The Charlotte News

Friday, May 21, 1948


Site Ed. Note: The front page reports that Jewish soldiers had been backed into a corner for a last stand in the old city of Jerusalem as the Trans-Jordon Arab Legion hit them with armor, infantry, and artillery. Arabs claimed to have captured 80 percent of the old city, including the Tiferet Israel Synagogue, pushing Haganah and Irgun fighters into the Beir Yaacov Synagogue. Haganah tacitly acknowledged loss of the Sheik Jarrah section of the city but contended that Arab attempts to advance further had been repulsed.

Arabs held nearly all of the territory north and east of the walls of the city, except Mt. Scopus. Haganah still held the railroad station.

The Syrian Army claimed to have destroyed five Jewish settlements south of the Sea of Galilee. The Israelis, however, said that all Arab attacks in the area had been repulsed.

Israeli planes attacked the Arabs in the Gaza coastal area south of Tel Aviv and at Shu'fat, north of Jerusalem. Israel bombed Samakh, south of the sea of Galilee the previous day and occupied Safari, southeast of Tel Aviv.

Egyptian planes raided Tel Aviv four times the previous day.

At the U.N., Andrei Gromyko declared King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan to be a "Caesar" and supported the U.S. proposal to send armed force to stop the Arab-Israeli violence.

The State Department demanded that the Lebanese Government release 40 American citizens held in Beirut after being taken from the American steamship Marine Carp and interned along with 29 passengers of other nationalities for being able to bear arms for Israel. The Department said that the American Government would "view seriously" any discrimination against American citizens based on race, color or creed.

In London, the four-power efforts to reach a treaty on Austria ended after two years of effort.

Following President Truman's veto the previous Saturday of the bill to force Executive departments to turn over to Congressional committees confidential reports on Government employees and to subject anyone who revealed the information contained in the reports to criminal penalties, the Senate was preparing to vote whether to override the veto. Both sides predicted victory. The dispute arose after HUAC had demanded the loyalty investigation records of Dr. Edward Conlon, head of the Bureau of Standards, deemed by HUAC to be the greatest security risk to atomic secrecy for his alleged association with a Soviet espionage agent. Dr. Conlon had been cleared by the routine FBI investigation, and President Truman had ordered the Commerce Department to refuse the disclosure of the confidential records.

The President was about to ask Congress to extend Social Security benefits to farm labor, domestic workers, the self-employed and other groups who were not presently covered by the 1935 law.

In Oregon, the heavily contested Republican primary took place between Governor Dewey and former Governor Stassen. It was likely that the loser would suffer heavy damage to chances for the presidential nomination. Should Mr. Dewey win, he would return as the top contender for the nomination. Should Mr. Stassen win, he would have a legitimate claim to the nomination, having won the Wisconsin and Nebraska primaries, and the non-binding Pennsylvania write-in primary. A loss would likely eliminate him from consideration, as his support would be deemed confined to the Midwest.

In Washington, screenwriters Dalton Trumbo and John Howard Lawson were each sentenced to a year in jail and fined $1,000 following their previous convictions for contempt of Congress for refusing the prior October to answer questions of HUAC regarding whether they were or ever had been members of the Communist Party or the Screenwriters' Guild, the latter believed by the Committee to be a Communist-front organization. The other eight of the so-called "Hollywood Ten" still awaited trial.

The NLRB voted 3 to 2, based on an interpretation of the Taft-Hartley ban on closed shops, not to conduct union elections in the thirteen states, including North Carolina, in which state laws prohibited or limited union shops, permitted under Taft-Hartley provided a majority of the workers voted for them and the union shop allowed management to hire new workers who were not members but who would become so within 30 days. In those latter cases, Taft-Hartley provided that the NLRB would conduct the election. Effectively, the NLRB therefore ruled that where there was a conflict between Taft-Hartley and the state laws governing union shops, the state laws trumped, even regarding a business operating in interstate commerce—appearing to flip the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution on its head.

In Chicago, an end appeared imminent to the 67-day old meatpackers' strike, as union members appeared likely to have approved settlement of wage demands on company terms in a secret ballot held the night before. The settlement was for an increase of nine cents per hour, retroactive to March 16, the start of the strike, plus other demands regarding preservation of seniority rights and hiring and firing. The union opposed the settlement.

In Cleveland, the official AFL publication accused Alvanley Johnson, head of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, of seeking to hire new members to break an AFL elevator operators' strike at a hotel owned by the Brotherhood. Mr. Johnson denied the report. The Brotherhood was one of three railroad brotherhoods engaged in a wage dispute on which negotiations continued while the roads were operated by the Government.

John L. Lewis shunned efforts by the mine operators to begin new talks on negotiation of the UMW contract, set to expire June 30. Negotiations had broken off after Mr. Lewis and the union refused to permit the Southern Coal Producers Association to have representation in the talks.

In Dante, Va., at the Clinchfield Coal Company's No. 2 mine, a collapse of a roof section four miles underground killed six miners, whose bodies were retrieved by midnight. The roof was reported to have been weakened by over-excavation.

In Birmingham, England, a woman, trembling, told a court of being held up in her home by a man wielding a knife who had said to her that he was just as frightened as she was. Just as she so testified, a thud was heard in the courtroom. The rubber-legged defendant had fainted.

In Charlotte, a passenger train struck a Hennis Freight Lines tractor-trailer truck, injuring the driver, at the crossing at Liddell Street. The engineer said that the truck was stopped astride the tracks with no other vehicles in sight.

The Davidson College Board of Trustees stated that all matters related to the estate of Baxter Davidson had been settled the previous October following a will contest by relatives, and the half-million dollar estate had been added to the college endowment fund. The relatives reportedly received $110,000 as the settlement. The report stated that construction on a new $600,000 gymnasium would begin by midsummer and that improvements would take place to the fine arts department.

On the editorial page, "Stand for Democratic Party" finds the North Carolina Democratic Party pledging as practical support of the President by impliedly stating that there was no sense in bolting the party and putting a Republican in the White House for four years.

The South Carolina Democrats had voted Wednesday to bolt if the President were the nominee and his civil rights program were adopted as part of the platform. The South Carolinians had designated Governor Strom Thurmond as their favorite-son candidate.

It posits that if the four or five Southern states which appeared to be bolting wound up walking out of the convention, the Democrats would definitely lose the election. The Dixiecrats could also bolster the stock of Henry Wallace as the left, too, might depart the party in the face of certain defeat of the President. Such a defection could become permanent, causing a three-way division by 1952, leaving it uncertain as to whether such an emasculated party could ever be reunited.

The South would be less potent in such a Government than it was at present.

The Dixiecrats hoped to avoid this scenario by drafting General Eisenhower for the Democratic nomination. But the chances of that appeared slim to none. The actions of the Dixiecrats were thus threatening to end the two-party system nationally.

"Appeal for World's Children" tells of there being 230 million hungry children in the world, largely dependent on America for aid. North Carolina was sponsoring the statewide Crusade for Children to raise money for the cause, part of the U.N. Appeal for Children. The state also had a drive to collect books for European children whose homes and schools had been destroyed in the war.

The Charlotte Elks were helping to collect, haul and pack the books.

"The Heroic Milkman Cometh" tells of the Milk Industry Foundation announcing its award of the Pasteur Medal for outstanding heroism and distinguished service to sixteen milkmen who had saved lives from pre-dawn fires and the like.

It wonders who the milkmen of Charlotte were and, having inquired of the milk distributors, found that he was on average 32 years old, married with two children, had a junior high school education, and earned $50 per week. He arose at 2:00 a.m. and worked until noon. He generally liked his job.

It says that the city slept better because of the presence of the milkmen and their clanging bottles at dawn, and it was good to know that some of their number had been rewarded for outstanding service and heroism.

A piece from the New York Times, titled "Mr. Spring", traditionally provides a welcome to the season, celebrating the coming of the mockingbird.

"But it is the song that fills him, the overflowing ebullience of Spring. And anyone who goes South to find Spring will know, even with his eyes shut, when he reaches it. The mockingbird will tell him, over and over, that Spring is all around him."

Drew Pearson discusses the appointment by newly inaugurated Louisiana Governor Earl Long of William Feazel to replace recently deceased Senator John Overton. Mr. Feazel had been involved in shady dealings with the Huey Long gang and had contributed $200,000 to Earl Long's campaign. Other interim appointments to the Senate had previously denied seating by the Senate when they had made large contributions to the appointing Governor. Until FDR called off the investigation, the Justice Department had once probed a large payment by a Louisiana Electric Bond & Share subsidiary, part of which was paid to Mr. Feazel, another part to Governor Dick Leche, subsequently jailed for other graft.

He notes that Governor Long would prefer to appoint his nephew Russell Long to the seat, but he was only 29 and as yet ineligible. Mr. Feazel's appointment was intended to make way for Russell.

Representative Mike Monroney of Oklahoma had been offered the job of Secretary of Agriculture to replace outgoing Clinton Anderson, running for the Senate, but turned it down on the basis that he would not know enough about agriculture or the farmers' point of view. He had spent his career championing instead the consumer.

He notes that Mr. Monroney during the war, despite his state's interests, challenged the oil lobby's efforts to get prices raised. The oil lobby had sought to unseat him, but the people of Oklahoma City had responded positively to his challenge of the big-moneyed interests.

Colorado Senator Eugene Millikin was blocking the nomination of Dr. James Boyd to be director of the Bureau of Mines for his being opposed by John L. Lewis, despite Senator Milliken initially supporting Dr. Boyd, also from Colorado. Dr. Boyd had been serving without pay since the previous summer.

Marquis Childs, for the second successive day, looks at the Mundt-Nixon bill, comparing it to Prohibition in terms of trying to eradicate a social evil through law, believing that it would have even worse consequences than Prohibition.

Karl Mundt was a former South Dakota school teacher before entering Congress and honestly believed that Communism could be eradicated by law. He was also running for the Senate and the issue was popular.

He does not discuss Congressman Nixon of California, the co-author of the bill, whose name was little known during his freshman term in the Congress. He also had a fair amount of ambition coloring his ideals.

The law, Mr. Childs finds, was but one step on the way to outlawing Communism. Congressmen John Carroll of Colorado, Chester Holifield of California, and Jacob Javits of New York had stated during debate that the law was superfluous and that the only way Communism could take root in the country was if there were a sense of injustice and serious social maladjustment. There were laws already on the books which could deal effectively with attempts to overthrow the Government by force and violence. Mr. Carroll had aptly suggested that it was the group who fought hardest for the bill who also did the least to propose constructive programs to take the wind out of Communism, such as the long-term housing program and other social legislation. The Congress had been stingy with appropriations even for defense and security.

Joseph Alsop, in Portland, Ore., finds that on the day of the Oregon primary, Thomas Dewey had made a battleground of it, whereas a month earlier it was assumed that Harold Stassen would win handily. The campaigning in the state by Governor Dewey had revealed a new side.

He had always been ambitious, saw others as stepping stones to his success. Someone had once said of him that you really had to get to know him to dislike him. Nevertheless, his closest staff had always remained loyal.

Mr. Dewey had met defeat previously, in his first run for Governor of New York in 1938, in his first bid in 1940 for the Republican presidential nomination and in the race for the presidency in 1944. Each time, he had learned something and had come back stronger. With the losses to Mr. Stassen in Wisconsin and Nebraska, Oregon was a must win.

The Governor was now facing issues head-on, rather than sliding around them as before. On the Communist Party and the Mundt-Nixon bill, he said that one should never be prosecuted for what one believed. Harold Stassen favored outlawing the party.

The once and future nominee had scored a major success by backing Mr. Stassen into a corner on the Communist issue and forcing him to change his position.

A letter writer favors election of Elliott Newcombe to the County Board of Commissioners, compares the Board to a cat without a bell to warn of its approach, thinks Mr. Newcombe would be the bell.

A letter writer responds to a letter of May 17 in which it was suggested that the author was a Dixiecrat, to which he replies that he was not. He says that the civil rights program could not be defeated by deserting the Democratic Party. Republicans would be elected in their stead who would more likely pass it. He adds that if he failed to vote for the Democrats in the election, it would not be because of civil rights.

A letter writer says goodbye to her dog, proceeds to tell what a fine dog it was.

"Little Lassie went home … home to the place of real rest ... and I hope she goes real slow along the trail till we can catch up to her. Heaven would hold no better welcome than for her to greet us at the Gate. I only expect dog lovers to understand."

You know good and well that your dog is where it is and is panting, perpetually now in need of quench, of which there will be none afforded.

A letter writer thinks that the divide between nations occasioned by borders and differences in ethnicity, language, tradition, and the rest could be overcome by cooperative thinking and by more even distribution of surpluses.

A letter from the secretary of the Southeastern Educational Congress of Optometry thanks the newspaper for its publicity for the recent congress held by the organization in Charlotte.

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