U.S. insistence during March and April that Russia remove its troops from Iran in accordance with the commitment of the Russo-British-Iranian treaty of 1942 that they would do so six months after the end of the war.

President Truman conferred with former Supreme Court Justice Owen Roberts, who had retired the previous summer, presumably soliciting his advice on filling the vacancy on the Court left by the death of Chief Justice Harlan Stone. The President had already consulted former Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes on the appointment.

The President recommended continuing the life of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation beyond its slated expiration date of January, 1947, stating it to be an essential part of the reconversion program.

Senator Alben Barkley of Kentucky vigorously protested statements in a booklet put out by Mark Pickell of the Corn Belt Livestock Feeders Association opposing OPA, stating that it had to go, equating those who favored its sustained existence to Hitler, Mussolini, and Caesar, each of whom, it said, "died violent deaths".

Whether the Corn Belt Livestock Feeders were threatening to kill the advocates of OPA was not clear. The name of the organization, itself, carries with it more than a little bit of implied threat, if you ask us.

Secretary of War Robert Patterson called for re-establishment of the National Guard.

The four-power foreign ministers peace conference in Paris went into informal session, as the participants indicated that they could work more effectively in such an atmosphere.

Hal Boyle reports from Coburg in Germany of the citizens of that city having determined to found an "international academy for agreement among nations" in which students from around the world could study democracy.

Coburg, located in Bavaria, historically had been the seat of the Saxe-Coburg Hesse royal dynasty, producing kings for several European countries. It had also been one of the first German cities to embrace Nazism and was awarded a medal for the fact by Hitler. But neither royalty nor Nazism any longer were held in favor by the citizens of Coburg.

The Mayor stated the determination of the town to prove that it was home to many good democrats. It intended to have a Western orientation, but also wanted students from Russia to attend its academy.

The State Democratic Convention, meeting in Raleigh, favored cutting of Federal expenditures and better county roads while leaving to the Legislature any decision on whether to have a statewide referendum on legal sale of alcohol.

Burke Davis reports on page 6-A of Charlotte's high automobile accident rate compared to cities of similar size, costing the city some eight million dollars and 78 lives during 1944.

The Dean of Men at the University of Illinois found open petting on campus to be shocking, ordered campus police to intervene in such exhibitionist episodes in the future where couples were "all tangled up" in public.

The Student Senate and the Faculty Committee on Student Affairs also asked local authorities to crack down on sale of liquor to minors.

Wyoming had a heavy blizzard, with seventeen inches of snow hitting Casper.

On the editorial page, "Those Vibrations Started in the Lobby" comments on the Congress hearing the voice of the people on such issues as OPA, not from Mr. Gallup, but rather from a host of well-organized letter writing campaigns orchestrated by such organizations as the National Association of Manufacturers.

The piece recognized that many small businesses were being smothered in OPA red tape and were tired of it, wanted it to end, such that NAM's publicity campaign reached them where they lived.

But as demonstrated by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce president Eric Johnston's statement, that ending OPA would leave America in the doghouse and cause ruinous inflation, there was plenty of dissent within the business community to the advocacy of ending price controls.

Davison's Department Store in Atlanta, Macon, and Augusta had taken out full-page ads in support of continuing price controls, following the lead of its parent company, Macy's of New York.

NAM was a loose organization of businesses and thus the half-million dollar ad campaign the organization was running was not necessarily the voice of all of its members, though none had spoken out against the position.

Most consumers supported OPA while business appeared divided, suggestive of a majority of the country being in favor of retaining it. The Congress, it offers, should pay attention to that common weal, not the rumblings they heard from the outer lobby in Washington.

"The Veterans' Vocational Problem" reports of Veterans' Opportunity Week, as designated by the V.A. to acquaint the country with the enormous vocational problem arising from returning veterans.

North Carolina had 400,000 veterans of World War II and more on the way. Most had returned to their old lives before the service, but many were having to begin afresh as their old jobs had disappeared or no longer seemed desirable.

The VA made funds available ro guarantee income during apprenticeship periods but the VA could not find the jobs for the men or force employers to implement training. With disabled veterans, however, the VA did locate the jobs which suited the individual veteran's capabilities, a difficult task as prejudices still existed against the handicapped, that they would prove a burden to employers.

In North Carolina, the VA had placed 704 disabled veterans in on-the-job training programs, but 746 others were still looking for work. Another 24,000 veterans drawing disability pensions were also potential job seekers in the state.

It states that the disabled veteran was entitled to the understanding and sympathy of his country, but understanding and sympathy were not enough. He needed a job to assure self-respect, and most businesses had the jobs he could perform.

The Department of Labor had done a study which found that disabled veterans performed work more efficiently than those employees without disabilities.

A Charlotte businessman, E. A. Terrell, had taken the lead in organizing a voluntary committee of civic club representatives to insure that every week would be as Veterans' Opportunity Week. The piece concludes that it could think of no worthier cause.

"The Comrades Have the Jitters" comments on the American Communist Party, having removed Earl Browder the previous July from the position of its secretary general and then in February having revoked his party card as a reactionary exponent of "capitalist co-operation", now finding themselves alienated from Kremlin approbation.

Mr. Browder had been invited to Moscow, inviting the inference that the Kremlin wished to instruct him on how to purge the American Communist Party of its current leaders and get back to the former principles for which Mr. Browder had stood.

When the Russian consul held a soiree for one of the three visiting Russian editors, at the Plaza Hotel, no member of the staff of The Daily Worker had been invited.

Smarting from the double snub, The Worker had published an editorial accusing The New York Times of participation in a conspiracy to have Americans think of the American Communist Party as taking orders from the Kremlin by the fact of the Times having printed on the front page the story of Mr. Browder's departure for Moscow.

"It was one of the most nervous performances we can remember, and it left us convinced that America's Communists have taken to peering under their beds to see if there's a Morgan partner lurking there."

A piece from the Charleston News & Courier, titled "Concerning a Bad Habit", finds the practice of electing attorneys to fill the South Carolina Legislature to be one in need of curtailment. It had no objection per se to attorneys becoming legislators, but believed that members of other trades, crafts, and professions had just as much skill to serve.

The only professions to which it raised objection as unfit for service in the Legislature were newspaper editors, publishers, and preachers.

Drew Pearson discusses the need of the country still to tighten its belt even more in the face of famine abroad, but unfortunately the details are blurred beyond recognition today.

Marquis Childs reports that the coal strike was impacting not only American life but life abroad, as absence of coal meant that flour mills and bakeries could not operate in Italy. In France, production remained at only 70 percent of that in 1938 because of a shortage of coal. Over half of the depleted coal imports being obtained by France came from the United States, set to be drastically cut in May if the coal strike continued.

The French were upset that in the British zone in Germany coal from the Ruhr was going primarily to Germans. The Germans were receiving substantially more coal than France and the French wondered why their production should be impeded while German industry was being restored.

The British suffered from severe coal shortages, with domestic mines far behind the times.

Coal, he concludes, was the key to recovery in Western Europe and the most notable coal contribution would be from the United States, held up by the actions of John L. Lewis.

Samuel Grafton reports from Manteo, N.C., of life along the Eastern Seaboard, suggestive of a new lost generation following the war. Six female students at Cape Charles, Virginia, had given as their reason for absence from school that they had to get a wave at the beauty parlor—which may have been hip argot for getting a tan out on the strand.

The Peninsula Enterprise stated: "The outside must look well whether the inside develops or not."

On Delmarva Peninsula in Delaware, the Pennsylvania Railroad advertised for three million railroad ties, taking over the woods. The grain shortage hit chicken raisers.

One farmer found that America must be having trouble abroad or they would not still be drafting men. He thought the strikes ought end and workers treated as if the country were still in war.

A former soldier repairing a Ford motor in the sun along the coast on the road to Manteo told Mr. Grafton that the country was "going damn fool" and that he was going back into the Army despite having been in for five years. He could not find any fun in civilian life. There was no food available; people were getting arrested for killing a cow to share the meat with their neighbors.

He was generally discontented, was just as worrisome as high school girls cutting class to get a wave.

"And one cuts down the narrow highway to Roanoke Island, and Manteo, where one can be with the channel bass, and away from the world."

Into the blur.

A letter thanks again the newspaper for the April 25 editorial, "The Visitor at St. John's", regarding the talk at the church by Dr. Benjamin Mays. She advocates more of the same sort of interchange on race relations.

The editors, noting that racial tolerance is a two-way street, reprint an abstract from the A.M.E. Zion Church newspaper, The Missionary Seer, stating that racism was not confined to any one race and that the majority race in any culture had a tendency to discriminate against minorities.

It lists several white persons and organizations and publications, including The News, which stuck their necks out for blacks while continuing to live in the South.

A letter from an AF of L representative notes that the Third Biennial Southern Labor Conference would convene May 11 in Asheville with upwards of 5,000 AFL delegates expected to attend.

A letter responds to the Roosevelt haters and newspapers who wished to impose term limits on the presidency. She advocates leaving the matter up to the people and expresses her sorrow for the Roosevelt haters, as FDR had left the country a plan for the future, which would chart the way for the world, and had also brought victory in the war.


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