The Charlotte News
Sunday, May 19, 1940
Site Ed. Note: For further elucidation of the symbol of which Cash makes mention here, read The Mason-bees, by Jean-Henri Fabre. (For another Cash reference to Fabre's "astounding bees and wasps", in The Mind of the South, comparing in a different context the intuitive, instinctive qualities of the Southern peasant of the land to those exhibited by the honey-makers, see Book I, Chapter II, section 7, page 45.)
Which Sums up What Adolf Hitler Wants of the World
The Berlin radio station calls upon the Belgian Army and people to imitate the Dutch and lay down their arms. Germany, it says, does not want war with the Belgian people. The German High Command instructs the Dutch Army to remain in the burning cities of Rotterdam, Utrecht, and Amsterdam, "to keep order and avoid further sacrifices of human life."
Moloch weeps over the babies frying in his red-hot arms.
Nevertheless, it is perfectly true that Adolf Hitler did not want war with Belgium or Holland. A hundred thousand Dutch soldiers, vast numbers of women and children, lie dead in the Dutch charnel house, murdered by Adolf Hitler. But it is true all the same that he did not want war with Holland or Belgium or England and France or any nation on earth. This is why: if the Dutch hosts lie slain, yet all the roads in Holland are lined with corpses of the Nazi hogs who murdered them. And Adolf Hitler is very anxious for the Nazis to live to enjoy the Master Race status he means to win for them. What Adolf really wanted was to eat up the world into slavery by piecemeal as he ate up Czechoslovakia--without the loss of a single Nazi.
It is true that Hitler does not want war and the destruction of the cities he takes, wants no waste of human life. For every man, woman, and child killed by his hogs is a precious slave lost.
In one of Jean-Henri Fabre's studies of the insects, there is an account of a wasp which provides for its brood in this manner. It seizes on the huge dung-beetle, with cool and unerring precision strikes its dagger into the ganglia of the victim--just deep enough to keep it living in a state of paralysis for months, never enough to kill. Then it lays its eggs inside the beetle's body, content in the knowledge that when the young wasps are hatched they will have the living body of their host for food. The wasp is Adolf Hitler.
Even Fall of Paris May Not Mean Hitler Victory
The fall of Antwerp and other bad news from Europe is discouraging enough, but the assumption that the Allies are bound to be defeated is still too precipitate.
The next German objective after Antwerp is the taking of the French Channel ports and Paris. The British stopped the advance on the Channel ports in 1914 when all seemed lost. They may be able to duplicate the feat again, for this time they will undoubtedly have active French support as they did not before. And in addition the area to be defended is protected by the Little Maginot Line as it was not the last time--unless, of course, the German columns from Sedan break through and take the defenders in the flank.
Moreover, the attack on Paris this time extends only over a comparative narrow wedge driven into the French lines, whereas at the Battle of the Marne the city was enveloped by a vast crescent. That may be repeated, of course, before the city is actually attacked, but the spreading out of the German columns still remains to be accomplished.
Even if Paris falls, the French are not necessarily defeated. That ended the war of 1870, but because of internal collapse of a rotten regime.
The Schlieffen "door" plan calls for the closing in of German forces, safely established in the Northwest of France, to meet German forces advancing across the Eastern border of France and squeezing the French forces between. But before that becomes feasible the Germans have first to break into Eastern France. That calls for breaking the heavy Maginot Line, a feat quite different from piercing the relatively light defenses south and east of Sedan, or flanking it by successful attack through Switzerland or from the North. The latter involves overcoming the great fortresses of Metz and Verdun.
Yet again, the French can always retire beyond the Loire and continue their fight in the great mountainous plateau of Central France, a battleground where every advantage would be with them.
It is not unlikely that when the Germans begin their attempt to break into Eastern France, they will be supported by Mussolini's army. Even so, he will have to strike through the Alpine passes, where again every natural advantage is with the defenders.
As for taking them, Mr. Hitler will have a job which will make his present one look like child's play. His success so far has mainly depended upon the combination: parachutists -- airplanes -- tanks. First the parachutists are landed under cover of heavy airplane protection, to seize key objectives. Then the tank columns pour up, under cover of vast fleets of low-flying planes, to support them and consolidate the position. Without the support of the tanks the parachutists are not particularly formidable, and even though they are landed in vast numbers. For they are armed only with very light weapons, and can be blasted out of a position once the defense has time to employ artillery and bombs.
In point of fact, it is exceedingly doubtful that parachute troops can successfully be landed in England in any great numbers, despite recent stories by some correspondents, for the good reason that England is defended by great numbers of fighting planes. We have heard little of the parachute maneuver in France. Which suggests that it is effective mainly against countries very weak in the air.
The problem of Hitler, therefore, is to land tanks and artillery in England. The English problem is to keep him from seizing a port long enough to achieve the aim.
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