The Charlotte News
Saturday, October 6, 1956
Site Ed. Note: Because we have gotten behind on the 1956 summaries, we are skipping ahead and each week will provide one summary until we catch up.
The front page for this date is here
and the editorial page is here. We must, incidentally, make comment on the erratic orthography, printing and semantics utilized in communicating the results of the third game of the World Series in New York on the front page this date. First, "flied" is not a proper verb form. It should be "flew"—unless it is merely a misprint for "fled", in which event, we let it slud. Second, Peewee Reese did not "rape" a single to center, as, had he done so, he would, no doubt, be in jail for at least the remainder of the Series, locked in the dugout. He may have, however, "rapped" a single to center, even if that suggests considerable ambiguity, in its rather impotent and vapid attempt at onomatopoeia