The Charlotte News
Thursday, October 30, 1941
Site Ed. Note: Today starts with a story of two young boys scavenging the garbage in a Charlotte alley for a couple of buns, as, far away across the sea in Germany, Herr Goebbels expresses deep sympathy for the plight of the people of Germany in this time of war--as the editorial writer recalls from a year earlier a quoted comment to an American diplomat that they need not share in this hardship, so "Let us eat."
Somewhere in the two pieces thus juxtaposed there is a tremendous moral lesson, we opine.
Lest you wind up like Herr Goebbels and his family, burned to krispy kritters in the gasoline outside the bunker, and quite rightly so, as the Red Rooskies approach in their armor to get you and devour you whole, best always take care to consider the least among us, the hungry and the homeless. It's far cheaper in the long run.
And take that test: What would you do if you were lost in the woods--at midnight on Lake Jenny, out in Wyoming, after a 27-mile, twelve-hour hike, with your flashlight dead, no food nor water left, and the bears being out in plenty, as evidenced by the rustling in the darkened wood? You could of course just go jump in the lake, but that wouldn't be too sensible with no moon about. So, what would you do? Call someone on your cell phone? There's no satellite picking up your signal way out there, deary. Better think of something else. And fast. The bear is approaching on his hind legs with his mouth agape.
And, the letter to the editor provides some more desperation, we think, from the McCain campaign, indicating the founding of the UMP, the United Militants Party.
Oh, we see. That was some other time. Never mind.
And just what in Hades the dentist there is doing, we don't know, and don't think we want to know. Maybe it's just the fuzzy print or something.
And just what the editor deleted from the first letter, we don't know, but it may have something to do with that dentist.
Incidentally, we know that "theater" and "editor" don't really quite exactly rhyme, but we couldn't think of a good way by which to work into the lines "aviator" or "radiator". So, some days, you just have to make do with what you have.
Well, four years ago, we told you all about the Foggy Mountain Breakdown, and now here we are, getting ready to tell you about the rearranged Wildwood Flower. It seems all to be cooked up on those mountain banjo-porches somewhere up there in the smoke and the fog of an autumn day. So, we'll see how she goes this time.