The Charlotte News

Thursday, September 16, 1948


Site Ed. Note: The front page reports that in Berlin, the Red Army patrolled the borders of the city while anti-Communists gave a martyr's funeral to a German youth slain in rioting the previous week. The American M.P.'s reported several swift incursions to the American zone by Russian patrols but none had caused trouble. Eastern sector police claimed that 150 German youths had stoned three policemen, the third such stoning in recent weeks. They claimed that the youths were incited by older people, one of whom was said to be drunk. That person along with 15 youths were placed under arrest, but the youths were released after several hours.

The U.N. Security Council, meeting in Paris, voted 8 to 0, with abstentions from China, Russia and the Ukraine, to look into the situation regarding the attack by India on the princely state of Hyderabad. Speakers on both sides of the issue were then invited before the Council. India's representative objected, as he contended that Hyderabad was not a state and thus had no standing before the U.N. Hyderabad's representative claimed that India had committed an act of aggression on September 13 when it invaded.

France's five-day old Government led by Premier Henri Queuille was already in trouble, with strikes, many led by Communists, besetting the country. On the right, followers of General De Gaulle continued to push for new national elections. Opposition existed in the National Assembly to the Premier's financial program, including general wage increases and a tax hike.

Pollster Elmo Roper tells of President Truman having lost the support of every major group which had supported FDR and given him his margin of victory in each of the previous four presidential elections. He provides the comparative results. The President had only 32.9 percent of the support of young voters between 21 and 34, with Governor Dewey registering 44.5 percent. That compared to FDR in 1944 having 54.9 to Governor Dewey's 40.7 percent. Similar results occurred among lower middle income voters, those in cities over a million population, and among independent voters. Even among Democrats, the President polled only 52.7 percent, compared to 20.7 percent for Governor Dewey, whereas four years earlier, FDR had polled 78.1 percent.

He concludes that Mr. Dewey had not so much won the election, as he considers a foregone conclusion, but that the President had lost it. The reasons cited were it being time for a change, Mr. Truman not filling the shoes of President Roosevelt, a lack of efficient administration, a strong point of Governor Dewey, a shift to the right during prosperous times as were extant, and the split in the Democratic Party produced by the defection of the Dixiecrats and the Progressives.

The President planned to depart the next day for a cross-country campaign for 16 days to the West Coast, to return via Texas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky and West Virginia, all key states for November.

Governor Dewey was also headed to the West Coast with stops on the way back scheduled in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming.

Because the Republicans had reserved the Hollywood Bowl, the President was relegated to Gilmore Stadium in Los Angeles when the two candidates would speak a day apart, the President to speak on September 23 and Mr. Dewey the following night. DNC chairman J. Howard McGrath charged that the DNC had rented an empty stadium in Texas just to deny its use to the President.

Thirty-nine crewmen of a British freighter had been rescued from the North Atlantic after a hurricane had hit on Tuesday causing the ship to list to 55 degrees, prompting abandonment. The fate of six others was still unknown.

In Erie, Pa., an ice man whom everyone considered to be the ideal father was convicted of second degree murder for beating to death his six year old son on May 30. He had administered around a hundred blows with a web belt. The man said that he beat his son for refusing to tell him where he had hidden a hammer. He said that his son's last words were that he still loved his father.

Martha Azer London of The News continues her story begun the previous day regarding the family whose rented home had burned down relegating them initially to a chicken coop with rats, until friends and co-workers and the Red Cross came to their aid. Now, strangers were joining to provide whatever they could to the distraught family.

A photograph shows the family cooking outside their new tent, properly using the oil stove outside, per fire safety, all courtesy of the Red Cross.

They probably also could use a goat or cow, to act as a lawnmower.

Ralph Gibson of The News tells of the County Health Board being ready to lift the ban on assembly, imposed because of the record polio outbreak during the summer. It would enable schools to open on September 22 as scheduled.

Sorry. That was a good try, students.

Plans were being made for observance of Girl Scout Week locally, October 30 through November 6.

Girls, by the end of that fateful week, you can rest assured that the Communist New Deal will finally be over and the Government will no longer impose restrictions on your ability to engage in unfettered free enterprise door to door in the sale of your cookies, even in Boston.

On the editorial page, "Important Farm Demonstration" finds that parents and teachers found out quickly of the wisdom of Samuel Johnson's statement: "Example is always more efficacious than precept."

The following month, a demonstration would take place to show how a farm which was worthless could be made overnight into a fertile operation. On October 14, hundreds of men and many pieces of donated equipment would go to a farm owned by two veterans and give it a makeover in 24 hours, increasing the farm's value by $20,000.

The land was the country's greatest resource, it offers, and it should be nurtured and preserved if there was to be lasting prosperity. The true beneficiaries would be the people of the Piedmont who could learn from the example.

"The Balkan Sideshow" remarks on the secrecy attending the death on August 31 of Col. General Andrei Zhdanov, head of the Cominform and believed to be responsible for the confrontation with Marshal Tito for not being enough pro-Soviet. Observers speculated that the death might provide an opening for Moscow to patch up relations with Yugoslavia. But Pravda immediately heaped new criticism on Tito the previous week.

The rift between Russia and Yugoslavia showed the totalitarian methods used in Communism, whereby as soon as someone got out of line, he was denounced. It posits that Communists in the Western world still had time to open their eyes and see the system for what it was, just as had the Russian teachers in New York, Oksana Kosenkina and Mikhail Samarin.

"Dixiecrat Party Line" tells of the Dixiecrats entering the race late and thus having to scurry about "like so many beetles" to get the names of Governors Thurmond and Wright on the North Carolina ballot. So it was natural that the N.C. Dixiecrats remained somewhat confused about the Dixiecrat party line. It was amusing to read that they had not determined what to do about the Democrats. The state chairman took Governor Gregg Cherry to task for supposedly delaying Dixiecrat organization.

Dave Clark of the Textile Bulletin, an active Dixiecrab, believed that the Dixiecrat chairman was wrong, that the State Attorney General had been cooperative in getting the decision out early from the State Supreme Court, overruling the Board of Elections in denying the Dixiecrat petition for the ballot.

It urges the party to state its purpose so that those in the state who wanted to vote against both Truman and Dewey would have a place to go. It states that The News also did not know for what the party stood.

A piece from the New York Sun, titled "Our Voting Population", finds the Bureau of the Census reporting that 94.6 million Americans would be eligible to vote in the November 2 election. In 1944, 48 million had cast ballots. Voting age population had increased about ten million since 1940, with 60 percent of that number being women voters. The popular vote would inevitably be larger than in 1944. Many would choose not to vote and others would not meet various state residence requirements.

Drew Pearson tells of the great-grandson of Bismarck having been arrested in the Western zone of Germany. U.S. and British intelligence had been trying to catch Baron Von Einsiedel for months, as he was considered the leader of the Free Germany Committee which the Russians had organized from the surrendering Nazi Army in Stalingrad during the war. Since the war, he had been operating cooperatively with the Russians. He had been sentenced to six months for carrying false papers. Mr. Pearson wonders what U.S. officials would do with him after the six months were over.

Ambassador Averell Harriman had been working to get the 16 recipient nations under ERP to cut their aid allocations in favor of increasing that of Western Germany. At first they balked on the basis that it would make Germany strong again and lead potentially to another war. Ambassador Harriman initially agreed with that analysis but was overruled by ERP administrator Paul Hoffman, taking his orders from Secretary of Defense James Forrestal.

Mr. Pearson notes that Mr. Forrestal's Wall Street firm had arranged prewar loans to German munitions manufacturers. Now, Secretary Forrestal was making loans at Government expense.

In Dexter, Iowa, the President, during his coming cross-country tour, would be greeted by "The Flying Hoofs", a teenage equestrian drill team who owned their own horses. They had worked up a routine called "The Presidential".

The American airlift was now flying champagne into Berlin, as 25 tons daily was allotted to the French and they could order anything they wanted for the menu.

The President told the American Sons of Italy recently that Governor Dewey was playing politics with the issue of returning as trusteeships the former African colonies of Italy to woo Italian-American votes. He said that he would leave the matter up to the State Department. He agreed that giving the colonies to Italy under a trusteeship would provide incentive to fight the harder against Communism.

For the first time, a presidential candidate would have a bodyguard prior to election day, as Governor Dewey had hired former Secret Service agents Mike Reilly and Robert Bose to form his detail.

"Housewives for Truman", traveling in trailers, were about to embark on a campaign to stress the high cost of living.

Marquis Childs comments on the President's statement to the American Association for the Advancement of Science that scientists could not be driven into Government laboratories but that they could be driven out. Mr. Childs reminds that the latter occurred in the Fascist states. Albert Einstein, Enrico Fermi, Lise Meitner, and Neils Bohr all sought and obtained asylum in the United States, helping to develop nuclear fission leading to the bomb. Germany's scientists were herded into what amounted to concentration camps. German science had thrived for a long time before the Nazis and then it was squelched.

Now, scientists in the U.S. felt threatened by a Government which suspected them of disloyalty. A letter to the President from the head of MIT, Karl Compton, and seven other leading scientists, including Philip Morse, who had just resigned from the Atomic Energy Commission to return to MIT, had prompted the President's remarks.

Mr. Childs views the problem as the result of undue suspicion of scientists as long-haired eccentrics who needed watching lest they reveal secrets. Such suspicion had been characteristic of the Army during the Manhattan Project.

HUAC was building up to an atomic spy inquiry and if it hampered scientists and science, further harm would be done.

Joseph & Stewart Alsop relate of the "tele-con nightmare" ongoing for eighty days since the beginning of the Berlin blockade. The tele-con received and scrambled messages and re-sent them to the four Western capitals, including West Berlin. The diplomats involved in the four-power talks became so exhausted that Undersecretary of State Robert Lovett told a tele-con operator to relay to Ambassador Lewis Douglas that he should stop as no one was making sense anymore.

The governments of France, Britain, and the U.S. had been at odds as to whether it was worthwhile to continue the talks, one government first favoring extension, then changing its mind while another took up the cause of extension.

If nothing could be resolved, the Big Three would take the case to the U.N. After Russia would exercise its veto in the Security Council, it was expected that the General Assembly would issue a strong statement of censure of Russia regarding the blockade.

Polls showed that 82 percent of the American people were prepared to face war over the crisis rather than yield to Soviet bullying. More than 60 percent favored breaking the blockade by means of an armed convoy to Berlin.

Samuel Grafton, no longer carried by The News, tells of the times having changed since the war, from relative simplicity, fighting a common enemy with "love and action", to a complex state in which "worry and close judgment" were the prime characteristics on display. It was not a good time for liberals. Tears were scarce. Conservatism had made it harder for liberals by unifying behind an outcry against Russia as liberals had against Hitler. The right thought itself as eloquent as had been the left during the war against Fascism.

But, nevertheless, he believes that the liberal was not in such bad shape as it appeared, even with the election nigh and prospects dim. For a win for Governor Dewey would not necessarily sideline liberals, any more than they had been by the victory of Warren Harding in 1920. The liberal's business was to see to it that every family had a decent place to live and adequate food, with freedom and lack of want. Mr. Dewey had to get along with liberals. Nor would the defeat of the Democrats have the same negative impact on liberals which it once would have.

And conservatism had not found a replica of the wartime unity against Hitler by opposing Soviet Communism. There remained hope in the people that a war would be averted and a permanent peace effected.

But, he concludes, liberalism had clearly suffered a setback in an ultimate battle it could not lose, while conservatism had administered a blow in a fight it could not win.

A letter from Central High School football fans at the Southern Railway Station wonders why the price of the tickets had gone up at Central by a quarter when Harding and Tech High Schools were still charging $1, especially as Central was larger than the other two schools and thus had presumably a larger fan base to supply the stands at each game with patrons.

To add insult to injury, Central had lost its first game to Fayetteville by a score of 41 to 7.

Well, yeah. What gives there? Give them back the quarter so that they can catch the first freight out of town.

The editors seek to explain.

A letter from a G.I. says that Time had printed that the Charlotte News had said that Henry Wallace mortified them. He warns that they would be mortified the more as the Progressive Party was on the landscape to stay, would be going strong "when both jackass and elephant are washed away."

A letter writer wonders which party Dave Clark of the Textile Bulletin was supporting as a "labor-hater".

A letter from A. W. Black takes issue with the praise given FDR and the New Deal by a recent letter, and then proceeds to undertake his favorite occupation, attacking the New Deal, saying that every act FDR undertook was for the purpose of "communizing America".

Well, that was the idea, stupid. We are communists. Didn't anyone inform you? That's what happens when you elect the likes of Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover right in a row.

Another Pome from the Atlanta Journal, this one "Revealing a Certain Fascination Derived From Pronouncing a Word in More or Less Common Usage:
"I always feel a little silly
While intoning 'piccadilli.'"

Well, then move to the Serengeti
And order a plateful of linguine.

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