The Charlotte News

Tuesday, April 22, 1947


Site Ed. Note: The front page reports that Senator Arthur Vandenberg of Michigan repudiated before the Senate a statement by Senator Edwin Johnson of Colorado that the Truman-proposed aid package to Greece and Turkey was a declaration of war on Russia. Senator Vandenberg called the statement "inflammable".

It appeared that about twenty Senators would oppose the aid package, compared to an 89 to 2 vote in July, 1945 to ratify the U.N. Charter.

In Jerusalem, Meyer Feinstein and Moshe Barazani, convicted of terrorist acts against the British, sang a Hebrew death prayer with their rabbi and then, shortly thereafter, to avoid the gallows, killed themselves by placing oranges filled with explosives to their chests. The rabbi was unaware of their plan and was providing them last prayer rites. He said that the two men denied being terrorists, that they had done their acts to save their nation.

Also in Jerusalem, a British troop train, the Egypt Express, was blown up by mines as it passed through orange groves, killing at least eight persons and injuring 150. It was described as reprisal for the executions of four members of the Jewish Irgun organization and possibly the two condemned men who had committed suicide. The dead included five British soldiers and a three-year old Turkish boy.

A spokesperson for the smaller underground organization, the Stern group, said via radio that they would mourn for a week the two dead men who took their own lives and then act.

In Texas City, Texas, a new scare was thrown into the community when a warehouse containing ammonium nitrate caught fire. It was extinguished after two hours without explosion. The previous explosions of Wednesday and Thursday of the previous week, started by a fire in a hold of the French ship Grand Camp, which caused an explosion in an adjoining hold of ammonium nitrate, spreading to the nearby Monsanto Chemical Works plant, and then, next night, causing a second explosion on a Liberty ship loaded with nitrate, had resulted in the deaths of an estimated 575 persons. The new fire, of undetermined origin, began at almost the same minute, 9:10 a.m., that the initial explosion occurred the previous week, from which the town had begun to return to normal.

In Columbus, Ga., a crash of a Delta Airlines plane claimed nine lives when it collided with a civilian plane. All eight of the dead aboard the Delta plane were Delta employees, including a top official of the company.

Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snyder told the Senate Finance Committee that the Administration was opposed to the House-passed measure to lower income taxes by 30 percent on lower-bracket taxpayers and by 10.5 percent on the top brackets, with the rest at 20 percent. He stated that no tax cut should be made for at least another 15 months until the economy could stabilize following the war.

Chester Bowles, former head of OPA, spoke in Washington at the annual Associated Press luncheon, supporting the President's efforts to bring down prices.

Newburyport, Mass., merchants and townspeople organized a campaign to lower their prices by ten percent across the board. More than 90 of 100-plus stores participated.

In Washington, the trial began of former Congressman Andrew May of Kentucky and the Garsson brothers, accused of conspiracy to defraud the Government on war contracts.

Bellerophon was still refusing to ride Pegasus up Mount Olympus any further until more oats were provided.

In Shelby, it was reported that deceased Ambassador to Great Britain and former Governor O. Max Gardner, who had died on February 6, just hours before his scheduled departure to assume his new post at the Court of St. James, left an estate valued at 2.4 million dollars. The report lists the beneficiaries.

Incidentally, whoever labeled it at Wicked-pedia "The Court of St. James's", regardless of reliance on source, is not thinking very clearly, now, are they? For that implies a double possessive, quite impossible, suggesting, "the Court of St. James of St. James". We understand that it literally is the Court of St. James's Palace, or, better phrased, the Court of the Palace of St. James, but it is definitely not "the Court of St. James's", unless you are perhaps in your jammies when trying to frame it, and thus in a mighty hurry to get there. It is tantamount to attempting to refer to Jefferson's Monticello by calling it, "the Jeffersons's over yonder". Try speaking the King's English, for a change, and such silly mistakes, which rather mark one as a moron, will likely begin to cease for the intervention of logical constructs and precepts well instructed, no doubt, if not well perceived.

For instance, we, here in America, always and invariably say "St. Peter's Basilica" or "the Basilica of St. Peter", but never "the Basilica of St. Peter's", as that would be incorrect usage of the English language. When in Rome...

We do find rather curious, however, the fact that His Majesty had a Dam upon which he arose every morn to greet strangers.

In Hollywood, actress Joyce Reynolds wanted her eight-month old baby girl christened in Houston by the same minister who had christened her 21 years earlier.

In New York, the Fred Allen Show was cut off the air by NBC for 35 seconds because certain requested changes in the script were not made. The advertisers stated that they paid for 30 minutes and intended to sue the network for the lost time. Mr. Allen found the whole matter stupid. It had arisen over a portion of the script kidding radio executives, verboten at NBC. Mr. Allen was spending Monday quietly in bed, a custom he had followed for years.

The missing story line is provided. Unless it does not translate well into cold newsprint, it was not one which would be sorely missed. But that was 1947, and obviously the tenor of some of the humor was a bit different from that of later times, The Inned Times, as it were. Of course, much of it today is not all that good either. Many of the radio talk shows, though, are, verily, sometimes fairly humorous, if intending to be quite serious.

On the editorial page, "Statesmanship in Labor Relations" finds that, while there would continue to be strikes during the year, the settlement of the wage dispute between U.S. Steel and the Steelworkers was a major step in the direction of setting a pattern for such resolution without strike.

It left for cogitation by Congress, considering restrictive labor legislation, to decide whether, in doing so, it might throw the baby out with the bath water and make it harder for unions and management to come together as they had in this instance.

"The Extension of City Limits" hopes that the expected turnout would occur in the upcoming election on annexation and that the measure would pass. The extension would not add much open area to the city in which to expand, as it was already improved. But it would provide for more uniform services and standards in those areas.

"The World's Deep-Freeze Locker" tells of Admiral Richard E. Byrd, on his current expedition to the South Pole, having come up with the suggestion of taking all surplus foodstuffs and storing it at Little America where it could keep indefinitely, and thereby solve the food crisis across the world. The expedition had found fruit, stored for 15 years since the previous expedition, completely unspoiled. Such cold storage would alleviate the necessity of destroying large amounts of produce to prevent over-production and lowering of prices.

While it was a worthy suggestion, it brought to mind the problems of Government control of this food supply and the consequent cries against it across the continent for tending toward collectivism. Private enterprise would demand a profit for the food, and the starving of the world would be unable to pay, leaving it to the Government to administer such a mauris naturalis est oculis avi, id est, Quisque venenatis naturae avis oculus.

But such creative ideas ought be encouraged so that better solutions to human problems might be effected.

They had bloody well start with the oranges. For could they make it to Holland without spoliation by the point of Reykjavik?

A piece from the Greensboro Daily News, titled "After All, That's Protestantism", comments on a vote of Mecklenburg Presbyterians to withdraw from the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America for the organization representing positions contra the Southern Presbyterians. There was opposition to the move, as isolating Southern Presbyterians from other churches in the country.

The piece finds no objection to the decision as churches remained churches, regardless of organizational ties, and the logical result of Protestantism was that everyone who was a Protestant have his or her own church. And the Council dealt more in economic and secular matters than spiritual.

Drew Pearson tells of Bronx Boss Ed Flynn, along with other Democratic leaders of the Northeast, having come to the White House to meet with the President. Mr. Flynn, who had been the prime advocate of Mr. Truman in 1944 for the vice-presidential nomination to replace Henry Wallace, had told the President that the biggest problem facing the Democrats was remaining liberal, that unless they did so, they were going to lose in 1948. President Truman replied that he was keeping the party liberal. Mr. Flynn agreed that some things were so, but in other areas, the Administration was being too moderate.

Mr. Flynn wanted more spirit exerted in areas of social legislation, health, welfare, and education. The President said that he had stressed those points in his State of the Union message.

Mr. Pearson notes that the following day, the House, with 93 Democratic votes, passed the tough labor restrictive legislation.

Jersey City Boss Frank Hague also attended the meeting and agreed with Mr. Flynn. He thought the prospects for the Democrats in New Jersey were weak unless a lot of work could be done, even if the President was enjoying presently a surge in popularity.

Senator Theodore Green of Rhode Island expressed the belief that the popularity surge was the result of the President making forthright decisions, and such had to continue to maintain the surge. He urged not overlooking the respect with which the country continued to regard President Roosevelt.

Connecticut National Committee Woman Mary Hausman stressed that the women's vote had beaten the Democrats the previous fall and that it needed to be regarded as a political force for 1948.

Finally, he notes that Roberts Field in Liberia, a U.S. base during the war, was likely to go to the French. There was concern that it would be taken over by the Communists in the French Government and used as a stepping stone for Russia to enter South America via Brazil, directly opposite Liberia.

Stewart Alsop, still in Cairo, reports that animals were more valuable than people in Egypt, were better fed, housed, and cared for than the fellahin. The Soviets had given indications that, in time, they would seek expansion into the area. The center of Communist activity in the Middle East was Beirut, led by Daniel S. Solad, secretary in the Soviet Embassy in Cairo.

Realizing that the old Soviet propaganda regarding religion as the opiate of the masses and the like was not suited to the region, the Russians determined to present the Soviet Union as a friend to the Moslem faith. To that end, the Soviet Ambassador in Cairo, Abdul Rachman Sultanoff, was a devout Moslem. A Moslem university had been established at Tashkent in Central Asia and promising young Moslems were given free instruction there. Soviet radio regularly provided broadcasts of readings from the Koran and spoke kindly of Moslems.

The second type of propaganda sought to exploit nationalistic urges to oust the British from the region. Soviet radio provided such propaganda regularly and anti-foreign stories were passed within the bazaars.

The third type of propaganda was to advocate change, exploiting the already extant desire for revolution.

The class structure was comprised of an extremely wealthy ruling class, middle class of intellectuals, and the fellahin. The middle class was jobless and restless, and with their college educations, frightened the ruling class, and were capable of lighting the spark of revolution.

Samuel Grafton states that the New York Herald Tribune was reporting that Administration economists were telling the President that only 750,000 housing units were going to be built in 1947, compared to a million in 1946. Former Housing Expediter Wilson Wyatt had left in December, supposedly sparking a push for new housing after controls were lifted on materials.

Lumber companies were making up to 400 percent of normal profits and the President was prepared to embark on a campaign of "moral suasion" to try to get materials producers to lower prices to trigger a building boom.

The same situation was true following the lifting of price controls, with prices being the highest in 25 years, rather than the predicted leveling process to be brought on by higher production. There had been little response to the price-cutting efforts of the President.

Senator Robert Taft was trying to suggest that there had been little inflation, but was using the previous December, after prices had already risen 50 percent, as his basis.

The conservative philosophy of laissez-faire was paying a price for having set forth its economic goals, only to have the cost of living rise in response and remain high.

A letter writer advocates abolishing all liquor throughout the world, and voting against controlled sale therefore in Charlotte.

A letter writer comments on the editorial "The Men Who Won't Run", anent the failure of a citizens' group to find new candidates for the City Council to inject new blood into the process, as promised by the veterans. The writer urges that unless the people turned out to vote, they would lose their democracy.

A letter from failed Republican Congressional candidate P. C. Burkholder criticizes President Truman for following in the footsteps of President Roosevelt and continuing the New Deal, pointing out that the President and Secretary of State Marshall had promised to the Russians 25 million dollars in lend-lease aid in the form of oil refining equipment while asking Congress for 400 million dollars in aid to Turkey and Greece to resist Russian expansionism. He finds the logic "screwy".

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