The Charlotte News
Monday, October 6, 1941
Site Ed. Note: The letter to the editor of the day comes from Flagon-Dragon Adams of the Ku Klux Klan. It seems he was displeased with the reportage in The News regarding a request for his outfit to appear on the steps of the courthouse, suggesting that the request was for a "mass meeting of masked men". He wished to clarify that the imperial Wizard had in April, 1940 issued a Grand Klocklamation that masks were no longer acceptable as part of the costume, presumably even on Halloween.
Hmmm, Kemosabe, him heap big brave man to show face in public in pointy hat.
Cash had provided his confessional with respect to Dragon Adams back on January 17, 1941, after the Dragon's, that is the Klockenspiel's, Sunday radio program debuted.
As to the beginning of the Raymond Clapper piece, having returned to his usual hant from England the month before, he found that he was by the sea, gazing with tranquility.
Too bad Dragon Adams and his crew couldn't have done likewise rather than, as they were, howling at the moon.