The Charlotte News
Wednesday, January 15, 1941
Still Smug
Example of Hitler's Other Victims Lost on Ireland
The most incredible thing about Adolf Hitler's career still continues to be the sleepy complacency of nations which are scheduled as his appointed victims.
For a long time now it has been plain to observers that Ireland is likely to be 1941's Norway.
Hitler has failed to soften England by air attack. Until he does soften it by air attack, an attempt to invade it is likely to prove suicidal. And if he cannot invade it, the only way he can hope for victory is to starve it into submission.
Ireland is ideally located for his purposes, whether he ultimately decides to risk invasion of England or to try the starvation method.
The island will furnish him a base from which he can strike at the industrial heart of England with far more effectiveness than at present, because of the shortened air distance. Quite probably, its possession would make it possible for him to close the ports of Liverpool, Bristol, Cardiff and Glasgow, the ports through which most of England's surplus--especially those from the United States--now enter. And it would give him bases from which he could greatly extend the scope of his air and submarine attack on shipping in the Atlantic--might very well enable him to cut off American aid before it could be delivered and to sever England's food line.
Simple logic, therefore, says that Adolf Hitler will attempt to occupy Ireland before long, by the same methods which succeeded in Norway. There is no possibility of the Irish being able to prevent it on their own account. Only the handing over of Irish naval bases to England and the occupation of the country by the British army could prevent it. But the Irish refuse even to consider it. And observers report that most of them even deny that there is any danger.
Apparently, the old formula is going to have to be amended to read: "Whom Hitler Would Destroy First Make Themselves Mad."
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In Praise of an Old Friend, Brought Up to the Times
This is a free plug. Every year about this time we write one on the same theme--the new annual edition of the World Almanac. And we do it for no reason at all save for appreciation. Nobody ever solicits us in the matter. But the book is one of the most useful compilations of information ever devised by man, and in newspaper offices it is simply invaluable.
The edition for 1941 is perhaps even more useful than usual. For instance, are you confused about the events that happened so quick and fast in Europe during that confusing and terrible year of 1940? The Almanac will straighten you out by an admirably concise account of The War in Europe, to be found on pages 49-51, and in a detailed calendar of the chronology of the war on pages 52-82. All the important facts about any important happening of the war down until January 1, 1941, can be found there swiftly and easily.
Do you wonder about the war costs and how they compare with the past? On page 50, you'll find that they are already more than $15,000,000 a day for Britain--which means, as you can see by consulting page 195, that she is now spending in less then two weeks more than her whole budget came to in the fiscal year--1913-14, and about $4,000,000 a day more than she spent at the peak of the World War.
Or is it the late Presidential campaign about which your memory begins to grow a little hazy? Or do you want to know how the navies of the world stand after the events of last year? Or would you like to inquire more closely into the conscription law? Or the make-up of the British Cabinet? Or how vitamins operate to preserve your health? Or the income tax? Or the truth about Robert Rice Reynolds' claims about the alien menace? The answers, and ten hundred thousand others, will all be found in this thick, unpretentious looking little volume.
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