Thursday, November 11, 1943

The Charlotte News

Thursday, November 11, 1943


Site Ed. Note: The front page reports that the Fifth Army had driven back the Nazis in the mountains of Italy, taking Mount Rotundo, northwest of Mignano, overlooking the valley leading to Cassino, and through which the main road to Rome passed, through the Nazi defense line.

The Eighth Army encountered only light resistance in taking positions on the south bank of the Sangro River.

It was also reported that the Nazis were busy blowing up facilities in the ports of Leghorn on the west coast and Pescara on the east coast, apparently in preparation for evacuation of those two German strongholds.

Secretary of War Henry Stimson released the casualty figures for the Italian Campaign since the landing at Salerno September 9, showing 1,296 killed, 4,764 wounded, and 2,497 missing. British casualties were said to be higher, but specific figures were not yet available.

Gunnar Kumlien, in his fourth and last report on occupied Italy, indicates that the Nazis were busy rounding up Jews in Rome, as they had already done in Northern Italy. They had found the identification process more difficult in Rome, however, in part because Pietro Badoglio's chief of police, Dr. Carmine Senisi, had, before the Germans occupied the Eternal City, burned all the papers containing compromising information on Jews.

In the Pacific, U.S. Army troops landed on Bougainville to fight alongside the Marines who had landed on the last Japanese-held island in the Solomons November 1. None of the ships which transported the fresh Army troops was lost as the Japanese lost 26 of 69 raiding divebombers in the operation.

In Russia, the Red Army continued to pound Nazi positions all along the front, from Gomel to the Ukraine to the Crimea, despite the first wet snows of winter now falling in the Western Ukraine.

To meet criticism of Lend-Lease on Capitol Hill, the President released figures indicating that 1.175 billion dollars in reverse lend-lease aid had been provided by the British Empire to the United States through June 30.

The President laid the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery to commemorate this Armistice Day of 1943. Government offices, however, remained open and traditional ceremonies were maintained at a minimum in light of the ongoing war effort.

As we indicated on Memorial Day, twenty years hence, President Kennedy would lay his last wreath at the Tomb, without giving an address in the Amphitheater.

Hal Boyle takes a look at the career of George Patton, from his time at age 33 on the day of the Armistice, November 11, 1918, still trying to find the enemy to fight them, to the present, as Mr. Boyle reprises the Lieutenant-General's great victories: a year earlier in Morocco; his turning around in March and April the campaign in Tunisia to win the battles at Gafsa and El Guettar after the debacle at Kasserine Pass in February under the command of his predecessor, General Lloyd Fredendall; and, most recently, his taking of two-thirds of Sicily, through to Palermo and Messina.

The slapping incident in Sicily in August which had sidelined the General, thus far out of public view, would not be reported for yet another eleven days.

The Chief Justice of the Bahamas Supreme Court said that he was convinced that there was no tampering with evidence presented at the trial of Alfred de Marigny for the murder of Sir Harry Oakes. Defense counsel had argued that a fingerprint on a bed screen, allegedly found at the murder scene, was planted by the Miami police who had arranged to obtain an object which Mr. de Marigny had touched.

Just why the Miami police were involved in the murder investigation was not indicated.

And Pal was reported to have taken his first feeble steps since Saturday as his master, Tech Sergeant Franklin Higgins, arrived home in Albany, N.Y. on special furlough and greeted his Airedale pup with tears after his stroke resultant of the attack of grief besetting him since his master had left to go afar to train for war.

Way to go, Pal. Cheer up, son. Your wait is over. Now you can die, so as to provide a suitable ending to the saga.

Wait, hold the presses. This just in. Pal just leaped over three four-foot high fences and ran three times around the block chasing, it was said, an Ithacan rabbit. Looks rejuvenated now and is A-OK.

If there is a relapse, Tech Sergeant, call Patton to come over and he'll slap some sense into that spineless, sniveling canine weakling son of an Airedale.

Stand at attention, Pal, when you're being addressed by a superior.

On the editorial page, "Two Armistices" compares the conditions between the German surrender in 1918 and that extant in 1943. Distinct variations were apparent: the terms of surrender this time would be unconditional; Germany's civilian population and own soil had experienced the horrors of war, unlike the scene in 1918; Russia was not going to sue for a separate peace as before and Germany was now fighting on two fronts, not just one as in 1918; German soldiers were not too far from home in Belgium and France in 1918, whereas they were now scattered in western Russia and throughout Northern and Central Italy; most of the allies of Germany in 1918 had already surrendered by the time of the Armistice, but now Japan was expected to fight on, well beyond the defeat of Germany; in 1918, Germany still had remnants of a representative government and freedom of the press, but in 1943 there was only total dictatorship and a puppet Fourth Estate.

The piece goes on to make other distinctions as well.

"Still Mr. Hoey" correctly predicts that former Governor Clyde R. Hoey would be the next Senator from North Carolina to replace Robert Rice Reynolds who had just announced his intention not to run for the Democratic nomination in 1944.

"The Little King" argues that the State Department must make up its mind once and for all whether the U.S. would deal with Victor Emmanuele, stooge of Mussolini, or reject him in favor of someone solidly anti-Fascist, such as Count Sforza, returned recently to Sicily from his twenty-year self-imposed exile undertaken when Mussolini seized power.

"Football Bets" finds the business of football "parlay sheets" to be a sucker's game which ought be deemed illegal and not in the nature of a lottery. Horse racing, it declares, was by comparison an "easy game".

What do you think about it, Loudermann?

Raymond Clapper argues that the recent coal strike and the railway workers' demands for higher wages, along with new similar demands by steel workers, were of a piece and constituted nothing less than attacks on democracy at home, just as did the refusal of Congress to raise taxes by more than token amounts on selected items or to enforce price controls to curb inflation.

Because the inimical behavior toward democracy was not promulgated by Fascists but rather by the American worker and representatives of the Government, the dilemma thus posed was frustrating.

Only two groups were not represented in the resulting morass, the hapless white collar worker, whose salary was frozen by the war, and the soldier sent off to fight it.

Framed in terms of hate, as suggested by Henry Kaiser as an ailment presently besetting the United States, Samuel Grafton tackles the same issue.

Dorothy Thompson examines the implication of a meeting reported by a Stockholm newspaper that the 46th birthday celebration of Herr Doktor Goebbels was attended by Heinrich Himmler, Chief of the Gestapo and S.S., Albert Speer, Chief of Munitions, and Karl Doenitz, Grand Admiral of the Navy.

She finds glaring the omission of anyone from the Army, indicating the historic disparities between the German Navy and Army, the former an elite organization which had been revised by Doenitz after Hitler came to power, converting it to a force dominated by the most virulent Nazis, while the Army had remained closer to the people of Germany and thus less intensely Nazified. The fact that the meeting had occurred among these four men, each with worldwide connections in their respective spheres of oversight, suggested that planning was ongoing to sustain the Nazi ideal underground after the war and to exploit these worldwide connections to insure in that world the survival of these four plus other Nazi leaders.

Drew Pearson reports that the price of eggs, like Humpty-Dumpty, were about to fall precipitously by the fact that the Government intended to sell five million on the open market. The Government had bought up too many for the war effort, maintaining them in cold storage, and now needed to get rid of them. But the prospect might produce a glut on the market which would tend to reduce production for the following year.

OPA wanted them sold at a price cheaper than fresh eggs but the War Food Administration, responsible for the sale, wanted them sold at an even higher price than fresh eggs, to protect against unfair competition with egg producers who had held back from market some eggs on the hunch that the price would rise during the winter months.

Senator Arthur Vandenberg of Michigan, he also reports, had declared that were General MacArthur drafted as the nominee of the 1944 Republican Convention, he would accept the nomination.

Democrats, he notes, not in favor of a fourth term for FDR, were delighted at the prospect of a MacArthur candidacy because it gave them incentive to promote a rival candidacy, that of General George C. Marshall.

He indicates also that the White House, in analyzing the off-year election results of the previous week, had determined that Labor might begin to lean Republican in 1944 and that, as well, the farmers as a bloc had turned against the Administration.

It appeared over for FDR.

Call off the War and the New Deal, boys.

Mr. Pearson's last comment finds both fuel oil and coal short for the long, cold winter ahead.

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