The Charlotte News

Tuesday, November 19, 1946


Site Ed. Note: The front page reports that many thousands of additional miners refused to go to work, the number now reaching 78,000, compared to 38,000 the previous day. The Federal Court order preventing the strike for nine more days until a hearing could be held on the Government's petition for a permanent injunction against the strike, had apparently no effect on the miners. A shutdown of Alabama mines left Southern coal at 20 percent of normal production. Some were predicting a complete shutdown of the mines by Thursday.

In the Foreign Ministers Council meeting in New York, the Big Four agreed finally that the provisions of the Italian treaty relating to Trieste, to which agreement had been reached in Paris, would remain intact, as the Soviets dropped their objection. Mr. Molotov also agreed to consider modification of the Security Council veto by use of voluntary restrictions. It appeared that the Russians, however, would object to any eventual modification.

Sgt. John Woods, hangman of ten of the Nazi war criminals at Nuremberg, denied that he was quitting his job and that he had somehow botched the hangings. He said that the neck was broken immediately in every case, but the heart of some continued beating. He added that hanging was hard work and hard on the nerves, but he intended to stick with it.

In Hillsboro, Tenn, native son J. B. Stubblefield, an American soldier missing for the previous two years, had been discovered alive in the New Guinea jungle. His parents had given up hope that he would ever be found alive. He had been reported missing in July, 1944.

In Asheville, the North Carolina Baptist Convention considered whether to use the Wake Forest campus for a Baptist junior college and seminary following the move of Wake Forest to Winston-Salem. A 300-acre tract was being offered in Winston-Salem for the new site and that was also before the convention.

Burke Davis provides his second installment of three on divorce in North Carolina and the complicated procedure which was required for obtaining it at that time.

Among some of the unique marital laws in the land at the time was that of New Mexico, recognizing the "unwritten law", excusing a spouse from killing the lover of the other spouse if the two were caught in the act of adultery. Mr. Davis relates it as having allowed the husband to kill the wife's lover, but it would appear that equal protection of the laws would demand the other scenario be recognized as well.

Butter rose three cents per pound.

Two U.S. submarines were up for sale. The Navy Department was inviting bids. Bid early and often.

On the editorial page, "The Destruction of John L. Lewis" tells of the uniform editorial condemnation of John L. Lewis in his present drive to obtain new benefits for the UMW. Even the rank-and-file appeared ready to strike only reluctantly.

A strike would do more damage in the long-run to the union than good, because of the inevitable restrictive legislation to come in its wake.

Everyone in the country agreed that Mr. Lewis was wrong this time, but that did not solve the problem. While existing legislation allowed his jailing for continuing to urge the strike, such action would likely convert him to a martyr in the perception of the miners. And in the meantime, the country would suffer for want of coal. New legislation could do no better.

Thus, in the end, it predicts, the Government might have to bow to Mr. Lewis's demands. His irresponsibility, however, would cast him as a member of the robber barons of the industrial class who had destroyed the good name of business, forcing Federal control. So it would be in this case, as the Congress would exert control over Mr. Lewis.

"Chip on Mr. Rivers' Shoulder" finds Congressman Mendel Rivers of South Carolina demanding that the Attorney General investigate the murder of Joseph Scottireggio, ward captain in a poor neighborhood for the opponent of Congressman Vito Marcantonio of New York, to determine whether Mr. Marcantonio had any connection to the killing. Mr. Marcantonio was very supportive of the Communist line and Mr. Rivers was thus seeking to blame Communists for the death.

The piece finds this tactic to be simply a mirror of the Communists attacking Southern justice and should be avoided as serving no purpose.

Hodding Carter had recently written a piece in The Saturday Evening Post, titled "Chip on Our Shoulder Down South". The piece finds Mr. Rivers providing the evidence that the chip did, indeed, still exist.

"A Butter Ball in Every Home" discusses the findings of Dr. Ernest Albert Hooton, Harvard anthropologist, who had determined that he-men, such as Van Johnson, made unsatisfactory mates as they were always complaining about not getting enough exercise and aged faster than other men. He also had found that thin, wiry types, such as Frank Sinatra, were always tired and dispirited, thus also making unsatisfactory mates.

The ideal mate, according to housewives, was a fat man. He was easier to get along with and generally liked people, was a home-body.

It concludes that the last picture observed of Dr. Hooton showed him to be slender, as he championed the French wrestler, "The Angel", and argued that ugly men were the most charming. It reasons that in the interim, Dr. Hooton must have put on weight.

A piece from the Columbia Record, titled "The WCTU Sets an Example", tells of a piece in Collier's which had reported that the WCTU would not seek a return to prohibition but would content itself with a campaign for abstinence.

It hopes that the South Carolina chapter of the WCTU would follow the example and abandon its annual goal of getting a prohibition bill through the Legislature, taking up valuable time and resources for naught.

Drew Pearson tells of Washington society suddenly adding Republicans to their social lists in light of their newly won power. George Allen had an autographed photograph of Senator Arthur Vandenberg, which he received in 1938, hanging in his office, only hung, according to Mr. Allen, the night of the election, alongside his autographed picture of his friend Harry Truman.

Two weeks before the November 5 election, Congressman John Rankin of Mississippi and witch-hunter J. Parnell Thomas of New Jersey, to become chairman of HUAC in the new Congress, agreed that it was time to get rid of all of the liberals in government whom they did not like. It was agreed that Mr. Rankin would continue to be a driving force on HUAC, doing most of the work. Robert Stripling, former chief investigator for former Texas Congressman Martin Dies when he had chaired the committee, was rehired. He was working on a master list for use by the committee to smear Government personnel.

Mr. Pearson makes a prediction that the Congress would be doing more investigation for the purpose of witch-hunting than at any time since Congressman Ham Fish of New York had gone to a trunk in a Baltimore warehouse on the tip that it contained Soviet documents, only to find cabbages.

This time, there would be a pumpkin with microfilm in it, also in Maryland, but on a farm, not in a warehouse. It might also contain a small snake.

In the Republican caucus, it was decided to accept the Reorganization Act in its entirety, despite objection by a few members of the delegation who wanted stricken the part combining the Navy Committee and the Military Affairs Committee into an Armed Services Committee. They believed that it was premature to combine the committees before the military itself was combined, that disharmony would result from the fact that the Naval Committee objected to consolidation. In the end, the caucus, however, agreed to accept the Act unchanged.

Marquis Childs comments on the scrappiness of former New York Mayor Fiorello La Guardia to try to preserve UNRRA aid, of which he was director, by talking before the U.N. He wanted to set up a smaller organization when UNRRA expired at the end of the year. The State Department opposed his plan based on the notion that Congress would no longer support the organization. The U.S. had provided the bulk of its funding. With the Republican victory, that probability was much greater.

Mr. La Guardia told of visiting Josef Stalin the previous summer and that Stalin had favored continuation of relief, was also willing to commit to help maintain it. Previously, Russia had been a recipient of aid, not a contributor.

The State Department wanted the United States to contribute individually to countries which showed loyalty, such as Greece, Italy, and Austria. Countries such as Poland, Czechoslovakia, the Ukraine, and White Russia would not receive U.S. aid.

UNRRA experts were not predicting starvation, though some Eastern European countries were struggling. But they feared that recovery would be slowed without the aid, slowing a return to normal trade in Europe.

Use of food as a political weapon would be a new departure for the Government. After World War I, food was distributed evenly according to need, regardless of politics. In 1921, Herbert Hoover's relief organization began to feed over 10 million Russians. America meant then salvation and hope to the world. Mr. Childs urges that role not to be abandoned.

Samuel Grafton tells of the Government giving away potatoes to charitable organizations and even paying the freight for them, despite it occurring in a period of inflation.

But there appeared something false about the inflation, that it was not the hard and fast type at work. Many department stores were running ads of price reductions just as the Christmas season was starting, not indicative of an inflationary trend in fact.

It would be risky to raise rent ceilings with a price recession being predicted by most economists for the spring. Rents were frozen by leases and did not go down as normal consumer prices in a cycle. There was an insistence from landlords that the increases occur forthwith because within two to three months, the downward cycle of prices would prevent the increases from taking place.

It looked as if the upward spiral of inflation was ending and the next problem would be the downward spiral. But the latter would require relief and public works to prevent unemployment so that retailers could continue to sell their lower-priced goods.

Management would be content to let prices fall without control, just as they were content to let prices rise, so that they could reduce wages and costs.

The goal was to prevent either spiral and to keep the price-wage structure reasonably level.

A letter from a Baptist minister finds the acceptance by Wake Forest College of the Smith Reynolds Foundation endowment to be a step toward losing its soul. The pastoral campus in the town of Wake Forest had a special charm. Moving it to Winston-Salem, it suggests, would cause a loss of the school's spirit.

Prosperity had drawbacks and whoever controlled the finances controlled the policy of the institution. The Baptists had brought prosperity to the school where once it was poor and humble. It was now bound to grow whether it moved or not.

Presently, he says, there was no campus or money set aside for buildings to which the school could move.

A letter from the losing Republican candidate for the Tenth District Congressional seat, P. C. Burkholder, answers the editors' note in response to a letter from the Republican chairman of Mecklenburg County, printed November 13. He finds the note to be prejudiced opinion of the editors. He charges that they had caused trouble between Southerners and outsiders, Mr. Burkholder having hailed from the North. He was a friend to all Southerners.

The editors respond that they only made mention of his having come from the North after the election, simply by way of pointing out the handicaps he faced in the election, and had not figured how they had underrated him, as he charged, while also ignoring him, as he also charged.

On this sesquicentennial of the delivery by President Lincoln of the Gettysburg Address in dedication of the national cemetery to commemorate the dead of the battle which occurred there July 1-3, 1863, we feel compelled to note that the original text, as read that day, did not contain the word "God" in its last sentence. President Obama read the text recently in 2013 with accuracy, not, as some have suggested, omitting "God" from the address. Let us strive, in the spirit of Abraham Lincoln and a thinking democracy, always first to do our thorough research by the light of the burning embers within the fireplace and not make statements unsupported by fact, based on transcriptions of a speech made after the fact of its delivery, ignoring the while the entire meaning conveyed by the 262 words, regardless of the incidental inclusion or omission of one of them. With the carnage still fresh at Gettysburg, with battles still raging in the South, it was likely difficult in November, 1863 to see such a bitterly divided and war-torn land as being worthy to suggest itself too much a "nation under God".

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