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And Evening Chronicle
Published Week-Day Afternoons
And Sunday Mornings
by The News Publishing Company, Inc.

W. C. Dowd, Jr., President
and General Manager
J. E. Dowd, Editor
W. C. Dowd, 1865 -1927

The daily edition of The Charlotte News was established in 1888. The Sunday edition was added in 1910. The Evening Chronicle, established in 1903, was purchased by and consolidated with The Charlotte News May 8, 1914. 

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  • Men of Property - By Holy Roman rights, painter owns half Italy and Musso., half Germany
  • Progress - Women and children now fight, also
  • Going Home - Musso's land troops removed from Spain, but of no moment
  • Pirate's Boast - Germany, Italy sinking British merchant ships for Franco
  • A Smart Stroke - Eden, Churchill welcome additions to British cabinet; Hitler threatens all of Poland
  • Cat and Mouse - Hungary now slave to Hitler; slaves make poor allies if war comes
  • War Prospect - War likely; millions on millions of lives will be lost
  • Quandary - Russia coy, no real ally of Hitler
  • Strange Cries - Nazi outrage over British commandeering of Altmark strange, from murderous nation
  • For the Record - Altmark outrage by Norway against Britain is merely self-preservation game
  • Carol's Turn - Hitler promises goodies for Rumania while seeking to vanquish--as with Czechs
  •  At A Tomb  - "The rat-like man leaning on the balustrade" at the Tomb of Napoleon may be in fear. . .
  • Nay-sayer - One Frenchman stands up to Hitler
  • Cat's Paw - Spain attempts to spread Nazi-Fascist dogma in cutting off Chile
  • Peace Game - Hitler appears hesitant to attack England just now
  • Moral Ire - Nazis warn British "snipers" defending homes; butcher thousands
  • Straw Man - Adolf, not Fifth Columns, funneling food from conquered; Red Cross caught in dilemma
  • Italy Hedges - More meatless days ordered; Brits safe for now
  • Sea Fight - (Nominated for Pulitzer) -The men of the Jervis Bay, a breed apart, protected rear from Nazi
  • High Price - Greece and Libya about to fall to Nazi, but heavy toll for few gains will demoralize Germans
  • Drift Policy - Spain may join Axis; U.S. policy may cause fall of G.B., leaving us alone to face the Nazi
  • Old Battle - Xerxes, an early Hitler, outnumbered, but Leonidas and Spartan band fought to death
  • Alternative - Xerxes was defeated; so will be Hitler, not if, but when; most favor convoy, so get on with it
  • Half Convoy - Convoy to mid-Atlantic silly--ineffectual risk; time for full convoy, shooting back to defend
  • A Prophecy - Escape of Von Werra, admitted to bail, no surprise; Nazi murderers forfeit legal rights
  • Scant Aid - U.S. Atlantic patrol helpful, but ineffective gesture of war; w/o more, Britain will fall in 1941
  • They Cheered - Ovation from Nazis for Lindbergh's "Britain will fall"; proves their and C.A.L's hopes
  • Tank Line - Tank production at Chrysler going strong--finally; will soon eclipse German production
  • Grim Words - Churchill grim, but strong, correct; Hitler is incarnation of wish and will of German nation
  • Pretty Thin - Darlan trying to get French angry at British to make Vichy full Axis partner; in vain
  • Narcotic - Hess desertion does not herald Nazi collapse; narcotization of U.S. and G.B. best Nazi hope
  • More Light - French traitor and Communist Doriot is pro-Nazi; like other Communists, is only for himself
  • Dubious Act - Neutrality Act may prevent incidents--but hastens fall of G.B, divides U.S. for Nazi good
  • Peril Spots - If Spain to join Axis, we should seize Canaries, Azores, Cape Verdes, and Dakar; stop airbases
  • Hess Puzzle - Hess--original Nazi interested in German "Master Class", not peace; Britain won't accept
  • Bogey Man - Darlan sells out Vichy to Hitler in hopes of intimidating U.S. to stay out; will backfire
  • *Twelve Men - The young Canadian men sunk by the Nazi barbarian were worth millions of appeasers


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  • Two Faces East - Japanese military acts unilaterally; thus Panay incident one face, as govt. apologizes
  • Closing Door - Japan may nominally re-recognize Open Door in China, but to no beneficial end for U.S.
  • Sacrificial Offering - Recalling of Mitsunami from China command indicates military in jam over Panay
  • First Hand Testimony - Japanese navy in a jam over Panay as no room for not noticing American ship
  • Out-Faced - Japanese lose face again to British over demands for handing over Chinese
  • *Gunner's Quality -Japanese navy larger and newer than ours, but quality of U.S. gunners far superior
  • Country in a Hurry - Chinese operation costing Japan more than it can continue--military budget huge
  • A Difference - Tientsin is Brit. property; fight likely with Japan
  • Pearl Harbor - Training exercises? Signal to Japanese to stay home?
  • Green Light - Dem. plank gives Japan go-ahead to East Indies
  • Crisis? - What will U.S. do if Japan moves for East Indies? Platforms say do nothing
  • Squirrel Cage - Fleet at Pearl is only hedge against Japan moving south; but California supplies oil
  • Blueprint - Listen to what Japan says: Strike without notice; desires to share world with Germany and Italy
  • A Definition - "Aggression" to Japanese defined as anything which blocks its policy of Pacific aggression
  • Clarified - Tokyo learned meaning of "aggression" from partner, Hitler; U.S. "aggression" is blockade
  • Oil for Foe - Cal. oil to Japan of great concern; will fuel Japanese ships when likely fight in Pacific comes


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  • *Call This Witness - N.J. should call 15 year old black rape victim at extradition hearing of rapist
  • Fight Films - Banning of them had racist origins; silly
  • War In A Thimble - South need not be defensive over slavery; no moral defense, move on
  • *Over Polite - Chief leads KKK; need more than polite request from him to them to stop parade; enforce
  • *Case Report - Maryland prevents lynching of two innocent black women by vigilante mob


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  • Cavalcade - King Geo. V, Kipling both to be missed
  • Soviet Sacrifices - Barbaric states execute prominents on national anniversaries; Soviets alike
  • After Kellogg - Death of Kellogg when Kellogg-Briand abject failure, but new Allied force may be future
  • Zog Finds A Wife - King Zog of Albania marries; problematic, as being Musso. stooge leads to death
  • Money in Gaul - As the franc's "temporary" instability goes, so goes France--always
  • Italian Hand - The Vindicator apologizes for Nazis; links Liberals to Reds; where's Robert Rice?
  • Colonel House - We should have listened at Versailles; House said can't be conqueror and then co-exist
  • A Little Lavish - Policy of buying silver at higher than market now clear; propping Mexico with gifts
  • The Nazi Way - Kuhn suit, Putnam kidnapping--warnings: lay off Nazis
  • Italian Hand - The Vindicator apologizes for Nazis; links Liberals to Reds; where's Robert Rice?
  • Paradox - Robert Rice Reynolds willing to fight G.B. over search of ships; but won't face Germany
  • Gamble - Roosevelt right; planks wrong
  • Theme Song - Wheeler whistles; people realize need for draft
  • A Top Spins - R.R. Reynolds speaks Monrovian defense, but let's not fight too fast for islands over there
  • The Falklands - Argentina bellies up in Nazified demands; portends problem with Latin-America, ABC's
  • Scapegoats - Pups, Laval and Flandin, shocked, shocked at involvement and defeat; Daladier usual suspect
  • Hull Wins - Havana meet successful on Pan-Am union against Hitler on French and British possessions
  • Hopeful Signs - Heel's promise of goods to Latin America stymied; must replace with U.S.-bought goods
  • Non-Sequitur - Wheeler says draft=militarism; history says otherwise
  • Monkey Wrench - Argentina, with Euro-trade, manipulated by Heel, wants Falklands; B, C may follow
  • Latins Balk - Congress dispirits L. America; Argen., Colum., Venez., Uruguay, Mex. balk in resolve
  • Bale Fire - Complacency that Britain will defeat Hitler alone, Congressional wish-thinking
  • War Aim - Wheeler gang seeks scot-free Germany, but punishment of Nazis must be exacted in kind
  • Poison Seller - Tobey's charges that U.S. involved in convoy foundless, hysterical--no right to divide us
  • A Complaint - Gerald Nye slams FDR for egging small countries to oppose Hitler; give up? face alone?
  • Wire Them! - N.C. Sen. Reynolds should not head Military Affairs Committee; ignorant, hates Britain
  • *A Committee -Reynolds will hamstring U.S. foreign policy; Steering Committee has power to block
  • Mere Tools - Sailor-saboteurs, pawns; thugs in Italian and German "embassies" gave orders, should pay
  • Expert Talks - Maj. Seversky in Mercury knows more than Lindbergh; says G.B. will win in air war--key
  • Sad Show - Gerald Nye makes America ineffectual; so too does FDR with patrols which are all but war
  • *Pay Off - Support of Robert Rice Reynolds promotion to Military Affairs chair by seniority intolerable
  • Accurate Term - F.D.R. properly calls Lindbergh "Copperhead", i.e. appeaser; too many ties to fascism
  • Fair Enough - Lindbergh no quisling, but desire of "negotiated peace" with Nazi leaves Britain slave
  • Double Talk - While appeasing appeasers with "neutrality", we are at war by patrolling whole Atlantic


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  • Candidate - The word too often belies the toga's adorner
  • A Flaw in Frank - New Republican policy man vast improvement; liberal in true sense, but too general
  • *Bauer's Swap - Farmers in South vote on cotton and tobacco quotas in 1938; do as they will
  • Getting Mr. Gannett  - Though Gannett rabid anti-New Dealer, still has rights to freedom of speech
  • A Sensible Veto - N.Y. Gov. wise to veto bill stopping "Red" employment; front for hurting unpopular
  • Playing With Fire - Hague's suppression of free speech, involving Catholic Veterans to do it, unwise
  • Not Proved - Sabotage of ship or human, mechanical error?
  • Whirligig - Hull's reciprocal trade agreements mainly do not hurt farmers--no bananas; but facts needed
  • Dose - Wallace reluctantly accepted as V.P.
  • Handicap - Willkie's fat cat finance chairman hampers business-as-fair image
  • A Dismissal - Hard to understand replacement for Asst. Sec. of War
  • Who's Calling? - Willkie paints FDR with machine-pols, but Wendell has his own, too
  • Blind Spot - Willkie nomination foreshadowed, not seen
  • Wrong Man - Martin Dies should not be allowed to transfer his "revelations" to the Senate from Texas


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  • *Tribute to An Egg - Jersey City Mayor Hague may exceed Hitler, Mussolini, and Japanese warlords
  • *See No Evil - Censorship in South Carolina so silly in cinema: "A flagon of double-strength root beer"?
  • Assignment - Morrison still party man, but what does he really think?
  • Versatile Man - Shrewd Pappy passes pension bill back signed but unpaid
  • *Resilient - Despite losses, corrupt Pendergast machine in K.C. will re-emerge like the other machines
  • *Gambler - Mayor of New Orleans has loaded dice on oil deal under Earl Long's administration
  • *Poor Excuse - LaGuardia's polling proper of NYC police for membership in fascist organizations
  • 90 or 87? - County does not need to raise tax
  • Venial Sin - Earl Long greased but not caught--yet
  • In This Ring - Clowns and braying whirlwinds=Texas, nay American, pols; Pappy and his hillbilly band


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  • On the Button! - Wake Forest dons say no to Baptists re sole dancing
  • *Dangerous Weapon - The ice-pick should be outlawed or changed so it won't pierce vitals
  • Note On Our Heritage - As with old Col. Wilson of Ark., South's concept of honor included violence
  • *Cops and Sanctity - Effort to enforce Blue Laws makes little sense; baseball, golf, tennis prohibited?
  • Soliloquy - Groundhog Day, me and you, my shadow--and editors with their pens looking at the weather
  • *Add--Their Manners - Morality of dime cabs in Charlotte deserves hearing; but must drive better
  • *Tit for Tat - A look at taxes on filing day; need to ask IRS some questions
  • A Slander Retracted - No evidence to show disloyalty of Du Ponts in WWI; mere sensational smear
  • Vernal Equinox - The same the world over, as sun enters the Ram; winds to howl, rains will fall, lightning
  • Needed: Some Corns - Easier life leaves more time to worry of things elsewhere--Hitler, Mussolini
  • *Forest of Figures - Finding out much from Government's "Statistical Abstract of United States"
  • Record - Criminal past slow to catch up
  • *Hot Death - Summer murders; but hotter places than Charlotte
  • It's An Art - "What'll you have, cold plate or hot roast beef sandwich?"
  • Fabulous Man - Fired machinist defies authority, sails Ark from Seattle to Juneau; re-employed

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