Thursday, June 10, 1943

The Charlotte News

Thursday, June 10, 1943


Site Ed. Note: The front page reports that, with increases of between 15 and 30 percent monthly in the number of American planes in England, by summer's end there would be approximate parity between the American Air Forces and the RAF. Increasingly, American-piloted Flying Fortresses were participating in raids on the Continent. The number of Flying Fortresses and Liberators in England had doubled since March. An experiment would soon begin whereby Flying Fortresses would accompany the RAF on night-bombing missions. Some 1,600 American bombers in May dropped 2,800 tons of bombs on the Continent, losing 62 planes to 359 shot down of the enemy, with another 93 destroyed on the ground.

Allied communiques clarified that the commando raid on Lampedusa had occurred Monday night and consisted of a small reconnaissance force, not five companies as had been claimed by reports from Berlin. There were only light casualties, not the heavy toll contended by Berlin.

On the third anniversary of Italy's entry to the war, the London press were asserting the likelihood of an immediate invasion of Pantellaria, possibly of the Italian mainland. Rome radio bombastically responded to the Allied demands to the occupants of Pantellaria to surrender by proclaiming that they had been ordered to resist to the last and would remain obedient to those orders.

Czechs commemorated the first anniversary of the massacre at Lidice, retaliatory for the killing of Reinhard Heydrich, by defiantly voicing relish of the impending vengeance shortly to be wreaked on the Italians, soon the Germans.

Secretary of Interior Harold Ickes, coal mine czar until a contract could be worked out between the miners and the owners, ordered fines of a $1 per day, an hour's base pay under the old contract, be imposed against each of the striking miners during the June 1-5 walkout. UMW officials in Fairmont, West Virginia and in Harlan, Kentucky, promptly declared the intent to strike again in protest of the fines.

A representative for the Central Pennsylvania operators indicated to the War Labor Board that they were in agreement with the Board's recommendation that $1.30 per day be provided the miners for portal-to-portal pay, 70 cents below the UMW demand. The concession represented an hour and eighteen minutes per day based on the old contract rate, thirty-nine minutes each way into and out of the mine.

Meanwhile, the anti-strike bill emerging from the House carried a $5,000 fine and up to a year's imprisonment for anyone found guilty of leading or conspiring to bring about a strike in Government-operated war industries.

In Chapter 10 of They Call It Pacific, Clark Lee tells of his harrowing adventure on December 22, 1941, driving north on Luzon, dodging strafing Japanese planes part of the way, as the Japanese began their full force land invasion of the Philippines. His goals were to view the damage firsthand at Clark Field and to determine what, if any, planes remained to ward off the increasing Japanese landing forces. On the way, as the story continues on the inside page, he and his two passengers met a soldier warning them to turn back, that the fighting was becoming thick and heavy to the north on the beaches. After some debate with his companions regarding the dangers of continuing on their way with but two hours of daylight remaining and the road likely to be cut off by the enemy during the night, Mr. Lee nevertheless decided to proceed north anyway, unimpressed by the soldier's warning or his passengers' sense of ill portent, believing instead that the American Army would hold the Japanese forces on the beaches until they were all dead.

In the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles, there was reported a confrontation between about 90 service men, mostly sailors, and 125 zoot-suited juvenile gang members, boys and girls, the girls wearing black skirts and dubbed the "Black Widows". For more than an hour, the youths threw stones at the service men as the service men waded into the crowd to return the assault. No one knew what had prompted the melee.

On the editorial page, The Christian Science Monitor reports on the increase in juvenile delinquency abroad the land, attributes it to increasing neglect by parents following patriotic duty either into service or into the war industries, leaving many teenagers to fend for themselves through long hours of each day, young teenaged girls often having truck with service men.

Sometimes, obviously, when things didn’t go well, the service men got stoned. Violence erupted from the ensuing madness.

"New Slant" praises the Senate speech of Senator Warren Austin of Vermont, a Republican, who favored internationalism after the war and a United Nations policing organization. The piece quotes liberally from the speech. His major point was that the United Nations were not fighting simply for freedom, but moreover to insure the post-war integrity of nations and the power to implement policy necessary to restrain further aggression.

The speech is worth a read as Senator Austin, after the war, in 1946, was appointed by President Truman to be the first permanent United States Ambassador to the United Nations, a post in which he served until the beginning of the Eisenhower Administration in 1953, when Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., just defeated as an incumbent by John F. Kennedy in the Senate race in Massachusetts, succeeded to the position.

"Gas Warfare" speaks of the recent worry conveyed by FDR that the Germans might resort to gas attack, as in World War I, when the Continent was invaded. FDR had warned that, should it be so, the Germans would encounter grave repercussions. The piece interprets that to mean that the Allies would drop, instead of just incendiary bombs, missiles designed to release gas on impact, poisoning large segments of the German population in the process. It furthers therefore the warning to Hitler not to employ the tactic damned from "civilized" warfare after the harsh experience of the First World War.

Samuel Grafton writes of the atrophy apparent in the Axis alliances, the need for German procurement of slave labor from its "allies", in France, for instance, embittering the native populations to the Nazi boot impelling them. In contrast, the American-British-Russian alliance was prospering among nations and engendering goodwill as it beat its collective saber against the Nazi invader. All of the dynamics of the world's nations were now engaged toward the Allied cause, and decidedly against the Axis.

Raymond Clapper finds abroad in Britain the newly invigorated expression of humanitarian concern over the continued, unrelenting, unrepentant bombing of the Continent. Most of the London press were reminding the sporting public to be conscious of the fact that unrestrained bombing would shorten the war and ultimately thereby save lives. Lord Beaverbrook's Daily Express denounced the mercy advocates for being short-sighted, and suggested that such opinions might eventually become motivated by genuinely anti-patriotic fervor.

In Germany, the Nazi puppet press labeled the bombing campaign the work of "luftgangsters" and sought to use the British spirit of fair play to divide domestic public opinion against the war effort while seeking to raise the passions and outrage of good Germans.

Dorothy Thompson, with the conclusion of the Hot Springs International Food Conference regarding post-war distribution of food to war-torn nations, takes the advice of her early journalistic mentor and writes about food. She examines the need for taking into account the varied tastes of the world's nations in having a sensible plan for distributing food after the war, to avoid glut in certain regions with the consequent need to destroy food needed by others experiencing fallow fields.

But some nations preferred veal, others mutton; some liked corn, others hadn't acquired the taste from the American colonies. A diverse regional menu had to be properly provided and put into place at war's end to stimulate the taste buds accordingly of each individual population in order to prevent want and achieve one of the Four Freedoms.

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