The Charlotte News

Sunday, November 22, 1936



A Role for Adolf

Because in Germany Christianity has been Nazified and because Our Lord was, by some strange fate, not made in Hitler's Germany, a Jew, Berlin shopkeepers were forbidden to display lighted Christmas trees in their show windows. They were dismayed. Christmas, they contended, was not only an occasion of significance to Christians: it was a festival: a season of good cheer and generous giving. They did not relish letting it pass unobserved.

As a result, the order was countermanded and a new order issued permitting the display of Christmas trees as usual "provided the trees are decorated in good taste." The taste of the Nazi standard would mean, we suppose, that a swastika should take the place of the star at the top most point of the green tree and that the characters usually grouped at its base should be Mama Hitler in place of Mary and Adolf himself as the Babe. Or maybe Adolf would be more becomingly cast as one of the long-eared beasts of burden in that stable outside the inn at Bethlehem.

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