The Charlotte News

Tuesday, October 29, 1946


Site Ed. Note: The front page reports that a statement from Josef Stalin defended the five-power unilateral veto on the U.N. Security Council, as the smaller nations addressed the General Assembly urging limitation of its use. The statement came in answer to 31 questions from the president of the United Press Association. Prime Minister Stalin assured that Russia did not have an atomic bomb or anything similar to it. He also asserted the belief that atomic energy should be under "rigid international control", not dissimilar to the British-American position.

He clarified, in response to Winston Churchill's question before Commons the previous week, that there were 60 divisions of Soviet troops, not the reported 200, in Eastern Europe. Mr. Churchill commented that he was glad to hear it but that even 60 divisions on a war footing greatly exceeded the British and American occupation forces, and he wished the matter to be cleared up in the Security Council. Mr. Churchill added that the Stalin statement did not take into account heavy troop concentrations in the Leningrad and Odessa areas, or the troops in Rumania. The piece notes that the translations did include Rumania.

American U. N. Ambassador Warren Austin, former Senator from Vermont, stated that he was formulating an American position on the veto which he would shortly present. The United States had generally been on record in support of continuation of the veto for the present, with elimination of it in the future.

The State Department criticized Rumania for discriminating against registration of opposition political parties in anticipation of the election scheduled for November 19. The note also complained of lack of equal access to broadcast facilities. The diplomatic note reminded of the need to have free elections, per Yalta, Potsdam, and the Moscow accords. Britain had registered a similar protest.

In Bombay Province, further violence was reported, this time in the town of Sasnor, where ten persons were killed during rioting.

In New York, after 57 days, the Teamsters strike ended and the trucks were rolling again, coinciding with the end of the 28-day maritime strike on the East and Gulf Coasts.

John L. Lewis was considering holding void the Government contract formed May 29, under which the Government had since been operating the coal mines pending acceptance of terms by the operators. The Government and Mr. Lewis continued to be at loggerheads on interpretation of the right to renegotiate the agreement. Secretary of Interior J. A. Krug had agreed to meet with Mr. Lewis on Friday to avoid an immediate strike, but assured that it did not necessarily portend a compromise. If no renegotiation was forthcoming, then Mr. Lewis might declare the contract void.

OPA announced that all fats and oils, including linseed oil, had been decontrolled as of midnight.

Cotton again dropped its per diem $10 per bale price limit on the New York exchange, bringing the total decline during the previous couple of weeks to $50 per bale.

With prices on livestock dropping and the markets getting filled, livestock receipts slowed.

Bonded bourbon whiskey was coming back to liquor stores in Louisville and elsewhere, but at a high price, $7.50 to $9 per fifth, compared to $4 under OPA, even if little had been available while under control. It was predicted that the higher prices would prevail for two or three years. Dealers were threatening to revolt against the higher prices and boycott purchases. They wanted prices at between $6 and $7.

In Hollywood, Kathryn Grayson was planning to marry singer Johnny Johnston soon after Christmas. She was the former wife of actor John Shelton.

Burke Davis continues his series on local government in Mecklenburg County and Charlotte, telling of one resident with his property half in the county and half in the city, requiring him to pay separately to each entity property taxes assessed on each half, only county taxes on one side and both on the other. The extension of the city limits would end some of the problems but not all.

He details other anomalous situations created by the two-tier government structure, the most interesting of which was that the county police could not pursue a suspect, except in hot pursuit, into the city limits.

The primary solution suggested was to combine the two governments. A proposed law to that effect had been placed before the voters in 1927 and had been rejected. The county had five incorporated towns outside Charlotte: Davidson, Huntersville, Matthews, Cornelius, and Pineville. Their taxes would change little if incorporated into the city.

He cites several more examples of dual government complicating public functions.

On the sports page, Ray Howe tells of how Wake Forest, coached by Peahead Walker, had managed to upset, 19 to 6, national powerhouse Tennessee—set to go to the Orange Bowl, where they would lose 8 to 0 to Rice, and finish number 7 in the country, their only loss in regular season having been to Wake Forest, which would finish the season 6-3, but only 2-3 in the Southern Conference, tying for tenth place out of 16 teams.

North Carolina, which would win the conference title, wind up number 9 in the country, and lose in the Sugar Bowl to Georgia 20 to 10, would, the following Saturday, suffer its only regular season loss at the hands of Tennessee, 20 to 14.

Goes to show, once again, that you cannot predicate success in sports on the gauge of vicarious confrontation of an opponent by another which you will whip 26 to 14 three weeks afterward, despite losing two weeks aforehand to the thusly gauged loser to the latter.

In San Gabriel, California, a trial of a man accused of rigging a gambling wheel was about to begin when the case had to be dismissed because the evidence had died. The evidence consisted of rats which were used on the roulette wheel to determine the winning number. The prosecution had claimed some of the roulette holes were stuffed with cheese.

Somebody probably slipped those rats some poison, or perhaps one was secreting it in his alimentary tract.

At least the police did not eat the cheese.

On the editorial page, "Redistricting Moves Up a Notch" comments on the approval by the North Carolina State Bar and Superior Court officers of the division of the solicitorial district to separate out populous Mecklenburg and populous Gaston counties from one another. Its next hurdles were to be before the Governor and the Legislature.

Once again, for the sake of efficiency in prosecution of criminal matters, it urges the division of duties. If passed, the division would not become effective until 1950.

"The Cotton Trade Wants Control" finds it ironic that the cotton brokers, some of the staunchest advocates of free enterprise and relief from government control, were asking the Government for aid in preventing further price drops in cotton.

A respected trade journal, Cotton Digest, had commented on the speculation of New Orleans trader-gambler Thomas Jordan which led to the initial price drop with a huge sell-off, finding that he may have been motivated to do it by his belief that he had received a raw deal from the New York exchange two years earlier. The Digest had found, regardless, the difference in limited speculation and outright gambling to be significant, and that cotton could not be traded effectively in the latter atmosphere, disconnected from the laws of supply and demand. It also criticized the cotton Congressmen who regularly pitched for keeping the price high, thus encouraging the gamblers.

The New York exchange did not appear to be ready to take action to stem the practice. Nor did the Federal Government. And so the only solution appeared to be to enact a law being proposed in Congress to establish an SEC-type administration to regulate the cotton exchanges just as the stock exchanges were regulated.

"The Rights of Employers" again predicts that the Wagner Act would be heavily revised in the 80th Congress—as it would be, over the President's veto, in the form of the Taft-Hartley Act the following year. It notes a recent court interpretation by the U.S. Court of Appeals in St. Louis ruling that Montgomery Ward had not run afoul of the Wagner Act when it provided its anti-union view to employees prior to their participation in an election to determine union representation. The Court held that freedom of speech protected the company's right to do so.

Previously, the National Labor Relations Board had issued rulings which stifled such comment. The ruling by the Court, the piece finds, would be good news to employers and ought be good news to union representatives also, for the muzzling of employers had undermined the viability of the Wagner Act by making many businessmen its enemy. The practice was patently unfair, flying in the face of the Constitution.

But the decision, while long overdue, might prove too long overdue to save the Wagner Act from its many enemies created in the meantime.

A piece from the Shelby Star, titled "Up the Persimmon Tree", finds that the Hickory Record had discovered a lot of persimmons in Catawba County, taking it as a sign of a cold winter ahead. The piece had never heard of that notion. Persimmons, it informs, gave rabbits and possums an extra dose of fat, useful for a long winter. And persimmons were not edible unless bitten by a sharp frost.

It decides not to question the meteorological expertise of the Record and accepts the fact of a cold winter coming, advises therefore stocking up on meat and perhaps trying to chase John L. Lewis up a tree and keep him there.

Drew Pearson looks at some of the records of candidates running in the election to be held the following Tuesday, November 5. One candidate for Congress from Ohio had not paid his Federal taxes for three years, until after he had secured the Republican nomination. The previous spring, he had spent nearly $15,000 on his campaign, polling about the same number of votes at a dollar per vote.

He next tells of British Ambassador to the United States Archibald John Clark-Kerr having visited an Iowa farm and, to his great peril, ridden a corn picker. Later, the Ambassador insisted on washing the dishes for the family after the meal. The housewife objected, but not because guests should not wash the dishes. Rather, she had her finest English china in service and was afraid he might break it.

Next, he returns to the subject of Senator Theodore Bilbo's wartime graft, receiving illicit gifts in exchange for war contracts he had arranged to be awarded certain companies, a subject he had begun on Saturday. In addition to the house and lake, the Cadillac, the $5,000 gift, all in 1941, and the $25,000 gift in 1942, Mr. Bilbo received from one of the two Mississippi companies $5,000 in 1941 and $3,750 in 1942. The company claimed that the contributions were for the Senatorial primary campaign of Wall Doxey, backed by Senator Bilbo. Again, Senator Doxey stated that his campaign had not received such sums.

Senator Bilbo's attorney and accountant also claimed that the money had gone to the Doxey campaign, but could not prove it.

He next tells of the War Assets Administration trying to unload horse-drawn ambulances used during the Spanish Civl War from 1936-39. They removed the wheels, provided pastel paint, converted them to seaside cabanas, and then sold them like hotcakes.

Another example of American ingenuity was the purchase by florists of former ammunition boxes to serve as flower boxes. Air raid helmets served as nests for hens and Army helmets were being used as drinking troughs for hogs. Mr. Pearson states, however, that as a hog farmer himself, he doubted the latter story.

Marquis Childs, back in New York, tells of America appearing beautiful during his trip across country to California and back, even though he saw it from the air.

The mood of Indian summer had prevailed in the Midwest. The people had a prosperous look, wearing bright clothes. The women appeared well coiffured.

In Southern California, men wore bright clothes, just as the women.

Motoring from Los Angeles to San Diego enabled a breathtaking view of the Pacific Ocean. The sunset was hard to beat. In San Diego, uniforms still predominated as the Navy had expanded its facilities during the war, as the population had nearly doubled since 1941.

Arizona had a magical light to it.

New Orleans was relaxed and easy, with generous hospitality.

The contrast with New York could not be sharper. Its having become the political capital of the world with the U.N. present, had caught it by surprise. The U.N. was swallowed by the city, with the delegates dispersed in their living arrangements. The U.N. had the feel of a refugee hoping for kind treatment from its host.

He opines that the organization could surely find a better permanent site than New York. San Francisco wanted it to settle there, and that city offered a more conducive atmosphere to work and concentration than the "new Babylon".

Samuel Grafton reports on the state of the morale of the country in peacetime, finds it not good, suffering from uncertainty and fear, both economically and politically.

Some of the newspapers which had plumped for an end to price control were now congratulating themselves that meat prices were declining rapidly, though still 50 percent above ceiling prices. Their confidence in their own logic seemed to have suffered.

The conservatives were looking forward to a Republican Congress. But the prospect offered little different from that which had prevailed since the end of the war, with the effective coalition between conservative Republicans and conservative Southern Democrats ruling the day. Moreover, it would only perpetuate the split in government between the legislative and executive branches.

Western morale was important to the world and it was important that the United States prosper. Thus, the prospect of a recession, as many conservative economists welcomed as a means to adjust prices, was not a positive event or panacea to which the citizenry could look forward.

Morale was as important in peacetime as in wartime, and there was a sense of recklessness about the way the country had dealt with price controls.

A letter responds to the letter of October 25 from an anonymopus out-of-town writer who had praised the series on the cross-town boulevard and believed it a worthy project. This writer also thanks the newspaper for the series by Pete McKnight but wants the paper to present the other side, thinks the out-of-town anonymous writer was speaking out of turn, absent knowledge of the particulars of the community.

The editors respond that Mr. McKnight had provided every major counter argument to the boulevard and the newspaper had presented news of every protest regarding it.

A letter from Hill Billy of Wolf Creek offers critique of the pitcher of Lener the Hiener, which he didn't care for one little bit. He was a-visiting his friend what lived in Charlotte and had seen the print through his friend's graces. They had thought Lener was supposed to be human but had not seen anyone resembling her.

They also didn't appreciate one little bit the paper removing "Out Our Way" from its pages.

He says it was his first visit to the city, and bound to be his last for all the traffic and stuff and too many people and lack of Burton snuff. He concludes, "So long, City folks." He'd had plenty, enough.

A letter writer had heard more praise of the Nuremberg trial than censure, found there to be no need to distinguish the defendants as "Nazis" rather than "Germans". He thinks half the population of Germany ought be hung. He concludes that there were many Latin terms to describe the shape of the German head, but it all resolved in the word "insanity".

A letter writer provides a copy of a letter he had sent to the Charlotte Merchants Association, advocating a Screwball Contest for Halloween night, by placing jokes and funny displays in shop windows, either with dummies or live attractions, to generate laughter.

Then the people could vote on the store with the best exhibit and the winner would receive a hundred dollar prize, to be contributed to the Community Chest.

He thinks it would draw 10,000 people downtown and insure a big Halloween night.

We can't wait. Where do we go to see it? We'll be down there first thing Thursday morning to get in line so's to have a front row viewing. Will they have apple bobbers and hit the clown through the plate glass window?

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