The Charlotte News
Thursday, July 3, 1941
Site Ed. Note: "Russia Totters" paints a bleak picture of the Red Army's plight, as Stalin orders a scorched earth policy among civilian evacuees moving inland to safer barricades. The piece concludes by warning that time appears to be shorter than originally thought for the respite to England, that invasion there by the Nazis may soon follow.
The front page, however, provides conflicting news, offering that while the German news agency, DNB, notorious for Big Lie propaganda, had reported major troop captures along the 2,000-mile front, other sources showed the Soviets had slowed the Nazi panzer advance by fierce fighting, as it had begun to snow in Lwow on the route into the Ukraine.
O, Buala bas, a buala bas, a buala bas...
Meanwhile, Col. Fish stops to tie his shoelaces before starting his training with the "Singing Engineers" down at Fort Bragg.
And Harold Ickes wants stiff enforcement against the "jackrabbit cars" with hyped-up engines squandering 250 million gallons of gas a month--probably running on a little moonshine, too.
It sounds to us as a better policy for conservation than $4.00 per gallon gas prices. But you have it your way, Boss-man.
Popeye needs a time-out as he drops some dishes and gets his mouth washed with soap by Mrs. Jones, the pirate's wife. No cursing in Davy Jones's locker, damnit. Remember that, Popeye, next time you're in hell. Come to think of it, wethinks we visited, ourselves, with Mrs. Jones a couple of times.
And Sally, maybe it's about time you changed that Polka-Dot dress, dear. It is the third day in a row, after all. But Tops seems to like it--and that's what counts, we suppose.
Oh goodness, somebody's following Jesse. Probably some Commie from UNC. Easy's got him covered though, with the machine-guns.
Superman stops the ray-gun from hitting the train on its way down the clickety-clack tracks, by tunneling underground and grabbing from down below.
You guessed it: we're in Nutville now.
Installment 28 of Out of the Night finds Jan in latter 1933 selling Communism to the Northern lands of Scandinavia, operating out of more hospitable climes than Germany--in Denmark, Sweden and Norway. "The reports we had received," he tells us, "of the secret rearmament in Germany, the recent appointments of military attachés to all major embassies, and the increase of German orders of iron by way of Narvik all pointed in one direction--long-view preparation for war. War against the Soviet Union, we believed."
Going back a month to June 1, a day before Cash's commencement address, here is an article which appeared in The Summer Texan, the University of Texas student newspaper. As you might note, Wilbob went under numerous aliases. As the Reverend Smith, he apparently, according to the program guide listed above the article, also delivered a sermon titled "Repentance and the Changed Mind". But maybe we misreed it.
Here's another little bit on that election going on in Texas at the same time.
We picked up these latter pieces, incidentally, at the University library there in Austin that Monday, August 26, 2001, having been delayed the night before serendipitously by that gully-washer. It's great to be Irish, isn't it?
Good 'ay.