The Charlotte News

Tuesday, November 26, 1946


Site Ed. Note: The front page reports that the Government was planning to move as swiftly as possible to obtain a contempt conviction of John L. Lewis, would ask for a Friday session, breaking into the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Mr. Lewis could avoid the citation by bargaining with the operators to end the strike and could do so without loss of prestige. The Government acknowledged that the trial could last several days or even several weeks.

The coal supply to public schools and government offices was curtailed by the Solid Fuels Administration. The dimout in 31 states and the District of Columbia took effect the previous evening. It would, the Government warned, be strictly enforced.

Unemployment in industries dependent on coal had reached 60,000. Some schools and colleges were planning to extend the Thanksgiving holiday.

The Department of Interior stated that it was actively considering seizure of the Big Inch and Little Inch pipelines and running them to supply natural gas to the East Coast as an emergency measure during the coal strike. No final decision had been reached.

Foreign Commissar V. M. Molotov gave notice to the U.N. that he would ask that full information on all types of armament, including nuclear weapons, jet propulsion and flying bombs, be disclosed along with the information on deployment of troops sought by the U.S. and Britain. He did not oppose the disclosure of troop deployments but Russia wanted to do so only when general disarmament was also discussed, stating the desire that such talks begin forthwith. He opposed, however, disclosure of domestic troop strengths.

Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin and Secretary of State Byrnes were holding a private session in New York, presumably to map out joint strategy on the veto issue, but the precise nature of the talks was not related.

Russian universities would start five-year terms instead of the current four. Thirty-one Russian universities had over 60,000 students, with Moscow University, with 8,000, being the largest.

In Washington, the Justice Department announced the indictment of the publisher of the Scribner's Commentator on charges of perjury stemming from his testimony before a special grand jury in 1943 and 1944, investigating Nazi financing of propaganda publications in the country. Specifically, he was charged with denying knowledge of the source of two $15,000 payments, when, in fact, he allegedly had met directly with the first secretary of the German Embassy and received the cash payment.

A party was held in Washington to provide "last rites" to the OPA. Former OPA administrator Leon Henderson and the current administrator, Paul Porter, were both present.

In Charlotte, after a new route for the proposed cross-town boulevard had been adopted by the City Council the previous night, residents along the new route were now protesting.

A map of the compromise plan appears on the page. You better study it fast to make sure your neighborhood will not have to endure decades of noisy traffic.

On the editorial page, "Every Man An Expert?" suggests that the opponents in the community to the proposed cross-town boulevard appeared to fall into two groups, one being self-interested property owners whose residences would be affected by the route, and the other, a group without self-interest but voicing concern regarding community aesthetics, the route cutting through parks and the like.

As a result, the City Council had adopted an alternate route the night before, appearing to cave in to public pressure despite the experts having determined in a deliberative and disinterested manner the originally proposed route. The new route would increase traffic on heavily traveled streets and would intersect with the business district only at one end rather than in its heart.

The Council had bowed to a vocal minority at the expense of the mass of the citizenry.

"Notes on a United Front" imagines the scenario being suggested by several newspapers and some leaders of the North Carolina Education Associaition that if the teachers did not unite behind a twenty percent wage increase and one group or more sought a substantially higher increase, then the teachers might wind up with substantially less than 20 percent. The argument, it finds, was based on specious reasoning. The NCEA ought adopt the 20 percent increase as a minimum.

It asks the slang expression going around among students: "'Is that bad?'"

"Around and Around She Goes" tells of high prices on used cars, a 1942 Buick selling for $2,200; on housing, a two-bedroom bungalow, originally selling for $7,000, now costing $17,000. Thanksgiving dinner would be 50 percent higher than a year earlier.

Inflation had hit and was continuing to rise. It was a sign of an unhealthy economy and unless self-restraint would be practiced by management and labor, adjusting to modest profits and not seeking higher wages, there would come rapid deflation which would mean depression.

It suggests jumping off the cliff to get off the plateau as the only realistic method remaining to avoid disaster.

A piece from the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, titled "Inflation in Soap Bubbles", comments on the rise in price of soap and soap powder by 50 percent, when soap had already been scarce. The ads for soap heaven were merely enticing of a fiction. The Saturday night bath might once again become a reality.

"Who was it that said Rome fell in its daily bath?"

Drew Pearson reports of Congressman John Taber, set to become chairman of the House Appropriations Committee in the new Congress, having taken umbrage at the receipt of a set of Encyclopaedia Britannica from Assistant Secretary of State William Benton, in charge of the goodwill program for the State Department, recently resigned as chairman of the board of Encyclopaedia Britannica. Mr. Taber having talked to Mr. Benton about his goodwill program and having convinced Mr. Benton that he supported it, had called Undersecretary of State Dean Acheson and complained that he believed Mr. Benton was seeking to bribe him with the encyclopedia. Word was that Mr. Taber, in response, would slash the budget of the goodwill operations. In fact, Mr. Benton had sent out sets of encyclopedias to several Congressmen and no one else had complained.

He next comments that the present coal strike was hastening the end of an already outdated industry. In a little town near Louisville, all 150 families were reported to have converted to oil furnaces. Natural gas piped to the East would also be competitive with coal as it became more expensive.

An atomic energy plant was being built by Poland and the U.S. should have its first plants within two years.

Eventually, coal would be obsolete and coal mining, along with it.

In Georgia, Governor-elect Eugene Talmadge had not been present to present an $1,800 Desoto to KKK Grand Dragon, Dr. Samuel Green. The son of Mr. Talmadge, future Governor and Senator, Herman, presented the car. Herman Talmadge had made a speech in which he denounced "Jews, Catholics, and niggers" and lionized Dr. Green, a man of "", about whose valuable work he said he had known for years.

When Dr. Green received the car, he took from his pocket a toy car and stated that a friend had given it to him so as not to make Drew Pearson, who had told in his column of the coming presentation of the car, a liar. Dr. Green had stated he did not think he could trust a man like Drew Pearson.

Unknown yet to the public, the senior Talmadge was on his deathbed.

The Republicans appeared to be jockeying to accept the pay raises permitted by the Reorganization bill but scrap the portions which saved money by streamlining committees to avoid overlapping duties.

There was also a move afoot to prevent Congresswoman Edith Norse Rogers of Massachusetts from taking over the Veterans Committee, though she was the senior Republican member of it. Speaker-to-be Joe Martin appeared ready to support her for the chairmanship, though John Rankin and others were opposing her.

Marquis Childs discusses labor's seeming intent to commit suicide before the incoming Congress. Not only was the mine strike taking place, but other strikes also had interrupted vital services. In St. Louis, 196 electrical engineers walked out regarding the failure of the electric company to discipline an employee as requested by the union local. Electricity was partially disrupted for five hours in a busy metropolis.

A relief ship bound for Alaska had been held up on the West Coast through the summer and fall during the maritime strike, along with all other shipping to Alaska.

But men could not be required to work and the more Congress would react with harsh legislation, the more likely labor would react in greater defiance.

John L. Lewis's latest action was without reason. Some close associates had suggested that he was sicker than people realized. Having hailed the contract formed with the Government in May as the greatest achievement in the history of the UMW, he was now calling Government operation of the mines a farce.

Mr. Lewis had the power to shut down production in the country and was utilizing that power, regardless of it disserving American interests, which he loudly championed.

Samuel Grafton suggests that one of the problems in forming a consistent American foreign policy was that the country could not seem to determine whether it wanted to be perceived as idealistic gentlemen or tough, smart pragmatists, whether to wear a baby blue ribbon or wear a traditional top hat of diplomacy.

The determination to maintain bases in the captured Pacific islands was an example of the deviation from the moralistic, idealistic line which the country liked to preach. It led to the circular rationalization that the country was within its right to take these bases because it did not take bases.

The same circular justification was evident with respect to atomic energy and use of food for political reasons. The former isolationist press deemed the country to be safe in maintaining the atomic secret because it would not use it; yet the country had used it. Food was okay to use as a political tool because the Russians did so. But that logic only justified the Russian policy and made it more likely that other nations would follow suit.

He concludes that it was better to try to continue to follow the ideal approach, as the country was well-suited to it.

"Let's wear the baby-blue hair ribbon a little longer, in other words; there are not many who can carry it off, but we still can; and it looks funny on us only after we have been wearing the standard diplomatic top hat for a spell."

A letter responds to the letter which had stated support for Henry Wallace as President, that he would continue where FDR had left off, and that the country had not appreciated the blessing it had when FDR was President. This writer agrees that Henry Wallace would make a good President but would not start where FDR left off, rather where FDR had started. The country would not want a President such as FDR who had made the millionaires wealthy, sent the working people to war, and taxed the middle class. He thinks things were fine in the twenties after World War I and wants more such times.

A letter writer responds to the same letter and tells the previous writer that the country did not need George Bernard Shaw to tell it how to vote, nor the advice of any Roosevelt or Henry Wallace.

Where she got her name, incidentally, the Italian meaning in English, "Now and forever more", is a question mark we have, because she obviously merited another moniker, such as, "Nevermore and mostly not".

A letter from the Classroom Teachers of Concord thanks the newspaper for its efforts in support of higher teacher salaries.

A letter asks what type of heating John L. Lewis had in his home, whether, if coal, he had a good supply, and how many servants he employed and their race.

The editors reply that Mr. Lewis, as recently reported, converted his home from oil to coal when he bought it, had, according to his coal dealer, less than 30 days worth of coal. They did not know about the servants, but assumed with a $30,000 per year salary, he had enough to keep his furnace going.

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