The Charlotte News
Saturday, May 31, 1941
Site Ed. Note: The first three editorials each resembles Cash's writing in recent weeks and so very probably were his, left behind, at least in substantial form. The first piece, however, starts out reading one way and appears to change its point in the middle; so perhaps it was an edited version which Cash originally wrote.
"Calm Man" has language resembling "Horse Theory" of May 16, regarding Senator Burton Wheeler. "Vichy Ruse" closely resembles "French Crisis" of the same date, as well as some other pieces in the interim.
But, as with yesterday's editorials, we cannot say for sure that these three pieces were by Cash; and so, since the computer is still loused up, we'll again let you read the page today on your own.
The piece by Dorothy Thompson gives a pretty fair contrast between a statesman and a dictator in terms of public style. She had seen and heard Hitler in person in 1933, and so she probably had a very good feel for that contrast.
President Roosevelt, however, we noted in his speech, did cough at one key point. Whether that constituted appeal to emotion is in the ear of the beholder. Perhaps it was just some dust floating through the then un-airconditioned East Room, which then stuck in the President's throat at a particularly auspicious moment.
Pardon us, huh-hmmm, while we clear our throat.
We must interpose our sad feelings, even these many years later, incidentally, for the poor, proud, and harried Ms. Russell there on Clement Avenue, her having the Ku Klux Klan breathing down her neck like that. And all for her standing up and being willing to say what she thought, that she supported Mr. Lindbergh and his crew, and believed Roosevelt to be a warmonger, that Hitler was being unfairly castigated and exploited by the profiteering Wall Streeters for his merely engaging in barter, not such a bad bloke really, once you got to know him a little--just severely misunderstood. (Perhaps we have unfairly fused her with her neighbor, Ms. J. Walter Russell. If so, we sincerely apologize.) The Klan, being all for B'nai B'rith and other such organizations, obviously would have taken great offense at Ms. Russell's courageous stand and considered her a danger to the Zionist Revolution, which, though it is little known, the Klan heavily supported; and so would have sought at once to intimidate and to eliminate one so peerlessly dauntless from the Charlotte landscape, and by any scurrilous means of harassment at their disposal, including writing her a letter.
Perhaps it was Imp Wizard Cash who sent her that letter, as emblematic of their parting being such sweet sorrow.
And we are glad to hear that the Democrats finally sorted out the mess in Michigan and Florida regarding the too early primaries in those states this year, and the consequent disputed delegates for lack of a campaign in either state prior to the primary. This newly found unity, supplying each such disputed delegate half a vote, reminds us that Michigan is shaped like a hand; and that Florida is the sunshine state.
By the way, we would have to say to the President that we are quite sympathetic with the current problems he is having to endure. Just remember, sir, that President Lincoln had his McClellan, too. Indeed, it probably won't be long until, no doubt, they will even stoop to picking on your little dog, Barney. Just bear in mind that you won't be the first president with such problems--and that every dog has a friend. We hope that cheers you up some.