Site Ed. Note: Because we have gotten
behind on the 1956 summaries, we are skipping ahead and each week
will provide one summary until the political conventions of August,
and then thereafter until we catch up.
The front page for this date is here
and the editorial page is here. The editorial book review refers to Roosevelt: The Lion and the Fox by James MacGregor Burns, wherein is referenced FDR's "scrambled eggs" comment delivered December 5, 1938 in Woollen Gymnasium at UNC—wherein UNC's basketball team would make history in the coming season of 1956-57, which we shall reach in due course, commencing December 4 in Chapel Hill against Furman. Will they win? Following today's performance in Kenan Stadium in 2023 versus Virginia, we have to question it, as, obviously, anything can happen in the sporting world. (That English fellow, incidentally, told an untruth, as the song sung, though already out on a 45 in September, 1965, would not be on an American LP until June, 1966, an eternity away. Get it straight or go home. His "it", of course, may have referred to the record generally, as opposed, necessarily, to an LP, but having referred to an LP in England, which, minus a few songs, had already been released in America in August as a soundtrack, he should have been definite rather than employing an indefinite pronoun, confusing everybody. UNC would lose to Virginia in the 1965 football season also, on the birthday of him who was he of whom you were him and we were all together, assuming "he" was him who sung the song and not him to whom he later made reference as being him, 21 to 17, but in a hapless season in the soup, not the sun, not to be repeated this year.)