The Charlotte News

Wednesday, January 21, 1948


Site Ed. Note: The front page reports that La Voce Libera in Trieste had quoted Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia as indicating that the country would use its own atomic bomb in any future conflict for "the final annihilation of reaction."

If true, he could get together with the letter writer who quoted Dr. L. Nelson Bell from the Presbyterian Journal to the same effect, regarding a recommendation that the U.S., after giving Russia "time to repent", should let fly the bomb—in a hail Mary sort of operation, we suppose. We stress, however, our continuing assumption that the correspondent who quoted the statement was simply drunk or tired when he read the article, possibly taking the statement out of context, as no one in their right mind could have such thoughts in context.

The pro-De Gaulle newspaper in Paris, "Dissidence 40", quoted from a Tito speech: "War against Anglo-Americans is inevitable. It is perhaps even a question of weeks." He reportedly went on to claim that Yugoslavia's military strength exceeded that provided by the atom bomb. The weekly newspaper said it had delayed publication of the text for a month, until it could authenticate it.

Oh no. Get underneath the house and get one of them aluminum nuclear blankets they got down at the hardware store, guaranteed to protect against the rays. We can survive. Look at your Japanese. Be sure and have a canary on hand also.

You see how our Government is? They were saying the other day that we had until 1953. We got weeks, friend. They want us to believe that we have time so as to lull us into complacency because, in fact, Harry Truman and George Marshall are Communists who helped Franklin Roosenfeld to get us into World War II and will be made co-Commissars of the Republic of Amerika when Russia takes over. It's coming, friends, within weeks. Prepare yourselves.

In Nuremberg and Cologne, 200,000 German workers had walked off the job in protest of food shortages. A gathering of 30,000 strikers in Nuremberg Square criticized British and American administration for the problem.

House Ways & Means chairman Harold Knutson commented that the GOP-proposed slash of the President's 40-billion dollar budget by three billion dollars had cleared the way for Mr. Knutson's proposed 5.6 billion dollar tax cut, while leaving five billion for reducing the national debt run up during the war.

The GOP ignored the President's $40 individual tax-cut proposal, to be funded by a 3.2 billion dollar increase in corporate taxes.

Former Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn said that the Knutson tax-cut proposal would never become law, even if it passed the Congress, implying that a Presidential veto would be sustained, for the third time in a year.

Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snyder told the House Foreign Affairs Committee that the Administration might have to ask Congress to appropriate money to support European money, over and above that provided for ERP. He did not state a dollar figure, but forecast that it would be required during the current year and into the following year.

The DNC was happy with the decision of A. F. Whitney, head of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, to support President Truman in the 1948 election. Two years earlier, Mr. Whitney had vowed to defeat the President after he had threatened to draft labor in the event of a threatened rail strike.

Bad news came to the Democrats, however, in the form of the inaugural address of Governor Fielding Wright of Mississippi, recommending that Democrats defect from the party because of its "anti-Southern" legislation, such as the proposed FEPC, anti-lynch law, and anti-poll tax law. Senator James Eastland of Mississippi, thought progressive when elected a year earlier, recently had protested the campaign to select Justice William O. Douglas as the vice-presidential candidate on the ticket.

Democrats, however, appeared not worried as they found the statements aimed at local audiences of honkies who would have nowhere else to honk except within the big tent of the Democratic Party.

The RNC, meanwhile, appeared confident that they would elect the next President.

James Caesar Petrillo, head of the American Federation of Musicians—acquitted by a Federal judge the previous week on a charge brought in Chicago for alleged violation of the Lea Act, the court finding that the Government had failed to present adequate proof that he had knowledge of both the lack of need for unnecessary record turners and the fact that the radio station in question had denied his demand, on threat of strike, for employment of the unnecessary personnel because they were inessential—, denied to the House Labor Committee that there was any conspiracy between AFM and the radio networks to retard the development of FM stations. He said that he had met with FM stations in the previous month to arrange an agreement on use of AFM musicians but informed them that first he had to consult with the AM networks. He had banned live musicians from playing on FM stations and the duplication of programs between AM and FM networks.

He said that he would make a deal with the small radio stations enabling them to play records, provided they showed him that they could not afford to hire more than a couple or three musicians for live music. He had banned recorded music by union musicians from the airwaves. He told the committee that the latter move was "unsound" but was the only sound move he could imagine to resolve the problem of breadless musicians—not to mention heads of unions not receiving the handsome dues to which they were accustomed from members, to line their pockets in perpetuity.

Ah, the good old days of radio, when everything was happy-happy and innocent as it could be. Don't you miss them? Wasn't that a time?

No word has come yet on the fate of the condemned axe-murderer in Illinois, who had confessed to 44 other murders across the country in an effort to delay or avoid his execution set originally for the previous Friday.

In Charlotte, the American Trust Company was permitted by the State Banking Commission to change its name and divide into two branches, one to become a Wachovia Bank subsidiary and the other a subsidiary of the Industrial Loan & Investment Bank.

You will wish to take careful notes.

The eleven-year old girl of whom Tom Fesperman had reported on the previous Monday, unable, for lack of space, to be committed by her family to a mental facility despite her violent and uncontrollable condition from a congenital mental defect, would be admitted to the Caswell Training School in Kinston, N.C. But, according to the doctor in charge of the State hospitals, the commitment might yet be weeks away because of overcrowding.

County Welfare Superintendent Wallace Kuralt, father of eventual News reporter and CBS newsman Charles Kuralt, reminded the doctor that the parents of the girl had already waited for several years to try to obtain a commitment. The matter was especially urgent because her younger brother's recovery from rheumatic fever was being delayed by the presence in the home of his troubled sister.

The Mecklenburg County Sheriff proposed the construction of padded cells in the County Jail for mental cases confined there sometimes for weeks at a time. Some of the inmates had caused injury to themselves during their incarceration, including smashing their heads against the cell bars or on the concrete floors.

That may imply sanity under the circumstances.

In Los Angeles, the War Assets Administration had surplus pants for sale, 10,000 pairs of them, for a cheap price. The catch was that they had permanently emblazoned on the seats, "PW".

Some husbands or even boyfriends, or even sympathetic friends of husbands and boyfriends, nevertheless, might find the label entirely appropriate and take advantage of the market to enable them to wear finally the pants in the social unit.

They go on sale January 29, should you have an interest.

Furman Bisher tells on the sports page of a 20-year old rookie named Forrest Thompson, set to begin training with the Charlotte Hornets minor league baseball team. He was considered old.

Mr. Thompson was so good that the parent organization, the Washington Senators, would take him up from the minors in April. But he only lasted through the first couple of months of the following season, apparently passing into retirement age.

That is what they mean, incidentally, by "retired the side". It means that the pitcher has a side occupation already dug out of the want ads, such as being a taste-tester for Peter Paul Mounds.

A photograph appears of General Omar Bradley, shortly to take over from General Eisenhower as Army chief of staff, taking an unexpected sled ride on East 76th Street on New York's East Side.

On the editorial page, "Another Blow to Segregation" comments on the recent Supreme Court case, Sipuel v. Board of Regents, which had held, pursuant to the 1938 Gaines decision out of Missouri, that a black female seeking admission to the all-white University of Oklahoma Law School had to be admitted or the State had to provide an in-state law school with the same facilities as that afforded white students, in strict compliance with the 1896 separate-but-equal doctrine of Plessy v. Ferguson. The piece thinks that it threw a new light on the Governors' Conference, meeting in Nashville, considering a regional graduate school concept, pooling resources of several Southern states to afford such schools for black students.

It was well not to make a large financial commitment to such schools until it was determined whether they would pass muster in the Federal courts, a doubtful proposition as the regional schools would not, by design, afford each state an in-state facility. Moreover, the dynamics of the Supreme Court decisions in the area appeared headed increasingly toward elimination of segregation—an astute observation.

It suggests therefore that the best way to assure compliance was to abolish completely the Jim Crow system and to admit blacks to the white schools, consistent with the view voiced by the majority of students at the University of Oklahoma and by the Tulsa Tribune, the latter limiting its opinion to the University's graduate school.

"Baruch Charts 'Global Strategy'" finds Bernard Baruch's proposed plan for assuring the peace, stated the previous Monday to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, to be the soundest yet put forth. The former national adviser to FDR, chair and member of the U.N. Atomic Energy Commission, and head of war production in World War I, had urged as an imperative that Congress pass the Marshall Plan as proposed and to provide the President with authorization to put the brakes on inflation until production could match demand, as well to avoid any tax cuts for two years.

During the interim when it was not feasible for both the U.S. and Russia to prepare for a major war, emphasis had to be shifted from war preparation to economic stabilization of those countries ravaged by the war, including approval of the recent Geneva tariff accord and renewal of the 1938 Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act, set to expire at the end of June.

The third recommendation was for a union, economically and militarily, of all European countries who would join. It would mean more military participation by the U.S., but that was necessary as long as Russia remained armed and belligerent, forming its own union in Eastern Europe.

The question was whether the country would use its military and imperialistic power for good or ill. "That is the only choice we have."

"Soviet and American Imperialism" suggests that Henry Wallace was so busy denouncing American imperialism that he would likely overlook the imperialistic implications of Soviet expansion into the Balkans, with the intent to establish a union therein.

But, it opines, imperialism was inescapable in a world divided into two or more economically and militarily powerful countries.

Senator Taft appeared also confused on the same point when he railed against the international economic, political, and military interests of the country breaking down its isolation.

As Russia moved toward its Balkans union, the U.S. sought a union in Western Europe. Each power thus recognized that such imperialism had to be mutually beneficial to the states involved. Both powers had to undertake these moves for their protection.

Sumner Welles, former Undersecretary of State until August, 1943, suggests that the Nobel Peace Prize for the year ought be awarded to Dr. Oswaldo Aranha of Brazil for his efforts, in his role as president of the U.N. General Assembly, to effect the Palestine partition plan, approved November 29, 1947. He had also played a major role in effecting Pan-American union, and had previously had a decisive hand in ending two wars in Latin America, the Chaco War between Paraguay and Bolivia, and, in 1942, the violent boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru.

Mr. Welles suggests that the Nobel Committee could do much for humanity during the year were they to select Dr. Aranha for the prize.

The Committee would not take the advice, choosing not to award a peace prize in 1948, as it had not from 1939 through 1943.

Drew Pearson tells of Secretary of Interior J. A. Krug being forced to consider selling his five percent interest in the Los Angeles Rams professional football team, which he had purchased for $7,500. The reason was that Ed Pauley was negotiating to purchase a 37.5 percent interest in the team. It would then create an ostensible conflict of interest as Mr. Krug would have to sit in judgment of the substantial tidewater oil lands interests of his business partner, Mr. Pauley, the totality of those oil lands having recently been ruled by the Supreme Court to be under Federal jurisdiction. Mr. Krug would have to sell his interest at a loss, as the Rams had not been doing very well.

He next provides detail of six new Friend Ships being organized in six different parts of the nation, to collect and deliver more food and other necessities to Europe. There was a train in New England, one going through Nebraska and Illinois, the latter organized by Carl Sandburg, one in the Northwest, one in Michigan, a milk ship to sail from California, organized by Governor Earl Warren, and a Friend Ship in North Carolina, organized by the state Council of Churches, to collect clothing.

Irving Geist and Louis Nizer of the National Conference of Jews and Christians met with the President the previous week to discuss Palestine. The President said that he favored an international police force made up of token armies from each member of the U.N.

Mr. Nizer thought it to sound as the dilemma of whether cold water or hot water should be used as a suitable remedy for neuritis. The President quipped that perhaps it was why the country got into so much hot water.

Joseph & Stewart Alsop discuss the ongoing debate between air power advocates and naval strength advocates within the Joint Chiefs of staff, preventing their planning of a coordinated strategy for defense.

The Navy advocates admitted that the atomic bomb and airborne weaponry were the heart of the modern offensive. But they argued that such weapons could not be delivered directly by air over long distance, required therefore Navy carrier forces. They also argued that since there were few places suitable for air bases on the periphery of Russia, such floating airbases of the Navy were made all the more necessary into the future. They proposed new carriers of 80,000 tons, costing 200 million dollars apiece.

The Air Force advocates argued that the Navy was made vulnerable to both air attack and the new Russian high-speed submarines, not detectable by radar, as obtained from the German war machine in the Eastern sector. The Russians had also developed the German high speed jet fighter, which could travel faster and over a greater range than anything extant in the American Air Force.

The debate had practical meaning for the Congress debating ERP, as it was necessary to rebuild Europe to forestall any Soviet aggression in the West and into the Mediterranean, if accomplished, affording access to the Middle and Near East and the consequent capacity to trouble the transportation routes of oil to the West. It was futile to suggest that the U.S. would be alright as long as it uniquely possessed the atomic bomb. For the means of delivery of the device had been compromised, at least for the nonce, by the Soviet advances in technology culled from the Germans.

A qualified expert had calculated that the annual defense budget in a world without ERP would have to be 40 to 50 billion dollars to assure security. ERP was estimated to cost 17 billion dollars over a period of 51 months. The relative cost was therefore cheap.

Yet, the Congress appeared still to debate finer points of cost, and the new rallying cry appeared to turn on its head the old saw attributed to Charles Pinckney in the XYZ Affair, such that it was now "'billions for defense, but not one cent to save ourselves.'"

Marquis Childs again advises that the present lull in Soviet activity, following the defeats of the strikes in Italy and France the previous month, was a deliberate attempt to delude the Congress and lead it down the primrose path, in the hope that it would cause emasculation of the Marshall Plan.

French Premier Robert Schumann had done a remarkable job in his first weeks in office, passing the anti-strike legislation with heavy penalties which, along with a show of force, had broken the strikes, and having also gotten his inflation-control package narrowly through the National Assembly. But the anti-Communist campaign had cost the Government a billion dollars and so had depleted much of the emergency aid appropriated by the U.S. for France to see it through the winter. A recent estimate by the Finance Minister indicated that there would be a two billion dollar trade deficit facing the country in its attempt to obtain adequate imports of food, fuel and other necessities.

The Communists still controlled the miners and dock workers of France and could thus tie up the country with strikes in those unions.

From the right, General De Gaulle recently had suggested nationalization of workers and employers, lending credence to the notion that he stood for a form of fascism.

The middle ground was fast disappearing in the country and it was questionable whether another Communist assault on the economy could be withstood.

The London Economist had suggested that Americans had learned their lessons well enough but that the requirements continued to change rapidly through time, faster than the acquisition of the knowledge necessary to meet the vicissitudinous contingencies.

A Quote of the Day: "'Kansas State Has Hot Cage Outfit Without Flock of Goons'—headline. Is it any wonder puzzled foreigners throw up their hands in despair, convinced they will never succeed in mastering the English language?" —Roanoke Times

It referred to the Wildcats and, presumably, their acquired erudition as borne out by their good academic standing.

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