The Charlotte News
Monday, February 19, 1940
Site Ed. Note: For the other three editorials of this date, added to the site originally in 1998, go here. This one we doubt is by Cash, but we offer it anyway.
And, on re-examination, that which we doubted originally of this date as being by Cash, "Poor Excuse", likely is--that is by Cash.
Also from the page, this one:
A Man Answers
Pass the Peanuts, Winston-Salem Sentinel
A lady who had been to see "Gone With the Wind" was in an argument with some other people about the picture. "It doesn't make any difference if Scarlett was married twice before," she said. "Those first two marriages don't count. She wasn't really married but once--to Rhett."
"But she was married to Rhett just a short time compared to the others," said another lady.
"If she had been married to that man just one day, it would have been well worth while," said the first lady.
They were also discussing the end of the picture. "I'll bet in real life, she would have gotten Rhett again," said the lady. "I'll bet he would have taken Scarlett back. Don't you think so?" She directed the question to her husband.
"I don't see any reason to take her back as long as Belle Watling was around," said her husband, who up to that time had been quietly reading a newspaper.
Police Department Sets Itself To Enforcing The Laws
Something is going on in the Police Department. In the last week or so, prostitution, the numbers game and liquor selling all have received sudden premeditated attention, and the hauls have been large enough to show that there is in this town a pretty considerable petty criminal element which obviously has enough trade on which, after a fashion, to exist.
Each of these pursuits the law expressly and rightly, perhaps, prohibits. And so there is nothing for the Police Department to do but to arrest those engaged in them, and thus to try to stamp them out.
But sometimes we wonder if the law is not ahead in its morality and the conventions on which the law is supposed to be based. We wonder, that is, if John Q. Citizen does not demand a higher standard of codified public behavior than he considers obligatory upon himself. For, certainly, prostitution, despite its illegality, is the oldest of the professions, and the people who play the numbers game and who buy liquor are both numerous and apparently at peace with their consciences.
Still, laws are laws, and there is nothing for the Police Department to do but to try to enforce them. For its unusual zeal in that direction we have only commendation.