The Charlotte News

Tuesday, October 3, 1950


Site Ed. Note: The front page reports that the Far East Air Force attacked heavy traffic columns moving southward in North Korea from Communist China's Manchurian border, destroying 56 trucks and five other vehicles, most of the trucks being in the vicinity of Pyongyang. The northernmost point of attack was 30 miles south of the Manchurian border. Meanwhile, the South Koreans pressed nearly 50 miles northward into North Korea, on a drive intending to proceed to the Manchurian border at the Yalu River, a destination which they estimated they would reach within a month or two.

Tom Lambert reported that American Marines had captured Uijongbu, twelve miles north of Seoul.

The Korea Military Advisory Group was concerned that enemy troops might be going into the hills to form a flanking attack. The Group also expressed concern that only 50 to 75 North Korean prisoners were being taken each day by the South Korean forces.

Hal Boyle reports from North Korea that the forward elements of the South Korean Army had advanced nearly 50 miles beyond the 38th parallel as the force was nearly unopposed, and that the main body of it had pushed into Kansong by midday, 35 miles north of the parallel. The enemy was retreating so fast that the South Koreans were having trouble keeping up with them. These troops had moved 275 miles along roads since they had begun their push from the south 15 days earlier, averaging more than 18 miles per day, mostly on foot. A South Korean colonel told Mr. Boyle that the morale of the men was very high and that only a few casualties each day had been sustained, but that he was concerned that the front commanders might move them too far too fast.

According to Lt. General George Stratemeyer, commander of the Far East Air Forces, allied land-based planes had destroyed or damaged 1,050 Russian-made tanks and over 5,000 trucks, 330 locomotives and 874 rail cars thus far in the war. Eighteen major North Korean targets had been neutralized. He told the press conference that at no time was there consideration given to use of the atom bomb. The Air Force had suffered 175 casualties, including 52 killed, and lost 139 aircraft. He also said that Air Force attacks on Manchurian villages north of Korea had been accidental.

At the U.N., Australia called for occupation of all of Korea by the U.N. forces, but India again expressed grave doubts of the wisdom of such a move, opposing the eight-nation resolution for unification and rebuilding of Korea under U.N. auspices. The Australian representative argued that without the crossing and occupation into North Korea, the three months of fighting would have been in vain.

Senator Styles Bridges of New Hampshire accused the State Department of a "great sell-out" and giving away everything won in Korea, opening the back door for entry by Communist China into the U.N. He contended that the first move was the Security Council inviting the Communist Chinese to present their charges of U.S. aggression in Formosa. The U.S. had voted against it, as had Nationalist China, which argued that its vote constituted a veto. The U.S., however, took the position that the vote was not subject to veto. Senator Bridges saw it as selling out the American effort in Korea by acquiescing to the proposed Russian settlement that seating of Communist China would avoid further bloodshed. Senator Bridges called for a complete housecleaning at the State Department, starting with Secretary Acheson.

In Pittsburgh, a local judge, Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor and former member of the Nuremberg tribunal, released documents which he claimed established without question that the Communist Party in America was a war machine with its primary purpose being the overthrow of the government. The documents had been seized in an arrest raid August 31 at the Pittsburgh headquarters of the party. The judge sent the originals to HUAC.

Thomas Reedy reports that Congressman Thurmond Chatham of North Carolina had slipped into the Soviet sector of East Berlin without being spotted during a 50-mile jeep ride, visiting a new air base and an infantry tank compound during the journey. He was subject to arrest and even being shot as a spy for doing so, but was escorted by a Russian officer he had befriended during World War II, whom he had recognized in a West Berlin nightclub. The officer had said to checkpoint guards that Mr. Chatham was a friend from one of the East European satellites. Along the way, Mr. Chatham observed a new type of tank, lower in profile than anything produced during the war, about three feet high, immune thereby to ordinary fire.

A small but severe Atlantic hurricane, with 100 mph winds, was moving toward Cape Hatteras but was expected to turn seaward before striking land, with its center remaining about 490 miles east-southeast of the North Carolina coast. A squall, with winds of 45 to 55 mph, was moving westward in the Gulf of Mexico toward the Texas coast, expected to bring bad weather by the afternoon.

On the editorial page, "Accessory after the Fact" finds that most Americans would be dismayed about the failure of the U.N. yet to authorize crossing of the 38th parallel, in advance of the crossing of the line by South Korean troops on Sunday.

The General Assembly had not anticipated the U.N. forces reaching the line so quickly and the U.S. did not want to ramrod a resolution through the Assembly, especially after India had stated its objection to such a move.

It does not question the wisdom of General MacArthur in deciding to send the troops into North Korea, though acknowledging that it would have been better to have done so with the imprimatur of the Assembly. Nevertheless, such a unilateral action could weaken the new-found unity in the organization. But on balance, it finds, the greater risk was to vacillate in the face of immediate opportunity to pursue the fleeing and disorganized North Korean troops.

The eight-nation resolution to unite and rebuild Korea under U.N. oversight implicitly recognized, in using the phrase "the whole of Korea", crossing of the parallel. Adoption of that resolution by the Assembly, which it urges forthwith, would provide legal and moral authority to the action.

"The Bank Account Looks Better" tells of the most recent assessment by the Government showing that there would likely be a surplus by the end of the fiscal year, at least a balanced budget. One investment firm had explained that the surplus of the first quarter would act as a brake on inflation. But for the longer term, the increase in the defense budget since the start of the Korean war would lead to bigger deficits.

It urges again, during this unanticipated breathing spell, getting rid of all of the fat in the domestic appropriations, eliminating farm subsidies in a time of inflated farm prices, and raising taxes on individuals and corporations enough to pay the remaining costs of government, while keeping hands off strikes unless they materially impacted national security, and in those strikes, seizing the struck industry while maintaining wages at the status quo.

"In Touch with the World" welcomes the age of live television to the Charlotte area, with the recent broadcast of the U.N. debates in August, and the previous weekend, the WBTV broadcast of the UNC-Notre Dame football game from South Bend. (The U.N. and UNC—you do see the correlation.) The political conventions of 1948, put on, respectively, by the RNC and DNC, before many people had sets, were the beginning of the new age and it looks forward to many more such events to keep the people in touch with their world in a way never previously possible.

But then came the point, somewhere probably around 1980, when too much of a good thing saturated the collective mind of the public, until it began to go just a little south of strange on a fairly regular basis, stretching many times into the realm of psychopathology.

We say it again: there is as much need today in junior high and high school level education for a course, adjusted to the respective levels of comprehension, in mass communication and media, how it impacts the human organism and mind, as there is for courses in literature, especially so as most people appear to obtain far more of their information these days, and for the last several decades, from television and video presentations than from reading of either newsprint or books. That is not to say, of course, that stress on literature should be diminished in favor of mass communication studies, but there is a definite and crying need for both. In that, perhaps, there might come a reduction in the peculiar trend toward mass violence—which appears to have come about coincident with this new age of television in 1949-50, and has gradually picked up steam, commensurate with the relative saturation of news coverage for any given event, from car accidents to celebrity cases of violence to the now nearly monthly case of mass shooting.

If these idiotic nuts who are playing out roles in wild west shows every weekend won't give up their guns, maybe they will not have trouble with learning at least why they are so psychopathically tendentious in their desires for destruction of things, animals, and ultimately, after sheer boredom, people, and, in the process, becoming so paranoid about their fellow man that they must pack a gun to feel big and tall—which, when boiled down to reality, is nothing more complex than a fear of their own primordial instincts, projected then onto the Other, ultimately to provide rationalization for use of the otherwise absurdly useless gun in a modern age.

But, we may be becoming too technical for the average tuber or solid stater, as 'twere, at least by the YouTube videos and their running commentary of the last few days, questioning, again, the reality on the signboard because it happens to come via the "mainstream media", whatever that is. Most of them, obviously, cannot read the English language and so wind up very confused about the nature of their basic assumptions which color their perception of reality, ultimately infecting, when reaching enough of the masses, the entire stream of society and commerce, to the point of rendering the culture a patent absurdity.

A piece from the Asheville Citizen, titled "Nothing on the Sly", hopes that busybodies in Washington at the Board of Geographic Names, who had changed Grave Creek, Ore., to Sunny Valley and Tecapau, S.C., to Startex, would not begin to tamper with such North Carolina staples as Salvo, Toast, Cricket, Luck, Fig, Method, Globe, Speed, Candor, Calypso, Ivanhoe, Kipling, Othello, Bandana, Abner, Tarheel, Micro, Spot, Wise and Welcome. It finds a suitable pun for each name to indicate the disapprobation which would accompany any such name alteration.

An excerpt from the Congressional Record provides a colloquy between Senator Elmer Thomas of Oklahoma, Senator Kenneth Wherry of Nebraska, and Vice-President Alben Barkley, presiding over the body, regarding a motion to reconsider Resolution 239 and whether the motion could displace any unfinished business.

We agree.

Drew Pearson tells of Secretary of Defense Marshall giving hints that he would remain in the post only for a short time, as evidenced by his request to continue as head of the American Red Cross, even at age 70. It was believed that he would return to that position within a year. With the two salaries and Government expenses, he received $51,000, making him the highest paid person, next to the President, in Government.

He next pays tribute to William Kennedy, who had recently retired as Assistant Deputy Commissioner of the Alcohol Tax Unit. He had been offered gifts from the distillers upon his retirement, which would have been illegal. He had declined, after tracing the offers of an ostensibly private individual back to the distillers.

The President was still telling friends the reasons for his firing Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson, adding that he had discovered that he was seeing Bernard Baruch and cozying up to GOP Senator Owen Brewster. Mr. Pearson notes that had the President waited until after the Inchon landings to fire Mr. Johnson, it would have been difficult politically as the Secretary would have received part of the credit.

The President had recently received a visit from Army Corporal Woodrow Wilson, named for his famous relative, to present the President with a forget-me-not, to open the drive for Disabled American Veterans. The corporal had lost both legs and a hand after the Battle of the Bulge in late 1944.

Joseph Alsop, in Tokyo, discusses the aftermath of the retaking of Seoul and what it portended, suggests that the worst thing the country could do was either to squander the opportunity to reunite Korea or to fall back into the complacency in which the country had lapsed since the end of World War II, prior to Korea.

It was not clear yet how Korea was to be reunified, either militarily or diplomatically. If it took more fighting, it could come at great loss of allied life. There was also the risk that the Soviets might become involved.

But the gain was that the timid boy had stood up to the bully and it could go a long way in diminishing the threat of future such Soviet-inspired attacks in Asia.

Beyond the celebration of victory was the realization of how close the country had come to disaster at the hands of a relatively weak force, with stupid leadership. The day had been saved by the astute leadership of General MacArthur.

Sooner or later, he warns, the Soviets would be tempted to try such a move again and it was incumbent upon the U.S. to be ready at that point. For another misstep could be far more costly, he believes, than the Korean war, which thus far had cost the U.S. about ten thousand casualties.

Robert C. Ruark again discusses the corruption of the police in New York City, taking bribes from the gambling bosses that they might continue to operate with impunity. The new police commissioner, Thomas Murphy, was able and honest but was up against circumstances which were practically impossible to overcome. It was not easy to make sure that every individual officer was clean. Mayor William O'Dwyer, before being recently appointed Ambassador to Mexico, had undertaken a campaign to move police officers around from precinct to precinct in an effort to break up rings of loyalty. But it had little effect. Cops were rarely fired when caught stealing.

The cop on the beat received perhaps only a few dollars in payoffs but the captains, lieutenants and inspectors presumably got a lot more in the form of gifts at Christmas and campaign contributions.

Moreover, the system of corruption depended on everyone in the chain of command being dishonest, to insure that each would cover for the other. If one honest cop appeared, he became a threat to the whole system and thus would wind up walking a lonely beat in a lonely precinct.

He concludes that as long as there were horses running and betting on them, there would be bookies, and as long as there were bookies, there would be corruption among the cops and politicians. "People are built that way."

A letter writer objects to the selection of judges in North Carolina by partisan election and advocates selection of Superior Court judges by the State Supreme Court, subject to approval by the Governor and State Senate, to serve for life or good behavior, as Federal judges. The judges would be selected from either of the major parties in proportion to the percentage of the vote received by the party in the prior state election—unclear as to which election, Governor or Supreme Court justices, he is referring. Nor is it evident how his proportionality concept would work after the initial round of appointments, as lifetime appointments would result in fewer vacancies in office.

It is not clear how that process would remove the selection entirely from politics, as he does not state how he would have the Supreme Court of the state selected, as they, too, were elected, except when a vacancy occurred by death or retirement before the end of a term. And they, the Court of Appeals and Superior Court judges still are elected on a partisan ballot, though party labels were stricken between 2004 and 2016. In any event, good luck with that...

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