The Charlotte News
Saturday, October 4, 1941
Site Ed. Note: Senator Joe Guffey, the subject of "Guffey Dossier", as the piece suggests, was instrumental in the Nazi oil deal with Mexico arranged in early 1939, after expropriation from U.S. and British interests in March, 1938. Guffey, a Pittsburgh small oil man himself, had traveled to Mexico in 1937 and personally saw to it through Ambassador Daniels that William Rhodes Davis, the greasy operator who arranged the deal, got an introduction to President Cardenas. Guffey also introduced Davis to labor leader John L. Lewis, who became another prime player in helping the deal to go forward.
Guffey did not know Davis personally but vouched for him nevertheless because of Davis's support of Roosevelt in 1932 and continuing support of the New Deal.
In short, the story, as printed by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in 1939, to which the piece makes reference, was true. Guffey did assist the oil deal. Guffey retracted his charge of third-party payment against the reporter when he became aware that he had been linked to Davis by the ongoing FBI investigation of Davis and that the story of his helping to arrange the sleazy oil deal with Mexico, which effectively enabled the invasion of Poland and the start therefore of the war, would surface during his re-election bid to the Senate in 1940.
Meanwhile, as Guffey distanced himself thereafter from Davis, Davis worked to defeat Roosevelt in 1940, primarily, from Davis's point of view, because Roosevelt would not acquiesce in the September, 1939 plan Davis had put forward for a negotiated peace with Hitler, with Davis as go-between, in order to keep Davis's neat little transoceanic pipeline deal going, having been stopped by the British blockade at the beginning of the war. Hitler had even sent a Nazi envoy, one Joachim Hertslet, to the United States to assist Davis in this enterprise to stop Roosevelt from being elected to a third term, at least as long as Roosevelt supported aid to Britain. The hope of the Nazis, working through Davis, and with Davis's assurances of cooperation from at least a substantial part of labor through his relationship with John L. Lewis, was to get Senator Burton Wheeler of Montana, one of the chief isolationists, nominated by the Democrats in 1940.
Isolationism, in other words, had its hidden puppeteers, stretching to the United States from directly within the Reich--all via the money to be made from supplying the Reich with oil to maintain war.
And, the last paragraph of "Furlough" makes the first mention in the column of the Volkswagon (as they spelled it), indicating that while the people had been asked by Hitler to fork over their wages to support the people's car, they had yet to see a single model roll off the assembly line. That wasn't exactly true. The bug chassis were being manufactured during the war, but for use as military vehicles, akin to our Jeeps, not as civilian sedans as the original design was promoted circa 1936.
As we have suggested before, the little buggy had, however, like the Reich itself, a third cylinder weakness: the oil cooler blocked the cooling fins on the third cylinder, front left, and, in consequence, the thing, though air-cooled, exploded in the desert heat.
Hence, Hitler put a bullet through his own oilpan, April 30, 1945, to afford more cooling.
Never underestimate the zen of the designs of Ferdie Porsche, even if some of them didn't work so well.