The Charlotte News
Saturday, June 7, 1941
Site Ed. Note: Waverly Rudisill of Iron Station, just as with his pronouncement that the Jews had propagandered against the Christians back 'ere, once again has it all figured out as to how to end the War: the problem, he says, is the lack of confidence held by the Axis in our present leaders because of the sell-out by President Wilson twenty years earlier, in which he abandoned them to their enemies, France and England, to be carved up. (By "Axis", we assume he means Germany, as Italy was one of the allies doing the carving.) So, clearly what was needed was someone in whom the Axis could place trust, says Mr. Rudisill, such as Charles A. Lindbergh.
Presumably, therefore, Mr. Rudisill, seeing as how the next election was yet three and a half years hence, advocated either a coup or the appointment of Mr. Lindbergh as some sort of czar to oversee peace negotiations with the Nazis--something for which Mr. Lindbergh was, by his experience as a flier across the Atlantic and before that as an airmail carrier, plainly and eminently well-qualified.
In any event, Mr. Rudisill, who we hear had the nickname "The Wave", is sure that Hitler said that Germany was not going to be "sugjugated", that they had expected to be "treated equal" under Wilson and them others and so, "if it, say it like you want to" and get Lindbergh in there and them others, who he could not name, in whom they would have confidence. Simple.
The difficulty of interpretation is indicative of and directly proportional to the depth of thought behind this missive of consequence: for, we think, Mr. Rudisill must have been some sort of, what you'd call a diviner, such as Michel de Nostredame. He does, after all, throughout, except at the beginning, address his letter to the editor there in 1941, concerning the Axis, to Mr. McCain.
What could be plainer? The Wave foresaw the Future. Truly a natural phenomenon; had they only listened, the War would have been over just as quick, or even sooner, as you could say "propagandered".
"Crafty Boys" incidentally brings to mind a scene from "Dr. Strangelove (Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb)", which we happened to watch again a couple of nights ago. And, in reviewing some of the extra features attached to the disk version, we discovered a factum of which we had never before heard: that the film was initially scheduled for its initial preview screening on November 22, 1963, and so had to be delayed until the end of January, 1964. Also, it informs us, as Major Kong, commanding the B-52 tactical wing headed irrevocably for Russia, reviews his survival packet, his original concluding line was: "Shoot, a fellow could have a pretty good weekend in Dallas with all that stuff." Before release, the line was overdubbed to substitute "Vegas". In any event, as for the scene called to mind by the piece on the page, fortunately for the filmmakers, it was a Coke machine, not a Pepsi machine. Otherwise, they would have probably made the Enemies List, along with Mary Poppins. Dancing Dottie, however, Fremdliebe's dream, a.k.a. "Miss Scott", her partial undercover name, no doubt was a close friend, at least to General Turgidson. And, in 2001, Hal...
Well, maybe you had to be there.
Installment 6 of Out of the Night is here. Lois Lane is kidnapped by some goons. Where is Superman? Meanwhile, Red Ryder gets paid the gold by Li Sing for the cattle drive to the awaiting ship on the waterfront at Frisco. Whether some of those cattle gave copper instead of milk, at least by the time they got to Mexico, we don't know.
Just say, "I read it in The News, oh boy." Thank you.