The Charlotte News

Thursday, September 30, 1948


Site Ed. Note: The front page reports that U.S. chief delegate to the U.N. Warren Austin reaffirmed America's willingness to place its atomic arsenal under international control provided there would be adequate safeguards and inspections. He said Russia was to blame for lack of international control. The U.N. political committee was considering the atomic control question, placed on the agenda by General A.G.L. McNaughton of Canada.

A British Government source indicated that the five-nation Western European Union had selected Field Marshal Viscount Bernard Montgomery, chief of Britain's imperial staff, to be commander of its armed forces and that formal announcement would take place in Paris within two days. Apparently, he would resign as head of Britain's armed forces.

Russian propaganda radio broadcasts were criticizing conditions in Iran, suggesting a possible aggressive move in that country in the near future, as a means to divert attention from Berlin. One of the criticisms was that Iran had failed to carry out an amnesty program promised for pro-Soviet leaders rounded up after the evacuation of the Russians in 1946. Another was that Iran was preparing to enter an Arab bloc which would serve the interests of the Anglo-American "monopolists of the Middle East".

Russian soldiers who entered the American sector of Berlin had shot two German civilians and the matter was under investigation by U.S. authorities.

Chaim Weizmann, President of Israel, arrived from Switzerland for the first time in Tel Aviv to take up residence.

Representative John McDowell of Pennsylvania, a member of HUAC, accused the Justice Department of "window-dressing" by bringing charges against the twelve Communist Party leaders in a such a deliberately incompetent manner that the charges would not pass constitutional muster.

The President, speaking the previous day in Oklahoma City, charged that the Congress was impeding the Government's efforts against subversive activities.

HUAC chairman J. Parnell Thomas countered that the President and the Justice Department were obstructing and thwarting the Committee's investigations. He said that the President had accused HUAC of making confidential information available to foreign countries and injuring the reputations of innocent persons. He asked in a letter to the President for specificity on the claims.

This date, the President traveled through Southern Illinois by automobile, telling voters in Carbondale that he had tried to get Congress to fight inflation but that they were not interested. His train also passed through Indiana and into Kentucky.

Governor Dewey would make a foreign policy speech at Salt Lake City this night. In advance of the speech, he said that he wanted to set up a foreign policy such that no dictator could any longer regard the country as "weak or wobbly". He said that his administration would also reject the defeatist attitude that the country had to swing wildly between boom and bust.

The Progressive Party headquarters announced that thirteen candidates for Congress were withdrawing because the Democrats had shown a more constructive liberal approach. Included among them were the opponents of Congresswoman Helen Gahagan Douglas and Congressman Chet Holifield in California.

Governor Strom Thurmond said that he expected to win 100 electoral votes in the election.

Pollster Elmo Roper examines public opinion regarding Taft-Hartley, finding most of the public to support it generally, with 30 percent wanting stronger checks on unions, 11 percent wanting the law more favorable to unions, and 24 percent wanting the Act left as is. Only 12.5 percent favored repeal, somewhat higher among Truman supporters at 19 percent, and at 41 percent of those favoring Henry Wallace. When isolated for labor union members, over 35 percent favored repeal outright.

Mr. Roper found that therefore the President stood to gain fewer votes by opposing the measure than Governor Dewey would gain by supporting it. But in the ten states where labor was a strong political component of the electorate, labor opposition might work to provide President Dewey with a Democratic Senate in January.

In September, Mr. Roper had vowed that, absent a major event such as war, he would not do any more polling analysis of the presidential election, with it a foregone conclusion.

In Edmonton, Alberta, RCAF fliers praised the courage of a seriously injured 12-year old boy who had been rescued from a wrecked plane after hanging upside down for 42 hours beside the dead body of his mother. He was being flown by his mother from their home in Anchorage, Alaska, to school when the plane crashed 65 miles northwest of Fort Nelson, British Columbia. RCAF fliers believed that the plane had been caught in a downdraft.

In Oyster Bay, N.Y., the 87-year old widow of former President Theodore Roosevelt died after being in ill health for some time. They had been married in 1886. Three of her four sons had perished in either the First or Second World War, two in the latter. The surviving son had served in both wars. The former First Lady was also survived by a stepdaughter, Alice Roosevelt Longworth.

The Western North Carolina Methodist Conference, meeting in High Point, continued.

The FCC announced that it would suspend temporarily the granting of television licenses pending the improvement of the service already authorized. There were 302 pending applications thus frozen, after authorization of 123 stations, with but 37 operational. The suspension of grants would last about six months.

We wanted to see that "Howdy Doody" program. When is it coming on?

On the editorial page, "The World Crisis" tells of Soviet Deputy Premier Nikolai Voznesensky writing in his recently published book that the threat of a third world war could not be attenuated until the aggressor nations of the West were completely disarmed militarily and economically. The Soviet Union was embarked on an undeclared war against the democracies which could only end, in the eyes of the Politburo, in total victory.

The book summarized well the Soviet position vis-à-vis the West and why negotiations had finally broken down in Moscow and Berlin, why Stalin's seemingly cooperative and ameliorative attitude in late August suddenly evaporated during talks between the military governors in Berlin.

The decision finally by the three Western powers to present the matter of the blockade to the U.N. Security Council was momentous, raising significantly the chances for a shooting war. Only if the Politburo recognized the danger and chose a way to save face would such prospects be diminished.

"What Are the Dixiecrats?" finds the dissension between Democrats and Dixiecrats in the South confusing, as the Dixiecrats of North Carolina considered it a victory to get the Thurmond-Wright ticket on the ballot, whereas Louisiana had dropped the Truman-Barkley ticket off the ballot completely in favor of Thurmond-Wright, placed under a traditional Democratic rooster emblem. The "regular" Democrats had to wage a battle to get the Truman-Barkley ticket back on the Louisiana ballot. While succeeding, the ticket would not be listed on the ballot as Democratic while the Thurmond-Wright ticket would be.

The Dixiecrats, by behaving in that manner, were sacrificing any hope of gaining national recognition. They could not appear as Democrats on one ballot and "States' Rights Democrats" on another. They could not run from the party in one state and away with it in another.

"How to Stop Worrying" tells of the historical novel boom of a year or so earlier having now waned, supplanted by public worry of high prices, war, and politics. Most of all, the public worried about worrying, as evidenced by the best seller lists.

The non-fiction best-seller in the country was Dale Carnegie's How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, followed by Joshua Liebman's Peace of Mind. Such hearkened back to the what-me-worry works which became popular in the Great Depression years, such as Life Begins at Forty.

Perhaps the spiritual depression of 1948 had beaten an economic depression to the punch, creating this new culture of worry.

It finds the chapter headings in Mr. Carnegie's work indicative of the worries being harbored by the public, business worries, housewife worries, fatigue, retention of youth, etc.

It concludes, "Why worry, anyway?"

Drew Pearson tells of Eleanor Roosevelt relating to friends that she would not speak in support of re-election of President Truman, that she would remain in Europe through December 1 for the U.N. General Assembly meeting and would take no part in the election campaign. The President, in appointing her as a U.N. delegate, had hoped to garner her support. In recent months, she had indicated her displeasure with the President's about-face on Palestine, first supporting the U.S.-proposed partition plan in the fall, and then, after the eruption of trouble, withdrawing his support in favor of a trusteeship in Palestine, albeit having since mid-May informally recognized Israel.

Mr. Pearson notes that she had privately opposed the President's nomination.

Hugh Hanson, an engineer for the Navy's Bureau of Aeronautics and a civilian, turned out a one-man letter-writing campaign for the Navy, opposing the Air Force. He had written Senators opposing appropriations for the B-36 bomber. He had even written to the President. Some question had arisen whether the campaign was really a one-man hobby, as he claimed, or that of a full-fledged lobby.

The Chicago Tribune had reported that the President had directed Governor Earl Long of Louisiana to get his name back on the ballot or face prosecution for income tax evasion. Actually, the Governor already had a tax case which was insubstantial and not subject to criminal prosecution. And the President never threatened him.

Senator Owen Brewster of Maine had spent over $1,750 of taxpayer money to reprint and circulate his speech attacking Howard Hughes.

New Jersey lawyers had petitioned the Justice Department to investigate the charges made by Mr. Pearson against HUAC chairman J. Parnell Thomas of New Jersey.

The President had received a grand reception at San Antonio. But a few weeks earlier, things might have been different, as the Texas delegation had split between support and bitter opposition until finally rallying around the President rather than the Dixiecrats. Even Wright Morrow, who had been his worst opponent, greeted the President with open arms.

Representative George Bender of Ohio charged that black veterans of the war were forced to live in "filth and neglect" at the veterans hospital at Tuskegee, Ala., with mental and general patients forced to live together on the same wards and only ten psychiatrists to care for 1,500 mental patients.

Mr. Pearson adds that white veterans were forced to live in bad conditions at the V.A. Hospital in Perry Point, Md., which also should be investigated.

Joseph Alsop, in St. Paul, Minn., tells of the Republican Party in Minnesota being controlled by Roy Dunn, State Legislator, who had wrested the grip back from the Farmer-Labor Party in the 1930's after the latter had taken over the state. He catered to the whims of the farmers and the businessmen, causing labor therefore to dislike him.

The group of young people brought into GOP politics by Harold Stassen when he had been Governor were losing strength in the party as Mr. Stassen had left Minnesota to become president of the University of Pennsylvania following his defeat for the Republican nomination in 1948. Mr. Dunn and the businessmen in consequence were recapturing control of the party in the Legislature.

Mr. Dunn expected to carry Minnesota for Governor Dewey, despite polls showing the President slightly ahead. He also expected Senator Joseph Ball to beat Mayor Hubert Humphrey despite trailing by an eleven point margin.

Mr. Dunn's favoring of the farmers and opposition to labor and power placed him in a nearly opposite position to many Eastern Republicans who favored labor and were conservative with farmers and power, as Northwestern Republicans were favorable to power and reclamation and the farmers while opposing labor.

The Congress had caused many farmers to have to sell their large corn crop at less than parity by doing away with the Government grain storage program which secured the parity price, done at the behest of lobbyists.

Mr. Dunn had expressed that if the next Congress behaved as had the 80th Congress with respect to the farmers and labor, then the Republicans would lose the Congress in 1950 and the White House in 1952.

James Marlow finds the strained relations with Russia climaxing in Berlin for the simple reason that Russia was out to spread Communism abroad the world and the U.S. was attempting to block it. Russia's job would be easier if the West abandoned Berlin and Germany.

The Achilles heel of the original four-power plan was that the four military governors of each occupation zone would meet as part of the Allied Control Council from time to time to try to work out joint agreements on the four zones. But each commander had a veto on any joint action. The result was that Russia proceeded to handle the Eastern zone differently from the Western allies' administration of their respective zones. Russia had used the veto power more than the other three commanders combined.

DeWitt MacKenzie discusses the Berlin crisis and the referral of it to the Security Council. The situation was grave, creating the danger of war or at least the possible disintegration of the U.N. The Moscow press had said that such a parting might occur, notwithstanding the statement by Soviet Deputy Foreign Commissar Andrei Vishinsky that Russia would not abandon the organization.

Mr. MacKenzie posits that there never had been a truly "United" Nations. The Communists had used the organization for propaganda and obstruction. There would be no great concern expressed therefore if Russia and its satellites were to depart. He says that such a schism would not necessarily create more distance from the notion of "one world". Presently, the idea was having a hard time anyway, as Communism and democracy did not amalgamate any better than oil and water.

Half a loaf was better than none and so...

A letter writer from Fort Worth, Texas, says that Communism could be summed up in the phrase, "Abolish all private property." Communism created a state of perpetual fear, not the Utopia which American Communists visualized. Communism brought the highest to the lowest, while Christ brought the lowest to the highest.

He urges therefore keeping America free and on God's side.

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